wheatonFJR goes down!

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Glad you're semi-ok... that metal sign post could've made things much worse, I remember where a guy lost his leg hitting one. Get some party pain pills and save me some. :rolleyes:

Mark, I was very glad to hear that you walked away. Funny thing is that, as I was riding SE Ohio roads this past weekend, I was thinking about you and hoping I will be able to attend next year's Ramble. Get yourself and the bike fixed so that you can Ramble On in 2009! :clapping:

Get to feeling better and, when you're ready, post up with the complete analysis of what happened, etc.

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Glad he is mostly okay.

Dropped on the right side but his left shoulder is hurting? Did he hit something other than ground during the side and/or roll?

Glad he is mostly okay.
Dropped on the right side but his left shoulder is hurting? Did he hit something other than ground during the side and/or roll?
I'm not sure, didnt see any of it. His brother drove down from Chicago on Sunday to pick him up in Mountain View, AR. They were going to drive back today (Monday) I'm sure he will post up soon and give us a play by play!

Sorry to hear about your mishap, Wheaty. I'm glad it wasn't worse. Hope that shoulder feels better soon.

Sorry to learn about the mishap...happy to hear you are basically okay.

And Toe is correct, fix that bike up! Our '04's are beginning to seem like an endangered species.

Glad to hear your ok. :clapping: Hurry up and get back on the road so we can do another Starved Rock or something before you guys put away for winter. :)

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Definitely not the kind of news I was wanting to read. VERY glad that Mark appears to be okay (relatively speaking). Waiting anxiously for a posting by him to confirm that....

Was nice weather 'round these parts-was wondering who I'd be reading about today. Glad Wheaties is ok, and sure glad I'm not reading about another fatal. Yet. :unsure:

Glad you are not badly injured Wheattie. I hope you are back in that beautiful tractor style seat soon.


That itty bitty stream, not really a good place to wash the bike, next time use a hose! Good to hear you're OK.

Good to see (from photos) you're not too banged up and still walking. Words of advice: next time you want to do a water crossing, check to see if it's safe first! At worst, I'm pretty sure n20sx will take the windshield brackets off your hands for you :D

On a more serious note, get better soon and I hope she's up and running again in no time. Anything you can walk away from... you know the rest.

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