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totally agree. they still can't fathom why i'm not interested in poppin out babies every year like the rest of my crazy cousins.
that would be a great plate on a bike or a fabulous ride like you have. somehow it just wouldn't work on my G6. even though it is a good lookin car, its too cheap for that kinda statement.
Fixed it for ya... ;)
holy typo! :dribble: thanks for the fix dude!!!!
NP. And with no mentions of a slip of the Freudian variety... :p
Freud wore slips, I didn't know that.

totally agree. they still can't fathom why i'm not interested in poppin out babies every year like the rest of my crazy cousins.
that would be a great plate on a bike or a fabulous ride like you have. somehow it just wouldn't work on my G6. even though it is a good lookin car, its too cheap for that kinda statement.
Fixed it for ya... ;)
holy typo! :dribble: thanks for the fix dude!!!!
NP. And with no mentions of a slip of the Freudian variety... :p
Freud wore slips, I didn't know that.
You learn something new every day. I always pegged Freud as a tutu man.

I knock over a liquor stores and taco shops now and then. I usually do it when I am out on a ride at least 200 miles from my house. I go in and get the money. Just get what is in the register then I am out the door. Then I jump on the bike and take off. I alway have on my helmet so they can't see me . They key is to not hit too many places too close to home and not hit too many in one night.

I work at the P.D. on cruisers, I make cruisers out of them from stock vehicles, and maintain them.....so we can catch drug dealers, and robbery perps!!!

My job is spending too much time in front of the computer at work looking at what my next farkle will be. Oh yah and if your plane gets delayed don't blame me, it's not my computers :huh: :huh: :huh: :p

And my most favorite side job is being a MSF instructor.

Law enforcement, in the southeast US no less (where the salaries are the lowest in the nation)... but with 12 years in and some rank on me, and no kids/wife to steal money... Well, I like my toys.

Owns a staffing agency business. Paid myself every month and can buy any farkle I want but so far not much except for frame sliders and G2 throttle.

I have 2 kids so although I have all the time off work, can't really ride long distance because of school or got to have a whole family vacation. Raising kids is the priority for now.

When the kids go to college in a few years, that's a different story.

When the kids go to college in a few years, that's a different story.
You're damn straight it'll be different because that's when you'll be broke, like you probably never were before.

My advice after putting 3 through college? Sports.

Hound the little bastards until they find a sport that they can get a scholarship in. There's lot's of 'em (varsity sports). Your best bet is to stay away from the big 2 (American football and Basketball). Your kid doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell.

Here's my college "accounts" sheet:

1st kid (female) great student, wanted to be a teacher. I took a hard line and MADE HER PICK A STATE COLLEGE. cost out of pocket: ~$40k total. A bargain.

2nd kid (female) even better student. Wanted to be a medical laboratory scientist. Played tennis, but I started her in high school, too late (sophomore year). She played D3 tennis at a private (very nice) school with a good med tech program. cost out of pocket ~$ I lost track. More than $100k of money I don't have. She worked for 2 years and is now going to a 2 year graduate program to become a Physician's assistant (on her own loans).

3rd kid (male). Good kid (great kid) but has a really rough time with math and sciences. Spent all his time playing sports, not studying. Played lots of soccer, baseball, basketball, lacrosse, etc... Found track and field in middle school. Excelled in High school track and now has a full ride scholarship to State University of New York covering both his 4 year undergrad and, because he has national level potential, they are extending his scholarship through 1 year of graduate school. 5 years of University, should get a masters. Cost out of pocket ~ $5k (first semester was not full boat).

Know what? All 3 kids were (are) on deans list in the colleges. But my kids are not brainiacs (any more than I am... ;) ). College isn't that hard if they aren't hung over every day. Sports keeps 'em busy and gives them immediate short term goals when they can't visualize how all the reading, writing and 'rithmatic is going to get them anywhere.

When the kids go to college in a few years, that's a different story.
You're damn straight it'll be different because that's when you'll be broke, like you probably never were before.

