Who was draggin' a bag on the Dragon?

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2006
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North Georgia
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Needs to crank up the suspenders-shouldn't be that close at that lean angle.

If'n I was leaning over that far and dragging parts, I'd be leaving streaks in my skivvies too I'm thinking. :blink: :dribble: :rolleyes:


Nothing impressive about seeing a bike leaned that far with the rider's head leaned AWAY from the turn. As stated above, you should never be there.

Hope he didn't "drag on" too far. :rolleyes:

Gunny to Jeff's post. BAD form. The bike is pretty much done leaning, and he hasn't moved his ass off the seat. THat's not riding 10/10, that's 10/3. :)

This bunch... always the critics.

Hmmm license plate isn't fuzzed out. Maybe one of those folks that always say its important to fuzz out the license plate can step up and provide the rider information that is so easy to find on the internet. :)

Hmmm license plate isn't fuzzed out. Maybe one of those folks that always say its important to fuzz out the license plate can step up and provide the rider information that is so easy to find on the internet. :)

and I see nothing wrong with his head, he's looking through the corner as he should be.

Ya' know, that's what I was thinking, Matt. I kept looking back at the pic trying to figure out what was wrong with his head position. Looks kinda' like it is in line with his body & looking through the turn.

Hmmm license plate isn't fuzzed out. Maybe one of those folks that always say its important to fuzz out the license plate can step up and provide the rider information that is so easy to find on the internet. :)
I'm on it, In fact I have an arrest warrant being issued for illegal use of a Grandpa motorcycle being used for improper lean angles. Not to mention polluting the public roads and public endangerment. :angry:


Ya' know, that's what I was thinking, Matt. I kept looking back at the pic trying to figure out what was wrong with his head position. Looks kinda' like it is in line with his body & looking through the turn.
yep looking through the turn, but body position is wrong. as was stated, he should have moved off the seat to change the center of gravity and he would not be pushing the bike down
