Which farkles void the factory warranty??

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2006
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
I am considering the Y.E.S. extension, but I also have farkle fever.

I think I would rather have the warranty and skip a widget or two.


I'd like to hear from members who've had actual disputes with Yamaha/Dealer, over a farkle that was deemed an infractor.

thanks in advance

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I am considering the Y.E.S. extension, but I also have farkle fever.I think I would rather have the warranty and skip a widget or two.


I'd like to hear from members who've had actual disputes with Yamaha/Dealer, over a farkle that was deemed an infractor.

thanks in advance
Not sure how many responses this thread will generate.. Seems to me that most YES owners haven't had to exercise the option much less experience the situation as posed..
Seems to me that most YES owners haven't had to exercise the option much less experience the situation as posed..
I think radman is working on a thermonuclear based, anti-gravity accelatron whirling dervish widget, that should propel his bike to warp 5 is under 10 seconds. Either that, or a he's working on a highly modified Playtex Underwire. In either case, I don't think he's worried about Y.E.S.

I have had a problem with Yamaha because of farkles :-

To tell the story in the right sequence . I have vibration under power on the bike and when the TPS was done asked for the dealer to try and find the problem. First the tyres were blamed and I changed them, then the rear wheel bearing was blamed and it was replaced not under warranty ,the bike is still under warranty but I had done 36000 miles . Still no fix so phoned Yamaha direct .

They checked with the dealer and came back saying they couldnt do anything because I had added too many bits to the bike and that if I take all the farkles off they mayl try and find the fault if I take it back to the dealer again.

My farkles are Handlebar risers, BMW handguards,GPS mount, Yamaha footguards,rear fender extender, Givi rack,Oxford heated grips, Autocom and Hyperpro rear shock.


The only legal way they can not honor your warranty is if there is a legitimate connection between your modification and the problem.

The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act quotes: The federal minimum standards for full warranties are waived if the warrantor can show that the problem associated with a warranted consumer product was caused by damage while in the possession of the consumer, or by unreasonable use, including a failure to provide reasonable and necessary maintenance.

Subaru is legendary at denying warranties because of minor mods that have nothing to do with the problem at hand. I am talking about guys having their warranty denied for a damaged 2nd gear b/c they had something as minor as a CAI. Many of them end up in the end getting one reprieve but it reqquires a lot of time and working your way up the chain through the regional reps.

I could see a PC on an FJR leading to warranty issues if it wasnt tuned right. Maybe moto sliders that werent installed right onto the frame, leading to engine vibrations.....

I have had a problem with Yamaha because of farkles :-
To tell the story in the right sequence . I have vibration under power on the bike and when the TPS was done asked for the dealer to try and find the problem. First the tyres were blamed and I changed them, then the rear wheel bearing was blamed and it was replaced not under warranty ,the bike is still under warranty but I had done 36000 miles . Still no fix so phoned Yamaha direct .

They checked with the dealer and came back saying they couldnt do anything because I had added too many bits to the bike and that if I take all the farkles off they mayl try and find the fault if I take it back to the dealer again.

My farkles are Handlebar risers, BMW handguards,GPS mount, Yamaha footguards,rear fender extender, Givi rack,Oxford heated grips, Autocom and Hyperpro rear shock.


PonyFool said it right. The failure must be directly tied to the modification and it's on the manufacturer to prove that, not up to you to defend. This is of course if it ever goes to court.

So then I would have to remove my inter-cooled turbo, Roots blower and dry-sump oiling system?
I would be more worried about the port and polish job, thats gonna be a real bitch!

So then I would have to remove my inter-cooled turbo, Roots blower and dry-sump oiling system?

Only if you want your blown head gasket to be considered for warranty coverage.

Be sure to look all innocent when you take it in > :rolleyes:

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