My advice after putting 3 through college? Sports.

Hound the little bastards until they find a sport that they can get a scholarship in. There's lot's of 'em (varsity sports). Your best bet is to stay away from the big 2 (American football and Basketball). Your kid doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell.

Here's my college "accounts" sheet:

1st kid (female) great student, wanted to be a teacher. I took a hard line and MADE HER PICK A STATE COLLEGE. cost out of pocket: ~$40k total. A bargain.

2nd kid (female) even better student. Wanted to be a medical laboratory scientist. Played tennis, but I started her in high school, too late (sophomore year). She played D3 tennis at a private (very nice) school with a good med tech program. cost out of pocket ~$ I lost track. More than $100k of money I don't have. She worked for 2 years and is now going to a 2 year graduate program to become a Physician's assistant (on her own loans).

3rd kid (male). Good kid (great kid) but has a really rough time with math and sciences. Spent all his time playing sports, not studying. Played lots of soccer, baseball, basketball, lacrosse, etc... Found track and field in middle school. Excelled in High school track and now has a full ride scholarship to State University of New York covering both his 4 year undergrad and, because he has national level potential, they are extending his scholarship through 1 year of graduate school. 5 years of University, should get a masters. Cost out of pocket ~ $5k (first semester was not full boat).

Know what? All 3 kids were (are) on deans list in the colleges. But my kids are not brainiacs (any more than I am... ;) ). College isn't that hard if they aren't hung over every day. Sports keeps 'em busy and gives them immediate short term goals when they can't visualize how all the reading, writing and 'rithmatic is going to get them anywhere.
Good advice. We started saving for their college ed (529 plans- Alaska) when they were babies. They are 10 and 13 y.o right now and don't know about it. They are not the smartest bunch but I am pretty sure they can get academic scholarships or at least one of them.

College now a days is so expensive (I don't know why), it is so prohibitive it really scares me the more I think about it.

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When the kids go to college in a few years, that's a different story.
You're damn straight it'll be different because that's when you'll be broke, like you probably never were before.

My advice after putting 3 through college? Sports.

Hound the little bastards until they find a sport that they can get a scholarship in. There's lot's of 'em (varsity sports). Your best bet is to stay away from the big 2 (American football and Basketball). Your kid doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell.

Here's my college "accounts" sheet:

1st kid (female) great student, wanted to be a teacher. I took a hard line and MADE HER PICK A STATE COLLEGE. cost out of pocket: ~$40k total. A bargain.

2nd kid (female) even better student. Wanted to be a medical laboratory scientist. Played tennis, but I started her in high school, too late (sophomore year). She played D3 tennis at a private (very nice) school with a good med tech program. cost out of pocket ~$ I lost track. More than $100k of money I don't have. She worked for 2 years and is now going to a 2 year graduate program to become a Physician's assistant (on her own loans).

3rd kid (male). Good kid (great kid) but has a really rough time with math and sciences. Spent all his time playing sports, not studying. Played lots of soccer, baseball, basketball, lacrosse, etc... Found track and field in middle school. Excelled in High school track and now has a full ride scholarship to State University of New York covering both his 4 year undergrad and, because he has national level potential, they are extending his scholarship through 1 year of graduate school. 5 years of University, should get a masters. Cost out of pocket ~ $5k (first semester was not full boat).

Know what? All 3 kids were (are) on deans list in the colleges. But my kids are not brainiacs (any more than I am... ;) ). College isn't that hard if they aren't hung over every day. Sports keeps 'em busy and gives them immediate short term goals when they can't visualize how all the reading, writing and 'rithmatic is going to get them anywhere.
Good advice. We started saving for their college ed (529 plans- Alaska) when they were babies. They are 10 and 13 y.o right now and don't know about it. They are not the smartest bunch but I am pretty sure they can get academic scholarships or at least one of them.

