Where to Locate a Spare Key??

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Spare key? If I am going on a real long trip I might...and I mean might...put a spare in my tankbag or wallet.

But most the time I trust myself not to be such an air head to lose the one I got. How paranoid are you guys?

Or better yet, how many have lost the key to their bike while traveling?

(Have not lost my wallet, helmet or gloves yet either...)


How paranoid are you guys?

I take it you've not yet learned the joys of the cheap-dick metal Yamaha keys are made of? I'm not so worried about losing one as it getting bent just sitting in my pocket when I sit down and I won't be able to unbend it that time.... metal fatigue is my biggest worry...

How paranoid are you guys?

I take it you've not yet learned the joys of the cheap-dick metal Yamaha keys are made of?

I have learned the joys...by reading about it here even before I got my bike. And that is why although I have not experianced a bent key first hand.. I was aware of the problem and have taken steps to avoid this happening to me:

I never put the key in my front pants pocket..or any pocket that might get "folded" when sitting or what-ever. I actualy have taken a metal top from an old ink pen and lined it with foam to make a hard "sheath" that I keep in the breast pocket of my riding jacket...so even if someone were to toss the jacket on the ground and jump up and down on it for an hour ...the key would come out unscathed.

The key itself is on a coiled plastic cord that has spring loaded clip at the other end...this gets wrapped around the handlebar and clipped in a loop when riding..so even in a crash the key would remain on the bike.

The clip can be used to attach the key to a zipper pull , a helmet ring , or anything one might want to use to secure the key to the help avoid dropping it / loosig it when not on the bike. It will stretch enough to go around your neck, and contracts enough to wear it around your wrist.

I have been riding most of my life and have never lost or damaged a key, so the idea of "hiding a spare" sounds weird to me.

I mentioned all the protective steps I take with my key so you wouldn't think I was calling all of you paranoid /Alzheimer effected fools. I'm obviously a bit paranoid to...but just go about it in a diffrent way.

I'm not really even sure where my spare key is now that the subject came up.....perhaps I'll have a drink or two and look for it.


I have been riding most of my life and have never lost or damaged a key, so the idea of "hiding a spare" sounds weird to me.
Thats like saying, "I've been riding all my life and I've never had a hard crash, so why should I wear a helmet." Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. ;) I'm just sayin........

I have been riding most of my life and have never lost or damaged a key, so the idea of "hiding a spare" sounds weird to me.
Thats like saying, "I've been riding all my life and I've never had a hard crash, so why should I wear a helmet." Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. ;) I'm just sayin........
Right! So you would hide your spare key under/over/in your? :blink:

I have been riding most of my life and have never lost or damaged a key, so the idea of "hiding a spare" sounds weird to me.
Thats like saying, "I've been riding all my life and I've never had a hard crash, so why should I wear a helmet." Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. ;) I'm just sayin........

Thanks for taking what I said out of context and making some idiot statement out of it.

The fact that I have not lost or damaged a key in the 30+ years I have been riding is not the REASON, but the RESULT. I though I was pretty clear outlining my semi anal care I show my bike key. I even tried to make sure I did not offend anyone who does carry a spare, pointing out that my way is perhaps even weirder..But the results are the same.

Everyone that does something other than the way you do it is not always wrong, nor does it mean your way is right..there can be several ways to reach the same goal.

Yes, using the " it ain't happened yet so it won't" logic is idiotic...Like saying I have not contracted cancer since I was born, so I won't ever get it. But comparing the chances of losing a key to losing ones life in a crash is not really a fair comparison to begin with. Lose or damage your key...a bit of an annoyance. Cracking your head open on the road because you don't have a helmet...Major Problem.

From my point of view, the chances of me crashing are about 100 times greater than damaging my key. I take precautions with both, but simply have more control over the key.

And that is exactly why I find it "weird" to take along a spare key when you ride...

Because you can manage a 600+lb motorcycle at sometimes extreme speeds, you have the skill and knowledge to just not ride it , but fix and maintain it. You are a human..the "state of the art" in evolution, able to out think any other creature on the planet, but for some reason you find it impossible to secure and protect a 2 inch sliver of metal ???

I'd also say that carrying a spare bike key in your wallet is almost as silly as keeping a spare house key there...if you can't protect your key , I'd assume you can't protect your wallet, and anyone that steals or finds it now has your credit cards...AND..your drivers licence, which has your address on it

So they have that and a key to your bike too??


Was wandering the need for a spare key myself? I have locked my self out of my house, garage, and car. Not sure how I lock myself out of the FJR, the key is on the outside at all times!!! The one time I had a key break; it broke off in the lock. Having a spare was of no use.

Not sure how I lock myself out of the FJR, the key is on the outside at all times!!! The one time I had a key break; it broke off in the lock. Having a spare was of no use.
Except that the key also works in the saddlebag locks, and to release the Seat assembly... either of which could be the location it could snap off. In fact, I find my keys will get bent more often opening/closing the sidecases than anything else.

Ok KM....I wasn't trying to make a stupid joke out of what you said. You have to understand that a lot of the people that know me refer to me as a "boyscout" because I am usually prepared for the worst. I usually have two of everything, so on the opposite end of you on this topic, I find it weird not to have an extra key within easy reach. Now, within reason, if I am close to home, I do not make it a point to bring an extra key in my other pocket, because I can make a phone call and have someone bring me one, but since I started keeping keys in my jackets, it's not something I have worried about for a long time.

I did think it was kind of funny though. B)

I usually keep my key in the ignition when within line of sight. I hadn't considered carrying a spare 'til I read this thread but will start to. The main reason being for accessing the sidecases or under seat without needing to take the key out of the ignition. (Have needed to shut off the bike after starting it to access something several times in 3 days!)

I'd like to replace the ignition key with a proximity sensor and switch. Don't know if it is practical or what the power requirements (standby) would be, but it would be cool!
