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Bloody forners

I have to lick the road clean every day with me tongue!

You had easy. At least you had a road to lick. We had to eat our way up a dirt lane!

Nada..bastards made me quit after my 9th heart attack....and my FJR was 3 months old...90% of my FJR payments are gratis social security...he will be mine in 09! I teach a little guitar now and eat real good, found a sugar mama nurse and ride 3 wheelies a week minimium...1st thru 3rd gears if you please....and sleep far too much. My heart is crap but my spirit is invincible ! :yahoo: ( i use the internet and these wise dudes advise on farkling and maintanence ) Enjoy every day !



My bike is more or less bare bones. no mapping GPS. no satellite radio. no radar detector. no auxiliary lights. no flux capacitor.

So far I've still been able to avoid getting lost, being bored, getting a ticket, or riding into something in the dark.

I wish I could afford all that ****, but I settle for being able to make some of the things I can't buy.

(see handle for occupation)

I also engage in a strict regimen of casual relationships with women in the search of a sugar momma. Although I haven't found one yet I'm fairly sure by broadcasting this desire...I've also avoided being targeted as a sugar daddy.
The addition of a fuel cell that semi-permanently resides where a pillion sits has also helped keep my bank account stocked well enough to afford the FJR as a well-farkled mistress.

That and I masturbate a lot. :blink:
Ig, try hanging out around medical schools or university hospitals. Watch for the crusty old dude who climbs in the porsche in the parking lot. Take note of the color scrubs he's wearing. Chicks wearing the same color scrubs in the hospital are also surgeons... Presto, you've got yourself a land of sugar mommas. Lots of bennies: they don't have time to ride pillion, make lots of money, hardly ever around, if/when they divorce your sorry butt you get a hefty alimony check, oh yeah, and you can keep that last little habit mentioned above :blink:

Man, yesterday I helped ponyfool find an unclaimed $50, today I'm helping Iggy land a sugar momma. Where does my generosity end? :D

i sit behind a desk most of the day reading the FJRforum and hearing stories about Iggy playing with himself :blink:

DAMN i need a new job :p

i sit behind a desk most of the day reading the FJRforum and hearing stories about Iggy playing with himself :blink:

DAMN i need a new job :p
Yeah, the fact that he actually does something and the rest of you just watch really is a sad commentary.

Oh, almost forgot about the original intent of the thread: I sell women's shoes.

When ever we finally do meet, Iggy, I'll remember to wear gloves when we shake hands. :unsure:
After that comment, I don't wanna meet him. Unless he's really a her, then I would.

Me? I fly a desk for one of the biggest companies nobody's heard of. It's a job and I enjoy it.

Ig, try hanging out around medical schools or university hospitals.
Yeah I tried that. Met my wife when she was still in veterinary school...cha-ching...I thought. Now she works part time and spends most of that bringing her mother to visit! :angry2:

My job is being father of 3...and I do some computer crap for insurance companies around the world! The former is more satisfying, the latter more lucrative!

If you have an FJR and also get the summer off, I think you have the best farkle there is - TIME.

Plus, as a teacher, you have an honorable career.

Me, I'm the guy that realized I need to live life early, and see and experience what I can. (I do still put 10% in my 410k first though). I also learned that the number of hours I work never come up in my annual appraisals, and no-one ever talks about how great of an employee you were at your wake.

I'm a system administrator, which is keeping me comfortable at least until I get married again and maybe have kids.

Computer/Web programmer for a cable company and, to my disappointment 'Other duties as assigned'.

Meh. Its time for a career change. The thought of buying a hot dog cart and setting it up at the beach sounds REALLY good right now. I'll just sell foot-longs. It'll be great entertainment watching the women folk snarf on them, and the guys feeling really uncomfortable with them.

I am an amateur OBGYN...dont get paid a real salary, but my job satisfaction rating is off the chart! :glare:


'04 FJR 1300

Me, I own a payroll processing company (like ADP only better!) and ride every chance I get.

I should have been a pimp like my mother wanted...

I surf the forum, and am waiting to get in trouble for it. Otherwise I manage more information than one person should.
