Thanks for the congrats everybody. Even you Slap!
A huge thanks to Warchild and Bob Hall for putting on this event and sending an invite my way. I cannot even begin to describe how grateful I am for that. I really owe Warchild and Georgie Z (beeroux) a tremendous amount of thanks. They have both been mentors to me, getting me hooked on this crazy long distance riding, and teaching me much. (But I think they would agree they still have a ways to go!)
This was such a fun event, and I had a great time. Some serious, hard core riding going on here. I was so goal oriented, driven, and motivated, that I never got drowsy for the whole 24 hours. Running at the edge is a stress and adrenaline packed ride, but it keeps you alert. But..........the crash is huge! About 30 minutes after finishing and coming down off my rally high, I crashed hard. I have never been so fried after a 24 hour rally. No mental functioning left.
A big congrats to Matt, George, and especially Ian. What an accomplishment for Ian. His first ever BBG, and he went BIG. All had great rides and by getting on the *short list*, earned quite the accomplishment.
And congrats also to Art, Lisa, and Tobie. Good rides all around.
I thank my lucky stars there are still places like this left on this planet. I have lived out west for several years now, in Kalifornia, Wyoming, and Arizona. I have travelled all over, but there is no place like Nevada. I discovered the desolate 2-lane highways of Nevada about a year ago. They will cleanse your soul and lift your spirits. Seriously, everybody needs to take a trip and ride
The Lonliest Highway, US50 and the
Extraterrestrial Highway, NV375 at least once in their life. Word. You will simply be amazed. Especially all you midwest and eastcoasters. You simply have no idea.
I remember first meeting Skoot in Idaho (WFO3), he'd just finished his first SS1000, or was it a BB, can't remember, the sense of achievment he had was electric. He's moving on - great job Skoot. tel
Thanks for the memory tel. I did a SS1000 and a BB1500 on the way to WFO-3. And yep, I was pretty damned proud of myself back then. I caught the bug bad. That was such a great trip/weekend. That's why I always tell the newbies to enjoy that first SS1000, as they will have fond memories of it for the rest of their life.
Tom and Rosie Sperry rock!
Yes they do. Always a pleasure seeing them at a rally.
Will be very interesting to see if any of these FJR's ever develop the dreaded tick...
Dale's been telling Skooter his has been ticking for what? a year now? Hasn't seemed to slow him down much....
Two years. It was at WFO-3 that he declared mine a ticker. But I don't believe him. I think he is purposely trying to F*** with me.

For a little more detail on the story, see my post most of the way down in
Before last weekend my furthest ride to date was around 1030 miles, as until now I had never attempted a BBG. I had planned to shoot for the BBG on this ride, but since I was making good time I decided to keep pushing.
Being invited to a event of this magnitude was a huge honor for me, so performance was in the forefront of my mind. It was a one shot deal, so I tried my best to come up with the goods, this time out fortune and glory (and lots of luck :clapping: ) were on my side.
Well freaking done Ian! Bravo Zulu!!!! Your wife should be proud. QUITE an accomplishment.
Any of you guys run w/o a fuel cell?
I believe Doug Banfelder on his 03 FJR was the only one without a fuel cell. More than likely one of the reasons he was time barred. Even though Doug did not make it back to the finish line in time resulting in a DNF for the event, I am pretty sure he racked up 1600+ miles to qualify for a BBG. Doug finished the last Cognoscente event - Blister, which was a group BBG3000. Even so, this will be his first BBG1500. As an aside, Doug has over 100,000 miles on his 03 FJR. Regardless, you can believe I will be harping on him to get a fuel cell!
To my knowledge, the sole FJR that did not have an aux fuel cell was the Lisa Steven's relatively new 2006 FJR.
I thought Lisa had a fuel cell? I believe Tobie was pointing out how it was dripping gas out the overflow due to uhhh.....somebody's overfilling it. (Ooops! Don't think I was supposed to say that.)