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I gotta admit tho- even with EOM just a few hrs down the road from me, I have no desire whatsoever to attend.
That's too bad... there are some mighty fine folks here on the forum and the gatherings, at least the ones I've attended, have been a blast. Things are different sometimes when you meet everyone outside of the keyboard... give it a shot... you may be pleasantly surprised. B)
My thoughts exactly. I still remember the first oHIo Ramble with about six of us bunking at yamaholics place. Never had met before, but we had a blast. My first of many meetings with forum friends!

Give it a try...you might be pleasantly surprised what you find.


This thread has exceeded my highest expectations. While I expected some anger, some guilt, some self-righteous chest pounding and some history, I never expected the venting and the reminiscing. You guys (and girls) really are fantastic, every single one of you.

I can see that not everyone objects to the NEPRT qualified questions, some of that really surprised me. I have to say that I can see both sides of that argument a little better now. I think that my own hatred of "The Same Question for the Hundredth Time that Could Have Been Answered with a Simple Search" centers more on the lazy and disrespectful aspect of it. I would appreciate it if the New Member would at least make an effort. Yet, technology does march forward. As Gixxerjasen said, a tire discussion from 2004 is completely outdated and irrelevant in 2013.

For those of you who don't think you want to attend a gathering of FJR forum members, I urge you to rethink. While I have never attended one of the organized gatherings, I have met a few forum members and my life is all that much richer for it. I know if I had the vacation time I would be signed up for EOM. I would be attending every one I could as well as the ones for my ST forums. It is amazing how every single person I met because of my forums has been a very positive experience.

I am proud that some of you found a place in this thread to remember your departed friends. I regret that I was not part of this forum at that time. I feel that I missed out on something very important because I never knew Orangvale FJR or TwoWheelNut.

I guess this thread is a lot like this forum. I got way more out of it than I had any right to expect.

This thread has exceeded my highest expectations. While I expected some anger, some guilt, some self-righteous chest pounding and some history, I never expected the venting and the reminiscing. You guys (and girls) really are fantastic, every single one of you.
I can see that not everyone objects to the NEPRT qualified questions, some of that really surprised me. I have to say that I can see both sides of that argument a little better now. I think that my own hatred of "The Same Question for the Hundredth Time that Could Have Been Answered with a Simple Search" centers more on the lazy and disrespectful aspect of it. I would appreciate it if the New Member would at least make an effort. Yet, technology does march forward. As Gixxerjasen said, a tire discussion from 2004 is completely outdated and irrelevant in 2013.

For those of you who don't think you want to attend a gathering of FJR forum members, I urge you to rethink. While I have never attended one of the organized gatherings, I have met a few forum members and my life is all that much richer for it. I know if I had the vacation time I would be signed up for EOM. I would be attending every one I could as well as the ones for my ST forums. It is amazing how every single person I met because of my forums has been a very positive experience.

I am proud that some of you found a place in this thread to remember your departed friends. I regret that I was not part of this forum at that time. I feel that I missed out on something very important because I never knew Orangvale FJR or TwoWheelNut.

I guess this thread is a lot like this forum. I got way more out of it than I had any right to expect.
I could not agree more, well said.

Best regards to all


Last time I rode with Andrew was August 26, 2007, just over 6 years ago. He left us November 10 that year. Thanks for those, Don. I remember them all, and seeing them now turns melancholy into tears.
..and it's also sad to see good Peeps for whatever reasons unknown or not who have left us.

I get that life moves on, but some really good folks who are very much alive no no longer frequent the forum.

Toecutter comes to mind.

Odot too, believe it or not, although occasionally he rears his ugly butt and posts up.

Bustanut - took a beating but keeps on ticking and we love his ugly sheep too.

Alan K - great guy, life handed him an unfair deal and he's now reluctant to post. Sad. He has more than most of us, even.

..the list goes on.

I'm very happy to see BeemerDon's back, and that no one has given him (public) **** for re-joining. That is collective class. I personally am waiting to give my pipefitter old phuck bud a ration of good natured **** in La Pine in just a few short days.

Sometimes I just don't get it.

Oh well, so is life.

Tomorrow, I ride.

My helmet will be on, my tunes will sound, my heart and soul will soar.

and it matters not what I ride.

I wish everyone here the same grace.

And I thank my own personal God for the health, vision, brainpower to remain riding every day I ride.

Also, I'm thankful for the new peeps who have stepped up and provide really wonderful contributions. Someone else said it most eloquently - the forum needs new peeps. I think it was Gary. He is right.

Ok, I'm done.

Great thread, RFH. Kudos.


You beat me to it!

But I gotta admit, Googling images for "hairy back" has put me off my lunch for a week!!!

