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After I retired, I had to go touring with Chip'n Dales part time to afford the farkles. :glare:


#1 Rule: Live within your means. Being debt-free is a beautiful thing, but requires A LOT of discipline, and it HAS to be a team-effort if you're married. It means thinking about every purchase (is it really needed or not) and constantly thinking about retirement. No big-screen with 500 channels, or 5,000 sq foot home here (but I do dream of having a 3-car garage someday).

Work-wise, for me it was owning my own computer business for the past 11 years, allowing me enough bucks to ride Harley's. That is, until I saw the light. I wish I'd seen the light sooner, I could have had two FJR's for what my last H-D cost. So when the Harley went away the FJR was paid for, as were the farkles. After that, it's just gas (and oil, and tires, and......)

After I retired, I had to go touring with Chip'n Dales part time to afford the farkles. :glare:
That singing chipmunk duo?

I started saving for retirement right out of high school. I had a few years of wasteful living and then got right back on track. After I got married, my wife and I decided that we were going to live as wisely as possible. We have had no credit card debt for about 12 years, built our own house and have an incredibly low mortgage and saved for cars and paid cash, but on my truck did finance it for two years to take advantage of a 0% deal--BTW waste of time. We have managed to already have our retirement to the point where most look at theirs and and fear that day when they can no longer work. We have not been able to have children, thus have just, as Fred W put it, hobbies and charities to spend any disposable income on. My hobbies are more expensive than my wife's, so it all evens out. I and my wife have started loosening up and beginning to enjoy what we have. TWN's passing is a prime example of why.
Enjoy what you have today and enjoy the fact that you have earned every farkle you have. B) It is more satisifying that way.

I have two boys and I am a charity..... would you like to donate :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Of course, as an alternative, you can be a mule for Silent :huh:
....so.....he's out grown the sheep, has he?

(It's Friday in Nova Scotia)
Never out grow sheep


Just need a good patch kit :p

i,obviously from the name am a mobile dj,i get paid decent money to go work usually 1 day a week,before that i was a welder on the railroad for 20 years.that was hard nasty work but oh well,if i live long enough rr retirement will be ok.now its just weddings and partys.also if you go to the los angeles county fair i will be playing music there over by the nhra museum.thats how i get my farkles,doesnt hurt that the wife works for the phone company to.... :yahoo:

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If you're a teacher and you love to ride, consider becoming a MSF certified instructor. Not only will will you be able to teach something (else) that you love, but the extra income will buy a LOT of gas and farkles.
Some of the benefits I've realized since becoming an instructor is A.) the vendor discounts can be spectacular and B.) the extra income pays for my fuel, oil changes and farkles :rolleyes:
This is why I am a MSF coach.

My day job is pushing paper for a company that makes slot machines. On the side I teach scuba, first aid, CPR, and motorcycle safety to pay for the toys I want.

I currently build hardware that winds up in low earth orbit... it pays the bills. :)

I take medication to ensure I don't get the dreaded "Rugrat" disease.

I also engage in a strict regimen of casual relationships with women in the search of a sugar momma. Although I haven't found one yet I'm fairly sure by broadcasting this desire...I've also avoided being targeted as a sugar daddy.

The addition of a fuel cell that semi-permanently resides where a pillion sits has also helped keep my bank account stocked well enough to afford the FJR as a well-farkled mistress.

That and I masturbate a lot. :blink:

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Seems like people on here are constantly adding farkles with endless amounts of income. Do you have to sacrifice other things or is your job paying that well?
Some of us have added things over time so the "cost" was spread out. Some people bought their bikes with certain changes in mind and had the money (or credit card) to do so. Some simply CAN buy things. Some want to buy add-ons and save or budget the money before the purchase. You only see the posts that are the end result of the particular purchase, not the planning that went beforehand.

I don't know that there is one category in which you could place every owner.

In my case, my daughter knows I'm spending her inheritance....

....and enjoying it! :yahoo: :yahoo:
