What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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Heck its hard to keep my beer cold today because it hovering around 80F. Note to self buy more sunscreen.



The rest of the week is brutal too!
too bad that you can wear your tires out on flat & boring roads... make that nice riding weather not so worth having. it's a little chilly here today. Not cold. Very sunny. No doubt it'll change tomorrow... or hours... like Hampton Roads usually does... & the good roads are fairly close by. So, who was your teasing intended to hurt?

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New Hampshire has already had snow and will get yet more snow. In the next 5 days the temperatures will be in the single numbers, we have a 'significant' snow storm predicted for the weekend. We average >60 inches of snow and it will snow 30-40 days over the winter. We are on track to hold up these averages. Spring is only 98 days away here in New England.

We can complain all we want. Be happy your not in East Antarctica which set the all time lowest temp ever recorded on earth. A balmy -135.8 yesterday!
When yer on the bottom of the world, which way is east?
The weather looks pretty appealing where wheatonFJR lives at, wouldn't you agree!?

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Twenty one degrees this morning here in Palmdale, CA where I work.

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We can complain all we want. Be happy your not in East Antarctica which set the all time lowest temp ever recorded on earth. A balmy -135.8 yesterday!
When yer on the bottom of the world, which way is east?
The weather looks pretty appealing where wheatonFJR lives at, wouldn't you agree!?

Well, it could be better. If it was warmer I would take a nice boat ride up the Wabash River...


So I moved in with my gf Line a few weeks ago. Since that time, the usual winter craptacular has set in. Her Dad lives right across the road, and has an old GMC Cowboy Cadillac with a big ass plow on the front. It's been years since I plowed so I was looking forward to it. He also brought over the snowblower all tuned up for us.

Then the snow came along with the -20C temps.

Ya, snow plowing the truck gets boring in a hurry. At least it's warm though. I like how all your neighbours show up outside in their driveways with shovels as soon as you jump in the snowplow. Lookin' all pathetic like at you. To bad none of 'em are hawt. Mother nature has conspired against me when it comes to the snowblower. No matter which direction I turn the chute, the ******' white **** hit's me square in the face.

Why did I leave my maintained apartment and single life again?

But bust is right (wait? WHAT!?). So what if your balls clack together when you walk. Winter is bearable if you have something to occupy your time. My hobby, like busts, involves rapidly flexing my elbow. My liver should be heading for the door sometime soon.

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Cold enough to freeze the Balls off a Brass Monkey! If you don't know where this saying comes from, I think I know! Back in the days of sailing war ships with cannons etc. the cannon balls were stored on deck on a Brass plate with indents that held the cannon balls in place till required! When sailing in the colder climes the Brass plates would shrink due to the cold and cause the cannon balls to "fall", off the Brass Monkey as it was called! Thus it was cold enough to Freeze the Balls off a Brass Monkey. And that's the truth, I think!
