When your child goes to war...

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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2005
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Sag Harbor, NY
Yesterday was an extremely emotional day for me. I never envisioned as I was raising my son that one day I would have to give him a final hug and bid him a tearful farewell as he went off to war. The feelings are somewhat overwhelming for me. Pride in the fact that he made the choice to become a Marine in the middle of a war; helplessness knowing that his fate and well being are no longer influenced by me and his safety is out of my hands; fear of the unknown and the possibility of his getting wounded or killed are just a few.

A week before 9/11, when Jordan was 13, he had an unforgettable day in NYC visiting different sights with the highlight being a climb to the top of the World Trade Center. I'll never forget his face a week later as he watched the collapse of the towers and I knew right then and there that his life would be forever changed by it. Years later when he came to me to tell me he was joining the Marine Corps directly after high school I was a little bit shocked but not that surprised (if that makes any sense). He felt a need to help his country and felt that the Marines were the only vehicle he wanted to use to get there.

Jordan is a member of the 1st Battalion Ninth Marines "The Walking Dead", all of them headed off to the hellhole that is Ramadi, Iraq. When you guys are out enjoying the freedom of a ride or are having Easter dinner with your family in the safety of your home I want you to remember the sacrifices that have been made by those who came before him and those that are over there now. For you guys that are in the service of our country right now, Thanks. If it wasn't for you, this country would be in a world of hurt. Please say a prayer for all those brave men and women and say an extra one for my son....Keep them forever in your heart.

I also want to thank the members of the Maine Troop Greeters who gave the Marines cell phones to use to call home one last time from Bangor Maine. These people are true heroes.


I can't imagine what you must be going through. Try and be positive. The odds are stacked that he will come home fine.

Dang that's very heavy. I feel very priveleged to know you and hope to someday meet Jordan.

Prayers sent for all from both Creta and myself.


I have put Jordan on our family prayer list. God Bless him, your family and all the service members and their families!

Peace be with you and know that your son is in one of the noblest professions there is. 1/9 is one of the best Marine Bats and Regiments out there. He is in damn fine company. I say that from experience because I was fortunate enough to work with them while in Iraq during OIF2.

Take care.


Tell Jordan, "Thank You."

Although I can not understand how you feel, and have no idea what you may be going through, I honor your family and specifically Jordan for defending our country and my freedom.

Once again, thank you.

Your support is very important to him. A great way to show your support is via the USPS. Mail is king when you're away. Email is nice, but there's something about receiving a physical package that really boosts morale.

Good luck Jordan...you're in the very capable hands of the finest fighting force on the planet.

Semper Fi

Thank you for raising a child willing to put himself into harms way to protect MY/our freedoms. It says a lot about you being a father,

My prayers are sent!

Our Lord has risen this day...indeed!

Your support is very important to him. A great way to show your support is via the USPS. Mail is king when you're away. Email is nice, but there's something about receiving a physical package that really boosts morale.
Good luck Jordan...you're in the very capable hands of the finest fighting force on the planet.

Semper Fi

When sending items over via USPS, make sure to package them in high quality toilet paper...Aloe Vera type from Charmin. It protects the contents of the package and beats the shit out of the "John Wayne" toilet paper that is provided in the crappy KBR shitters. Apologies for the puns. ;)


My salute, respect, and thanks to your son. :clapping:

...and prayers to you both...and to all our other service men and women where ever they are serving right at this moment.

My son's home at the moment, "home" being stateside. He was in Army Basic at 9/11, and after finishing Basic, Airborne school, and his medical training (Airborne medical lab technician) he served a year in Baghdad, Jan-Dec 2004. he has since done the Green-to-Gold program and finished college in ROTC, and is now a lieutenant.

His was not a combat position, working in a hospital, but it was still a long year just knowing he was there. He made sergeant while in Baghdad. Most of his work was with the locals, not soldiers. The kind of thing CNN usually fails to mention when they want you to hear body counts more than anything else. (Oops. Almost political. Sorry.)

It is a helpless feeling to be relieved of the responsibility for their well-being, but the amount of pride we feel in his accomplishments since getting on that bus at the recruiting station is tremendous!

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We will pray for your son, and thank you both. You for raising a man of honor, and him for serving us and our republic.

He is RISEN indeed!

I think it says a Hell of a lot about a father and son when the son wants to join the Marines in the middle of a war and his father "lets" him. May God bless your family and keep your son safe.


Thank your son for his service.

I too am a Blue Star Father. My son has been in Iraq since June. He is an Army Specialist serving with the 1/214 Field Artillery as a Forward Observer. The 214 is an asset of the 82nd Airborne.

I remember the day the planes hit the towers. I was at my son's high school withdrawing him so he could attend Riverside Military Academy in Georgia. Brent has wanted to be in the army since he was 8 years old. He attended the Military College of Georgia but like most of his classmates, left school early to enter the war.

We just got a call from him this morning with some bad news. His tour has been extended for another 300 days. He has been in the area around Basra but will be moving somewhere north in May.

I will add your son to my prayers. I hope all of the men and women serving our country come home safe.

People like Brent and Jordan make me proud to be an American.

Actual letters are good to send too. I learned a lot about my father while deployed to Saudi Arabia, and I kept the letters he sent because he wrote about his thoughts and feelings while he was in Vietnam and more.

Also, home made cookies ..... lots and lots :D (my favorite was goey oatmeal chocolate chip)

My thoughts are with your family and wishes for safe return home for your son.

I can only imagine your state, great pride and concern at the same time. Prayers for Jordan and all of his comrades.


Well keep Jordan and your family in our prayers.

The military personnel do so much for us, we can't even imagine their sacrifice. Thanks to all our armed forces men and women. You guys and gals are AWESOME!!

Our country might have an issue or two, but it remains a great Nation. That fact is in no small part the results achieved by people like your son. I am damn proud to be an American. I am even more proud of those that serve. God bless them and their families.

