I already have a funny Midwest Mooks Rolling Cluster Feck Story: I rode the 400 miles in to Paso Robles from my vacation place in Lake Havasu City today on Interstate 40 and California Highway 46. Ten miles West of Interstate 5, I see a motorcycle headlight gaining on me like a bat out of Hell. I said to myself, this has to be either a 19-year old squid, wearing cutoffs, Bermuda shorts, flip-flops and a cap worn backwards beneath a beanie helmet, OR, some other whack job from our Fine FJR Forum.
Please bear in mind, I am rolling 80mph in a 65mph zone! And here he freaking comes: Sir Richard Fairlaner comes blasting past me at Mach III, Freddie Mercury playing on his stereo singing the "Bicycle Race" song, smoking a *** underneath his helmet, flips me the bird as he passes me and toots the horn. I swear to God, he has rigged the horn on his Hondapotamus to play "God Save the Queen"! He stopped at the James Dean Memorial to take a picture and I caught up with him and rode into PR!