Who's In Va

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Hey Jay, I haven't met you. Hello there!

There are at least 2 or 3 other owners in Va Beach. Joe Prentiss, a guy that he was telling me about that he ran into (don't have his name) & a guy named Stuart that I met at the rest stop on Rte 17.

I'm in Norfolk & there are at least 2 owners in Chesapeake. Jeff Dean & another gentleman... don't know him... but have seen in the forum's classifieds that he's trying to sell his bike.

We are around... but you are right... too many HD's. It's hard to see the high tech bikes through the old school. Hahaha! Actually, I have a couple of friends that have 'em. Also, have friends that are of the Honda Shadow sort.

You ever do mountain runs? I try to go at least once a month but haven't been since EOM in September.

Be in touch if you'd like to get out and do a cruise, sometime.

Heidi Young

Hi Heidi -- thanks for the response! I actually live in Chesapeake (in Greenbriar area) and work in Virginia Beach (Pembroke area). Got this great bike and only have 2500 miles on it so far! :( Mostly do 30 to 60 minute rides on the weekends (work M - F) -- did do a BRP trip a month or so ago, and weather was damp and foggy. Don't do much cold weather riding (kinda adhere to a "50 degree rule...." or so. ;)

Let me know if you're ever up for a ride around here (or further, weather permitting) - home email is [email protected] and work is [email protected] (until Feb -- then a company merger will change that email).

Great to know of another FJR enthusiast in the area. Look forward to meeting you in person sometime! Jay


I know we kinda left this one on the shelf for a while but lets get together!!!

who wants to organize this ??

me ?? you ??

lets do it!!!

Mike Hogan, AKA Powerman in Fredericksburg (Stafford).

Waiting on an 06, have an ST1100 and a CBR900.

I'd love to ride with you guys sometime soon.

I have a pretty good setup of tools, welders, etc,

if you guys have any trouble in the area.

Mike - I live up the road in Stafford. There was another "waiter" who said he lived near Geico around Rt 17. Feel free to PM or email me if you have any questions, etc.


Thanks Mike. Keep checking the other thread in this section, seems like it will be one that will continue on, and on, and on! Had a great time this past Sat with 8 other bikes of our species and 9 other folks (11 all told). I know we'll have more informal get togethers throughout the year. I know it's tough waiting for your bike, but believe me, the day will come...


Hey JimLor,

My girlfriend and I are taking a trip to VA.Beach over the Memorial Day Week end.

We are leaving N.Y. Friday early A.M.

Gonna come in through N. VA. and ride Skyline Dr. then down to VA. beach. We are staying at the Marriot Suites.

PM me if you wanna hook up somewhere along the way.

I know that I'll have a free day Sunday or Monday while she fries herself on the beach. Maybe if anyone else is around that area,give me a shout and we can get together for a day ride. :D


Hey JimLor,
My girlfriend and I are taking a trip to VA.Beach over the Memorial Day Week end.

We are leaving N.Y.  Friday early A.M.

Gonna come in through N. VA. and ride Skyline Dr. then down to VA. beach. We are staying at the Marriot Suites.

PM me if you wanna hook up somewhere along the way.

I know that I'll have a free day Sunday or Monday while she fries herself on the beach. Maybe if anyone else is around that area,give me a shout and we can get together for a day ride. :D

Hey Tim, Heidi here from Norfolk (right next door to Va Bch). If you are coming to this area to ride you may want to consider staying in the western part of the state (Skyline, Blue Ridge Pkwy, etc) instead of coming to the beach.

Va Beach be mucho flat & straight assed roads for the most part. Out in the western part of the state is some of the best riding on the east coast, though.

If I'm not out in the western parts I'd be interested in catching up for a ride, when you visit.


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Thanks for the reply.

yeah, I know about the roads around VA. Beach. That's why I made the route to come in from the north and then across. I was in the Chesapeake area a few weeks ago for work. When my girlfriend said she wanted to go away for the holiday week end I left it up the her as to where as long as we made it a motorcycle trip. That was no problem as she likes to go on the bike. Also she's great at planning trips. She takes care of all the arrangements and finds all kinds of things to do in the area. ( Lynard Skynard is playing that week end).

Can you suggest a good way to go once I get off the skyway?

I was planning on getting off around Waynesboro and hopping on rt6. I like to stay off the major hyways as much as possible.


Tim - send me a PM or email when you have your plans made. Be happy to ride down Skyline Drive with you - maybe I can get Lorie to come to.


I was planning on getting off around Waynesboro and hopping on rt6. I like to stay off the major hyways as much as possible.

6 is good... also a nice sweeping route out from that direction is Rte 60... well, it's nice until it gets overly flat, anyhow. You'd have to come down the Blue Ridge for a little bit to hit 60. Even further south on the BRP will intersect 43. You can take 43 out of the mountains (really good ride) to um, 291??? No map right in front of me. You'd take that south to 40 & take 40 all the way across east until it hits 460 in Waverly. From then on you can take 460 all the way to Int 64. Let me take a look at a map so's I can be more accurate, too. I'm at work & busy... I'll jump back on in awhile.


Ok, I'm backkkkk!,

Ok, your original plan of riding Rte 6 is a good one. That's a decent road. You'd ride that almost all of the way into Richmond, jump on 288 south to 95 south to 460e (Petersburg) across the state to 64. 64 "west" intersects 264 east not far down the road which goes directly to Virginia Beach.

Rte 60 off of the BRP is also a good one. It's south of 6. You'd follow almost the same directions as Rte 6. Take a look at a map & you'll see what I mean.

