What did you do to your FJR today?

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Don't sweat it, BG....odie doesn't have an "ol' lady" either....he has a "trainer"...who obviously is failing miserably.

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Completed the re-assembly of the rear of the bike. Tomorrow we pull the forks and install the new fork springs and reset the oil level in the forks with the recommended fork oil (Maxima Racing Fork Oil 5W).

Rode to work, then got board & went for another ride for a hour or so, then back to my shop & thought Nah it's to good a day to work lets go for another ride,

well it;s not every day i get out for a ride so why not. The weather was 34 & clear blue sky.

Got the bits back from the paint shop. Now to get them fitted.[img=[URL="https://i1304.photobucket.com/albums/s522/hopetoun/null_zps7c1fddf8.jpg%5D"]https://i1304.photobucket.com/albums/s522/hopetoun/null_zps7c1fddf8.jpg][/URL]
What was the cost to get this painted if you do not mind me asking looks nice & clean
Brill job. Cost £120. Done by a firm that do professional racing bikes over here. Cheaper than some competitors too. Got the hand guards fitted this morning. Foot shields will take me a bit longer.

"It's the little things..."
The former Miss Lucy Liu had an exciting and well-traveled life in her first ten years. Now that she's entered the Witness Protection Program and relocated from the desert to the coast, she's beginning a new life. Her WitSec handlers get a bit nervous when folks look at her 'face' and recognize her!

All those stickers - memories of some of her previous exploits - belong in an album (or a drawer) at Don's. So after the little breakfast ride on Saturday I went down in the garage with a hairdryer and did a little "cosmetic" surgery on Lucille's face.

After heating and peeling, then it was a careful scrub with Goo Gone, a rinse with Windex and a polish with Lemon Pledge.

For a gal with her... experience, she looks pretty darn good!


Yeah, good job there. You'd have to be a bit of a poofter to ride around with someone else's stickers on your bike.

Is that the "short bus" version FJR?

(The aspect ratio of your picture is wrong)

This would be the 2up version FJR.. . least until the wife learns how to pack
I was making fun of the picture, Tony, not your bike. It isn't displaying right for some reason. THe aspect ratio isn't fixed so depending on the window size it looks horizontally squashed down

Don't sweat it, BG....odie doesn't have an "ol' lady" either....he has a "trainer"...who obviously is failing miserably.

She may not know it right now but I think you just made her list, rh.

Granma 'Howie always said, "It's better to be hated than be ignored."

You may have just defined my marriage. Thanks.....thanks a lot.

Damn, man...you're killin' me!
Trust me, I've read your book....probably lived most of it for ya.

.Geez, this is some heavy product up in here.
Don't ya hate it when you edit your own post, delete the content, and some jackass puts the quote back in???

I shoulda stopped drinking when the sun came up.

Fitted garauld plates and pegs, nice ! need To go on a ride now, and had a good chat with achiu on the mv riser, gonna give it another go when I get some nut replacements for the m8's - cant say enough good things about this forum and it's members and I'm still only a newb

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Unpacked my new to me Rifle screen with angulator thingy. That makes 4 screens I have for this bike. Designing a rack so I can carry them all with me in case a change is warranted due to different conditions. Is there a 12 step program for this?

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Fitted garauld plates and pegs, nice ! need To go on a ride now, and had a good chat with achiu on the mv riser, gonna give it another go when I get some nut replacements for the m8's - cant say enough good things about this forum and it's members and I'm still only a newb
Just wait.....we will change your attitude to this forum.
