What program should I use for this?

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2006
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Portland, OR
We have a form here called a Problem Identification Form. We use it when citizens call in to complain about a neighborhood problem that do not warrant going through dispatch. The desk folks fill out the forms and turn them in to a supervisor.

I would like to make the forms electronic instead. When someone calls in, the front desk opens a blank form, fills it out and submits it. Once submitted, it would get an electronic file number (preferably sequential). I can then open the database, see the new forms, decide who should be assigned each task, document who it was assigned to, print it out, and wait for it to be completed. Once completed, my assistant would document the final solution and close out the task.

I would like data entry and viewing of forms to be able to be completed by pretty much everyone, but assignments and closures only by a select few.

This would be stored on a network drive available only to the people in our precinct.

Does Access do this? What should I use? This is relatively simple, right?

Actually, what you're hoping for crosses a bunch of applications and technologies....probably the toughest part is probably the web element. If you're hoping to have some form online for people to fill out you'll have to have an interactive web page. Then that data would get stored in a database somewhere internal....where others in the public couldn't peek on the other person's form.

Whether that form is a simple one or elaborate would probably determine if you need to use something like Adobe Forms or other application.

Then once on the back end you're talking about task workflow of who or what department works on it, how it's resolved, who gets notified, etc. Lots and lots of workflow applications out there.

This is actually the kind of stuff that Warchild does in his professional life working for the man and sets up on the side.

The other thing is you probably have an existing case tracking system....so it might be an easier question of how to integrate a website input for the public. Maybe they have a module for it.

You likely have a substantial project on your hands. ;)

One way we went on the cheap is here. It's a very simple web form without a database. A staff member gets an e-mail and either deals with the e-mail and/or copies and pastes into a task tracking system....in our case Track-It.

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Not exactly what you're looking for (Iggy's right; what you want to do is both complicated and, unfortunately, expensive...), but this is a pretty slick (and inexpensive) HTML forms builder: Wufoo. It might get you at least part-way there.

Not exactly what you're looking for (Iggy's right; what you want to do is both complicated and, unfortunately, expensive...), but this is a pretty slick (and inexpensive) HTML forms builder: Wufoo. It might get you at least part-way there.
I'm using wufoo for the CFO rally registration. It's easy to work with. However, I'm using the free stuff. The pay-for versions are more robust.

You can create your own forms for people to fill out. I have to login and check the reports and the data manually, I'm not sure if the other options would have some sort of alerting (via email) or not.

How linux-savvy are you? Check out freshmeat.net and sourceforge.net - maybe start with a simple case-tracking (or help desk) system and see if that can meet part of your needs ??

I think you guys mis-read his original post.

We use access for a Warranty database very similar to your end need Pony. There's a front end that can get filled out, a way to track progress, and multiple fields as they relate to us. I assume that all the employees dealing with the form would (or could) have access installed to use the database. The only part that I haven't seen implemented first hand would be the protection of information amongst multiple groups, but I'm sure it's possible.

Of course, I have no where near enough knowledge to actually make it happen, but it totally sounds feasible.

I have no idea what I am going to describe to you but one of the inventory programs that I use has:

an Access front end and a Sequel back end. This system provides server access and the sequel part provides web entry into the system and only those that have been provided server permission can access the Access part and I have to give permission for anyone to access the Web side. The webside feeds into the inventory program.

Just to clarify, I am not beholden to using the same form now. This can be any type of form with only about a dozen fields. In other words, the form itself doesn't have to look like the existing form. It can be a simple enter text here type thingee.

10 years ago, when I was a tech at a software company, we used an application called WebRT (request tracker). It was an open source app that allowed users to either hit a web form and submit a request, or send an email which would open a new ticket. This sounds almost like what you're looking for, and is free.

There were varying levels of user/admin intervention including changing ownership of tickets, etc. The system would also email the tech when a new ticket was assigned to him/her, allowed the option to email the user with any updates, etc.

Bad news is that I'm striking out in finding a Win compatible install for it. Found a possibility at sourceforge for unix/apache stuff.

Of that, I'm not sure. We used to use this for an inventory/billing/scheduling/registration purposes. A co-worker, now retired, was the FileMaker guru. I have seen amazing things done with the program, such as info-entry in one format, with data print-outs in another. He even customized printing to fit pre-existing college forms, with data pulling from a central or multiple databases. It is an impressive program. It can be quickly tailored to suit whatever need you have.

Sounds like warchild and I do the same thing for a living. Might a suggest an off the shelf trouble ticketing system. These can be had with a bit of research in the freeware realm and they set up fairly easily. A tailored solution is nearly always pricey and given the scope of your project, probably wholly unnescessary.

Back to coding in Java querying Arris voice switches in SNMP.. yeef'nHAW!

... oh, btw, it explains warchilds effervescent demeanor :D

I'm not proficient with Filemaker but I have a friend (A WingNut) who has an avionics business & runs his whole shop with files he's made in Filemaker. He even used it for a several screen movie theatre to keep records & even print tickets for another of his friends. FWIW He is totally sold on the program. Best of luck.

This can be done with MS Access, but it's not real easy to do it right. Access is capable of handling the multiple security groups that you're talking about and there are a couple of ways to accomplish this. Using MS Access' "User Level Security Wizard" you create a new Workgroup information file (*.mdw). Then your MS Access installation on that PC would need to be configured to use that new workgroup information file rather than the default one. (In the default .mdw file everyone has permissions to everything. You can then assign certain permissions to certain objects based on group membership with that workgroup information file (.mdw). This is of course, after you create those objects (forms, tables, etc) and those groups (users, admins, etc).

Not the easiest most straight-forward thing ever, but it can be done.

One of the first things you'll have issues with using Access is multiples users. If you simply share an Access database over the network and then try to have multiple users on simultaneously you'll begin to get dramatic performance issues and (potentially) record locking problems.

Good luck.

The Bible series of techno-geek books are very good if you decide to go that route.

Windows SharePoint Services. Free.

Runs with IIS, you can use Sql 2000, 2005 (cost money) or Sql Express (free, IIRC).

WSS3 is a web based collaboration system that has true WYSIWYG, you could build a 'Survey' with the questions you need answered (input) the responses get stored in the database (storage and retreiveal) and you can evaluate the results using MS Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint, etc.

There are many other tools available for free too with WSS3. You could build a 'custom Issues list' with all the questions, have automated emails sent to folks who are assigned 'tasks' and it even has an approval process built in.

Don't get lost on 'MS SharePoint Server aka MOSS'. It cost money, has more advanced features than you would ever use.

I can demonstrate on our way to NAFO; I'll have my laptop with me.