College now a days is so expensive (I don't know why), it is so prohibitive it really scares me the more I think about it.

cardingtr, I just PMed you about that name. I grew up in a small town in Ohio named Cardington. Any significance?
3rd kid (male). Good kid (great kid) but has a really rough time with math and sciences. Spent all his time playing sports, not studying. Played lots of soccer, baseball, basketball, lacrosse, etc... Found track and field in middle school. Excelled in High school track and now has a full ride scholarship to State University of New York covering both his 4 year undergrad and, because he has national level potential, they are extending his scholarship through 1 year of graduate school. 5 years of University, should get a masters. Cost out of pocket ~ $5k (first semester was not full boat).
Hey Fred,

Is that the SUNY campus located in Mckownville. I grew up on Glenwood St which dead ends into the Campus. Boy the things I used to do at the campus as a kid. :dribble: :dribble:

Just like my name says, I work for a company which provides audio visual support, primarily in hotels to corporate meetings and events. And since Vegas is the number one meeting market, I keep busy (although I am actually in NYC ATM). I am damn good at what I do, so I am compensated accordingly. Between that, no kids, and a wife that works and manages our money well, I have been pretty good about getting the toys I want, and the accessories I think they need.

And bret, its never really too hot to ride, I've been commuting almost daily ;)

And bret, its never really too hot to ride, I've been commuting almost daily ;)
Yeah, well..... I hate the heat. Grew up in CO. I am usually ok up to about 100 or so but after that I start to melt. Besides, sweating messes up my hair under the helmet!!! :rolleyes:

Back on topic... Sorry!!

Good advice. We started saving for their college ed (529 plans- Alaska) when they were babies. They are 10 and 13 y.o right now and don't know about it. They are not the smartest bunch but I am pretty sure they can get academic scholarships or at least one of them.

College now a days is so expensive (I don't know why), it is so prohibitive it really scares me the more I think about it.

I don't understand why college got so expensive, either.

I was talking to my brother the other day and he said when he got home from Viet Nam, he paid $69 a semester for a 15 hour load.

GI Bill paid him $250 a month.

I have the most hated profession among normal people...

I drive one of those killer 18 Wheelers.

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I have the most hated profession among normal people...
I drive one of those killer 18 Wheelers.
Now now, we don't hate your profession, only some of your peers. :rolleyes: I kind of enjoy the challenge of working my way past those rolling roadblocks. And the wakes from both the front and rear vary enough by model that it keeps me awake when riding on the slab.

OTOH, there are some drivers who should not be on the road regardless of what vehicle they are driving.

I have the most hated profession among normal people...
I drive one of those killer 18 Wheelers.
I've got enough windsheild time to trust the guy pushing that semi down the road to do the right thing a lot futher that the cage driver.

3rd kid (male). Good kid (great kid) but has a really rough time with math and sciences. Spent all his time playing sports, not studying. Played lots of soccer, baseball, basketball, lacrosse, etc... Found track and field in middle school. Excelled in High school track and now has a full ride scholarship to State University of New York covering both his 4 year undergrad and, because he has national level potential, they are extending his scholarship through 1 year of graduate school. 5 years of University, should get a masters. Cost out of pocket ~ $5k (first semester was not full boat).
Hey Fred,

Is that the SUNY campus located in Mckownville. I grew up on Glenwood St which dead ends into the Campus. Boy the things I used to do at the campus as a kid. :dribble: :dribble:
Yeah, that's the one, SUNY Albany. And the crazy stuff still goes on there, just the same as it does at every other college campus in the USA. I can not for the life of me figure out why it costs so much to send your kid off for a great 4-year party. :glare:

I run the HR Dept. and do all the pre-employment screening for the world's largest strip club chain....(At least until I wake up.)...After all, this IS the place we get to take on an alter-ego and secret identity, isn't it???
Until your 'friends' out you for what you really are ;)
I'll tell you what he does for a living. He's a frickin' telemarketer for Ronco. I got a call one night from some a**wipe trying to sell me some tiny fishing thing, and I recognized the voice. Sheesh. I wonder if his mother knows how he makes a living.
