Where does this screw go? Gen III

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2011
Reaction score
Denver, CO
I always seem to have one straggler and this is it. I even made a note to myself about this and still can't figure out where it goes! My notes says it goes in the "left case panel" which probably means somewhere inside or around the accessory outlet box or the inner panel next to it. This is about the size of the numerous black bolts but has a very coarse thread. Would one of you fine GEN III owners take a peek? tnx...


I just had my panels off and given it's a silver screw and not a black bolt, I'd say it goes in far front under the cowling to hold the front of the panel in. The cowling must be off to see it.

Oh shit! That's the screw that secures the Auto Self-Destruct mechanism!!!

Run! Run FAST! Run FAR!

Don't worry about it.

I've always got a few extra parts lying around after I put something back together. I've almost got enough for a second FJR now.

it goes in the front of that panel, it is the screw you cant see with the dash surround in place. It would be the very front part of that panel.The bolt that goes in the tank trim is a 4mm allen headed bolt so it isn't that.


I just had that screw out this weekend while "trying" to disasemble to put in different headlamp bulbs. It goes here, left side, inner front just above the led turn signal:

