El Toro Joe
40-44 MPG if you baby it...way less if your having fun in the twisties :cigar:
Cool. If you are looking for a larger sample size check out: clicky. Ignore the titleThe reason I care is that I'm going on an IBA-style ride and I want to know my range. My bike's so new to me that I haven't ridden tank-to-tank on the highway yet. Normally I don't compute miles per gallon, but I do keep an eye on miles per fillup. That number is very important when riding competitively, has Hal knowingly pointed out.My mileage varies way to much, depending on my mood and riding style, to rely on this measurement for detecting maintenance issues. So, I am seriously left to wonder why anyone would care?
Also I am enjoying the poll results and peoples' comments.
Well that would be me. The other reason I don't get it is that checking gas mileage is a religion with my dad, every single blessed tank. Every time he sees me has asks what kind of gas mileage I'm getting in the minivan. It just doesn't change that much! Drives me nuts in a way only a parent can.Just from reading the post's ,looks like 38/to 48 are your average exstremes.
On the why,one post said they don't see the need to wonder about it.I for one like to try,and ride at a sporting pace(for me),And use fuel mileage as a tool to see how smooth I'm riding,though acceleration,and deceleration.Checks things,like to use/or not to use to much brake;no brake...etc......
That's the new kindler, gentler forum.Argggghhhh!
What the hell has happened here folks? Damn search engine broke??
Yes,I use fuel as a tool for smoothness,but that's just a base chart.The rest is probably the same as you ,basicly being smooth with the throttle,and braking/trying to turn with as much body english as possible,and as little hands on force,trying to back-off in traffic(like driving semi's,as little brake as possible going though towns,etc.The less brake,the less throttle).Anyways, you use gas mileage to measure how smooth you're riding? Interesting. Is this for routes that you know well, or do you do this all the time? So what's the difference between smooth and not in terms of mpg?
Well it sounds sensible but it doesn't sound too fun. I guess I'm just a hooligan. I like pushing it a bit in the turns, which probably means more brakes on the other side. When I'm on the freeway and I sense a good opportunity to open 'er up, I do. Maybe that explains why my odo is always counting backwards before I hit 200 miles.Yes,I use fuel as a tool for smoothness,but that's just a base chart.The rest is probably the same as you ,basicly being smooth with the throttle,and braking/trying to turn with as much body english as possible,and as little hands on force,trying to back-off in traffic(like driving semi's,as little brake as possible going though towns,etc.The less brake,the less throttle).I do it most of the time,whether on the same road,or not.I'm not always trying to save gas,but I'm 98% ± always trying to be smooth.Whether semi/car/bike,I look ahead and plan as much as I can to get from point A to B,"without getting knocked down,or stepping in something."(Andy Griffen-"What is was,was football").