I started saving for retirement right out of high school. I had a few years of wasteful living and then got right back on track. After I got married, my wife and I decided that we were going to live as wisely as possible. We have had no credit card debt for about 12 years, built our own house and have an incredibly low mortgage and saved for cars and paid cash, but on my truck did finance it for two years to take advantage of a 0% deal--BTW waste of time. We have managed to already have our retirement to the point where most look at theirs and and fear that day when they can no longer work. We have not been able to have children, thus have just, as Fred W put it, hobbies and charities to spend any disposable income on. My hobbies are more expensive than my wife's, so it all evens out. I and my wife have started loosening up and beginning to enjoy what we have. TWN's passing is a prime example of why.
Enjoy what you have today and enjoy the fact that you have earned every farkle you have. B) It is more satisifying that way.