I can pretty much guarantee that this topic was started for me in particular. Because I have been given 2 warning from Moderators for 2 Separate topics I have started. One on Looking at buying another FJR and one for asking about if anyone would be interested into looking into doing a Group by for Russell Seats for our fine machines. I am a Previous FJR owner (Bought me a new 07AE) but only owned for a short time. Probably less than 6 months and put maybe 3k miles on it. I asked some silly questions in that thread like did it have a auto retractable windshield. To be honest I should have know but I honestly didn't remember. I have owned numerous bikes since then. This 08AE I just bought is my 4th bike this year and I have probably owned 6 or 8 others in the past 6 years. I just like riding different stuff. My question was legit but was moved to NEPRT and I was given a warning. So today I posted in the Group Buy section a Topic asking if anyone was interested in possibly doing a Russell Group Buy. Well yes it is my fault I didn't read the forum rules. I belong to many other Forums which I participate in daily and have never had any issues. And to be honest I thought this is the forum that I would ask about such a thing. But it does state in the Group Buy Forum rules that my question should have been asked in the Parts forum. My bad and I wrote to the admin and apologized for posting in the wrong forum and he sent me another Warning.I have learned a ton on internet forums and there are tons of questions that are going to be asked over and over. When I look at a forum "I" chose the topics I want to read and respond to. If I see a thread that has been asked a million times I pass it over. No big deal I don't participate in it. If I see a thread I feel I can learn about something I want to know I read and participate. I have 225 Posts here on the FJR Forum. I know that is not a ton but I think people should also know I am legit and it's not my first day on a forum. I'm not here trying to piss people off or ruffle feathers. I come to the FJR forum to learn more about my new to me 08AE. I can almost guarantee just by posting my opinion here I will either get another Warning or they will ban me. But I will say that from what I remember about this forum from back in 07 the mood on this board has changed. And to be honest from what I have seen it hasn't been for the better. I still plan on being a member here and participating when I can. But I won't be offering my opinions and posting up questions like I have been. I guess it's time to go back to lurker status since it seems like I must be a pain for the Mods. This is by far the best FJRForum out their and I hope I still get to participate but if not thanks for all the info. And the FJR is still one amazing Machine.. Even the AE....
I guess I'm not the only one who missed that day in 5th grade when they taught about paragraph breaks. They can be your friend I hear.

I have a few thoughts for you to ponder.

1. It is not All About YOU! That attitude is what drives noobs to post when they should be reading.

2. I am not a moderator, I did not move your posts. I agree wholeheartedly with the mods decisions though. What were you thinking?

3. If you would READ just a little more you would have learned that 1) You really have to be an ass to get banned from here. 2) This thread is about the good and the bad.

4. You are absolutely correct about this being the best FJR forum out there. You can easily become an asset to this place, don't get your feelings hurt because you got called out for acting silly.

5. Confession is good for the soul. You should feel better already.

Now, quit messing up my thread! Cheer up, enjoy your time here.
Not a moderator, but maybe we can get a category called Scolder. If we can, please sign me up (see post immediately above
)! Fang says I'm a scolder, but when I tell her to stop calling people names, she says to stop scolding....

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After not having ridden since 87 due to a saw accident which left me with very limited use of my left hand my brother-in-law sent me an article on the FJR AE. No clutch lever, I've been waiting for this over twenty years. I managed so save my pennies and picked up my feej in June of 09. Now trying to learn about the bike I first found my way to the UK Forum. I had never had any experience with or been on any forum previously and while trying to find helmet locks (who would make a bike without a helmet lock?) in a google search I stumbled onto this forum. Seeing that this was a much more active forum I found myself on here more than the other though I noticed many members posting on both. Now I don't have thousands of posts and don't ask a great many questions cause it's all out there already. I just keep looking and almost every possible situation is covered. I'm still amazed all the time at the level of knowledge and skill of the members here and when ever I come across a problem I usually have already had become so familiar with it because of other's experiences that I find already know what to do. So just a word of thanks to all those who have gone before It's been a great ride so far.

I can pretty much guarantee that this topic was started for me in particular. Because I have been given 2 warning from Moderators for 2 Separate topics I have started. One on Looking at buying another FJR and one for asking about if anyone would be interested into looking into doing a Group by for Russell Seats for our fine machines. I am a Previous FJR owner (Bought me a new 07AE) but only owned for a short time. Probably less than 6 months and put maybe 3k miles on it. I asked some silly questions in that thread like did it have a auto retractable windshield. To be honest I should have know but I honestly didn't remember. I have owned numerous bikes since then. This 08AE I just bought is my 4th bike this year and I have probably owned 6 or 8 others in the past 6 years. I just like riding different stuff. My question was legit but was moved to NEPRT and I was given a warning. So today I posted in the Group Buy section a Topic asking if anyone was interested in possibly doing a Russell Group Buy. Well yes it is my fault I didn't read the forum rules. I belong to many other Forums which I participate in daily and have never had any issues. And to be honest I thought this is the forum that I would ask about such a thing. But it does state in the Group Buy Forum rules that my question should have been asked in the Parts forum. My bad and I wrote to the admin and apologized for posting in the wrong forum and he sent me another Warning.

I have learned a ton on internet forums and there are tons of questions that are going to be asked over and over. When I look at a forum "I" chose the topics I want to read and respond to. If I see a thread that has been asked a million times I pass it over. No big deal I don't participate in it. If I see a thread I feel I can learn about something I want to know I read and participate. I have 225 Posts here on the FJR Forum. I know that is not a ton but I think people should also know I am legit and it's not my first day on a forum. I'm not here trying to piss people off or ruffle feathers. I come to the FJR forum to learn more about my new to me 08AE. I can almost guarantee just by posting my opinion here I will either get another Warning or they will ban me. But I will say that from what I remember about this forum from back in 07 the mood on this board has changed. And to be honest from what I have seen it hasn't been for the better. I still plan on being a member here and participating when I can. But I won't be offering my opinions and posting up questions like I have been. I guess it's time to go back to lurker status since it seems like I must be a pain for the Mods. This is by far the best FJRForum out their and I hope I still get to participate but if not thanks for all the info. And the FJR is still one amazing Machine.. Even the AE....
I guess I'm not the only one who missed that day in 5th grade when they taught about paragraph breaks. They can be your friend I hear.
This is a bug in the software I encountered - the way I fixed it, was to reedit the post and magically all my para's re-appeared
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I came over from the ez board too.

Social media was new to me and I posted more then than I do now.

The forum is a great store house of knowledge and I made some friends along the way.

The mood "has" changed around here though.

Not sure why, maybe too many people?

Was a lot more friendly back then.