Seriously, if I had the time & it was a leisurely trip I would travel south on the Blue Ridge Pkwy (BRP) to Rte 43 (either east or south). It intersects the BRP at Peaks Of Otter. Take that to Rte 29 (Duh, not 291), take 29 south to Rte 40 & take that east all the way across the state. There are no lights if you can believe it! & I'm pretty sure that I've counted 1 stop sign. It runs through a few small towns but not agonizing traffic by no means. THis is 5/8th deer country so be alert.

Ride 40 all the way to 460. 460 will go into Virginia Beach (take Rte 64 to 264 towards the beach). Word to the wise... Resist taking the 1st exit off of 40 to 460. I REPEAT Continue past the first entrance to 460 from 40. That will end up with your ass in Petersburg. If done right you'll end up in Waverly, VA... then head out on 460E/64W/264E to da' beach.

If I don't talk/ride with you have a really nice trip, ok? There's plenty to do around here... & the season is just starting to open up. Yeah baby!!!


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Thanks for the advice,

After reading them and looking closer at the map, I think it would be in my best intrest to rethink the plan. I remember when I came home from Deals Gap last summer, I stayed overnight in Roanoke, then road straight home. That took me 12 hours solo. So after talking to my pillion we agreed that we should ride out Friday morning and stay the first night some where around the end of BRP then head out to VA.Beach Saturday. This way we don't beat ourselves up the first day.

So here's what I'm thinkin'.

Head out Friday a.m., Hammer through Jersey and PA, MD on rt81.

If Jim wants to hook up at the start Skyline Drive? :clap:

Take a nice skoot down Skyline and BRP

Then get off around Otters Creek as per Heidi. Call it day.

Sat. morning make rest of trip down to VA. beach.

Maybe Heidi would like to guide us from there. ;)

Not shure about the way home yet. Maybe just wing it or let the GPS show me the way.

How's that.


Tim, sounds like a good plan you've got there. Be aware though... if you are riding to Peaks of Otter on Friday... Otters Creek (Peaks of Otter) isn't right on top of Roanoke but it's fairly close. Once again I don't have a map in front of me. What I can tell you is that it'll be about a 5 to 5.5 hour ride (stopping about every 70-80 miles for a 10-15 minute butt break) from where you exit the BRP on 43 to Virginia Beach.

I read that it took you 12 hours solo from Roanoke to home in NY, right? It would probably be similar riding all the way to Peaks of Otter on Friday. You might consider stopping a couple hours north somewhere off the BRP, for the night & break up the two days a little... unless you're up for a butt burner. I really need to look at a map to make any suggestions.

Oh, for sure... if you decide to do this, beat feet early on Saturday morning down the Parkway. I did that last year... got on the parkway really early. The fog wafting across the road was beautifully eery. I could hit myself for not stopping and taking pics.

And one other thing... I'd love to ride out to meet you guys. This is definitely going to depend on whether I go out of town for the weekend, myself. The chances for me to be out of town will be great because it's a 3 day weekend. How's about we talk about it as time grows closer? That good for you?


Thanks for the input. I will keep you posted as things progress. As of now my pillion says she doesn't really care if we don't stay at VA. Beach. She'll be happy just putting around up in the mountians. ( Gota love this girl) ;)

Plus the hotel she wanted to stay in is $230 a night. :eek:

The only thing she is attament about is that at some point she wants to go over the Chesapeak Bay Bridge. I think somehow I can fit that into the return trip.


The C Bay Bridge, oh yeah, I was assigned as the CO of the Marine Detachment on the USS Nimitz and my 8.5 month pregnant wife and I drove across that bridge headed to Norfolk to house hunt. I swear we both thought we were going to have our second child that day. Seems like it should be a smooth ride, but every 20 feet or so the surface is divided and it's bump bump, bump bump, etc for x number of miles. Thanks for the post, made me smile!

Hey Tim... the Ches Bay Bridge Tunnel, eh? What Jim Lor says is true about the bump bump, bump bump, bump bump.

I have seen some interesting wildlife while crossing, though. Dolphins, sea turtles, sea gulls... lots and lots of gulls. Some flying, some perched on the top of the light poles & some hanging out in the road like road pizza.

I've been across that stretch a multitude of times... usually, my crossing has been uneventful. Also, be sure to tell the person at the toll booth that you don't want to buy the bridge, you just want to cross it. I think the last time that I crossed it was $12.00 or $13.00 to get across. I'm not sure if it's the same for motorcycles. But of couse, you get a ticket for a complimentary soda at the scenic overlook store. I think the store is at Island 2.

Also, if you're up for it... chances are good that we can catch up in the hills & do a bit of riding together. I'm betting that I'll be up that way but don't know that for sure, yet. If I am, I'd be happy to play tour guide for a day.

I'll talk to you soon... & happy planning.

BTW... congrats on saving all of that hotel money. I'll bet anywhere at the beach is going to be expensive that weekend. That's one of the real "moneymakers of the year" down there.

Talk atcha' soon. Be good,


Oh Well,

Looks like our plans for that week end just got shot out of the water. :angry:

I went to go get fitted for a tux for my buddies wedding and I got mixed up about the date. I thought the wedding was on the 20th, but turns out to be the week end of the 27th. of May.

Who the Hell gets married on a holiday week end? :dribble:

Needless to say he got an earfull from me.

I'm gonna try to for some time in June. Thanks again for all the input. I'll keep you posted as things pan out.


Hello All,

I too am in va, west of dc about an hour. Winchester. I live pretty close to the blueridge. id ride sometime...also let me know if anyone is out this way.

