WFO .... Brodie rode with two broken ribs...

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Patriot, I do not mean to be a wiseass, unless the

job is open, please check out Brodies bio, 2006AE,

now, check out his foot shift lever, its all twisted

up, he has that little switch thingy by his left

hand. Thats how he dood it!


Patriot, I do not mean to be a wiseass, unless the job is open, please check out Brodies bio, 2006AE,

now, check out his foot shift lever, its all twisted

up, he has that little switch thingy by his left

hand. Thats how he dood it!

it was tongue in cheek...guess I need to express that implicitly next time <NOT> :rolleyes: :yahoo:

Hey Brodie, how are ya feeling these days and how's the healing going ??? :clapping:

let's ride safe and be careful out there and dodge those wildlife charges,

Mike in Nawlins'

Hey Brodie, how are ya feeling these days and how's the healing going ??? :clapping:
let's ride safe and be careful out there and dodge those wildlife charges,

Mike in Nawlins'


I'm doing fine. I'm a little stiff when I wake up in the morning, but a good HOT shower takes care of that. The doctor said it will take roughly 6 weeks for the bones to stitch back together as good as new. I have a few more weeks to go. I have pretty much full range of motion, but I cant move suddenly.

Essentially if it hurts, don't do it.
Aside from that, I'm back to work and doing just fine. The more I move the better I feel.

Thanks for asking. :)


Brodie is one of the good ones.... he has helped me with my knowledge of the FJR, always has a smile and a laugh.. ( thats cuz he talks to himself )...

and is always in motion to "give something back"....

And he really makes me look bad...... I gotta stop hangin around that bastage....... ;>


Hey Brodie, how are ya feeling these days and how's the healing going ??? :clapping:
let's ride safe and be careful out there and dodge those wildlife charges,

Mike in Nawlins'


I'm doing fine. I'm a little stiff when I wake up in the morning, but a good HOT shower takes care of that. The doctor said it will take roughly 6 weeks for the bones to stitch back together as good as new. I have a few more weeks to go. I have pretty much full range of motion, but I cant move suddenly.

Essentially if it hurts, don't do it.
Aside from that, I'm back to work and doing just fine. The more I move the better I feel.

Thanks for asking. :)

Glad to hear this Brodie; and good to meet you at WFO. Just remember you are an old fart. A tough mo' fo' old fart to be sure.... old bones take longer to heal than when you were young. They heal better and faster if you take it a tad easy on them. No lifting buildings or racing speeding trains, OK?

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I'm just glad we weren't riding through an Elephant Preserve.
You got that right, nothing like coming around a curve leaned over and seeing a 50 lb. blob of elephant poop strewn across your path. It's the fastest way to grease 2 spinning tires.
