After 13 straight days of work, finally got a day off. Did I mow the yard, trim some bushes or cuddle with the wife? Hell NO! I took a nice leisurely ride for a few hrs. Very nice!
I installed PR4's [thanks escapefjrtist], clean rear break caliper, cleaned and lubed foot brake shaft and bled the brakes. Got to clean the rest of the dirty pig today.
I'm pretty sure it was an AC Delco someone found at a stupid low price and which is still sitting on my shelf. I had that lined up to be my next battery but when the time came I decided to go with an OEM instead. I think it was how they packaged it that convinced me. It came all nicely wrapped in Liquid Graphite plastic.Now that you mention it, I had my '07's battery in my bike for 6 years. I think the only reason it started to crash was because I think I cooked it with a trickle charger. This forum had me all paranoid about my battery dying and I was using something I wasn't sure how to use. Lol.Something different about the batteries that were put in the '07s. I'm still on my original, too! Only time I used a Battery Tender was a little last winter and about two days before bringing it out last month. I have a MotoBatt waiting to go in and an XP3 under the seat, just in case.I started it up for the first time since last December!!
It has sat, since then, in my unheated attached garage in the frigid northeast. Since I planned on replacing the battery this year (10 years old and 163,800 miles), I didn't have it on a tender (never use one anyway) all winter and did not do my customary every-two-months top-up trickle charge. Battery was connected to the bike the whole time so there would still be a (very small) parasitic draw to keep the clock and computer alive. This is in addition to the natural self-discharge for any AGM battery. Just for fun, I thought I would see if there was ANY juice in the battery after almost four months of unattended cold storage. Turn key, dash lights up, needles sweep. It cranked a little slower and longer than I would generally prefer but it fired up after maybe 5 seconds!! I'll have it on the trickle charger for a few hours tonight.The use of battery tenders is way overrated!! Never understood why people seem to think the bike has to be plugged in after every ride (or even if they aren't riding for a week). More likely to damage the battery by overcharge if you are not using a temperature-compensated charger or if voltage calibration and cut-off voltage are not correct. (Does anyone check theirs regularly???)
I am still going to swap out this battery this year. The old one can produce the volts OK while cranking but I suspect that the ampere-hour capacity is well down from new. I wouldn't want to get stranded somewhere remote (I do a lot of motorcycle camping) and have a starting problem. (Will probably pick up one of the Lithium emergency starter batteries in case of primary battery problems and to charge electronics - cell phone, tablet, Bluetooth speaker, Sena etc.)
Maybe it would still be going, maybe not, I'll never know. What I do know, is the battery I replaced it with is still going strong, and it was that super cheap one a bunch of us jumped on. I can't even remember what brand it is. Lol...
Very surprised, Dave. I had always received excellent service from Revzilla in the past.Maybe the title should read what didn't I do to my feejer today.
Why did I have this feeling that this was going to happen? Common sense no longer exists anymore. Who in their right mind would toss a steel rack on top of a plastic case and expect it to get to its destination unscathed. GEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZ
UPS at their finest.
Duh, you think, Really!
So now I have to go through hassle of sending it back and waiting another 2 weeks. GRRRRRRRRR!
Already called the vendor and they are sending me a shipping label to return it. This **** shouldn't even happen. I will report on how this goes since I just got off the phone with the folks. I have to fill out a form and send pictures now.