Why did you/they sell the FJR 1300?

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I just sold my 06' FJR & picked up a new BMW 1200 GS on-off roader today. The beemer is me. Ugly and utterly essentialist. No ocean of pretty plastic all over the damn place,just metal beams and tonnes of suspension. Darn good power & the BMW tranny 'clunk' is GONE. Shifts like my old Suzuki sport bikes(that is,DAMN good).I always rode lots of dirt on my sport tourers but had to go slow & carefully most of the time(the 06' is HOT at slow speeds). This Beemer is made for those kinda roads.Is great on paved roads too,astoundingly so. Mine's grey with red on it's snout.Reminds of WW2 US Mustang fighter planes I've seen. Doubt if I see many Messerschimdts on Idaho back roads,but if I do I'll be ready. Can't believe I bought a beemer,but this one's GOOOD! Why limit your tours to just asphalt? I read that 80% of N America's roads are DIRT. That's a lotta roads.And a LOTTA pretty ,uncrowded ,places.

Stock my 06 comes close. smile.gif

Except for the Kick Ass 500 Watt Stereo........
Another positively beneficial comment from bare (sp) ly. Note: I'll keep my chatterbox on a different frequency :Snorkle:

I just sold my 06' FJR & picked up a new BMW 1200 GS on-off roader today. The beemer is me. Ugly and utterly essentialist. No ocean of pretty plastic all over the damn place,just metal beams and tonnes of suspension. Darn good power & the BMW tranny 'clunk' is GONE. Shifts like my old Suzuki sport bikes(that is,DAMN good).I always rode lots of dirt on my sport tourers but had to go slow & carefully most of the time(the 06' is HOT at slow speeds). This Beemer is made for those kinda roads.Is great on paved roads too,astoundingly so. Mine's grey with red on it's snout.Reminds of WW2 US Mustang fighter planes I've seen. Doubt if I see many Messerschimdts on Idaho back roads,but if I do I'll be ready. Can't believe I bought a beemer,but this one's GOOOD! Why limit your tours to just asphalt? I read that 80% of N America's roads are DIRT. That's a lotta roads.And a LOTTA pretty ,uncrowded ,places.
Please be careful not to go down on that GS. Especially when you are the "The only man in no man's land" as the slogan goes. There are actually classes that will teach you how to get the GS upright again. This is a heavy bike and not for the weak when it comes to recovering from a spill. :(

Thanks splatterdaddy. I know what you mean. If this GS was on it's side ,it'd take some oooomph to lift it up as it's a tall bike. Think I can doer tho. I showed an ex-girl friend how to lift her Gold Wing. She could do it(it helped her being a 250lb ex-Siberian dairy farmer---ugly as sin too). Rode the GS(beemer on-off roader) some today. None of the squirreliness on gravel my road bikes always exhibited. My wife (not the siberian) loves the thing. That FJR I had was a fine bike,but after blastin corners for 30 years I needed a change. Dirt here in the northwest takes you to GORGEOUS , & UNCROWDED places.Camp in solitude.Learn a few new skills too. Quess I'll do that for awhile. Mite getta nother FJR someday.Who noeds?

No one has sold, parted ways, etc. with an FJR because of mechanical issues.

That might be a stretch. Errr, didn't WC ?

Yeah, maybe a stretch. I guess I was thinking in comparison to Harleys. Unfair comparison, but you'd have to agree that the number of mech issues with FJRs is minimal - I can't even recall something major that more than one person has experienced.

all true...

you know, then there are the other percentage of us who AREN'T affluent. i bought the FJR on a day when i was feeling flush, and then i rode it and fell totally in love with it. now i am contemplating a huge hole in my cash reserve - (who am i kidding that WAS the cash reserve...) - especially wondering how it is going to feel through the 9 months of the year when i will wear rain gear to ride, and my horrific new insurance rates, and i am SERIOUSLY considering selling the new '06 i love so much simply to get a bit of cushion back. i retired and downsized everything, including selling my beach house, to be able to live free of "the man" for what's left of my years. thinking i could still have a lot of fun on a used magna or something, give up the idea of having to have "the best", and still have beer and music money.

takes all kinds. the feej is still sitting out there, with only 1500 miles on it. but i'm JUST about ready to pull the trigger. a nice local forum member is spinning by this weekend to have a look, and i'll prolly let 'er go.

<sigh> so few of us get to be bill gates. but then, on a global scale, anybody who can have a motorcycle for a toy is fabulously wealthy, so no whining....

ride safe folks. :) slippery out today up here...

There's a lot of truth there shu...

So did you let it go?
couldn't do it. knew anything else would be something less. just put another 100 or so on her today running to a doc's appointment in amerika (that's leaving my island). dang thing just makes me smile every time i get on it. where can you get that for this kind of change....

so, locally poor, globally wealthy, gonna ride the wheels offa this one...

thanks for askin.


My brother sold his '04 to buy a BMW GS1200.

He wanted to do more dirt road riding and he said he just couldn't take the heat anymore.

I still love my '05 even as other bikes have joined her in the garage.

I would only sell to buy a new one. Manual clutch only!

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yeah evil, heat is NO problem on the GS. Headin out tomorrow to ride highways to Oregon's Steen Mountains,then dirt.Still can't believe I gotta beemer. Might put "Suzuki" decals on the tank. I'd feel better.

PO traded in his '05 at a BMW dealership for a big old cruiser. Planned on doing a cross country trip and he wanted something in "goldwing" territory.

Truthfully, I sold my 2005 FJR because it was not as comfortable for touring as my wing and much to heavy for me to consider it a sport bike. My wife absolutely hated riding on it two up. It was reasonably good for both sport and touring but not great at either. I know that many of you will take offense to this but this is how I feel. The bike just wound up sitting in my garage as I always preferred to use one of the others depending on which type of riding I was going to do. Greg

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Why does anyone sell a Corvette, Viper, or even a Ferrari? Yet there are nice late model ones for sale out there. It's a matter of choice, timing, changing circumstamnces, and fickle desires of the human condition. Why not?
The question here should be: "Why does anyone buy a Corvetter, Viper or even a Ferrari?"


Why does anyone sell a Corvette, Viper, or even a Ferrari? Yet there are nice late model ones for sale out there. It's a matter of choice, timing, changing circumstamnces, and fickle desires of the human condition. Why not?
The question here should be: "Why does anyone buy a Corvetter, Viper or even a Ferrari?"

Because they want one (can afford) or need one (can't afford one) :D :D !

Best Regards,


Just running through the various "I wants" in my head for a second bike and wanted to ask those who've sold their FJR, why? I like my 2006 919 for back and forth to work and some spirited one up riding but for longer distances and something the girl may be able to sit up on - the FJR came to mind. I'd seen a few posts here and on a few other boards where some people were selling their FJR's and wondered if there were mechanical problems, new baby on the way, too many bikes and not enough time, ?????
I was (guess I still am until I sell the old car) considering going to a cruiser like the 2007 Yamaha V Star 1300. Belt drive, FI, liquid cooled, and over 1000cc's but at nearly 650 pounds I really hate going back to a boat anchor just to please. So why not a supersport tourer? The FJR is just such a beast.

I purchased my 05 from a guy that had to sell it after only 3200 miles on the clock in order to buy an engagement ring for his girlfriend. Without seeing how hot she was or ever meeting her, I can safely say that I got the better end of that deal.


I haven't sold an FJR, but I've only sold/traded bikes when I wore the things out, or they had mechanical issues.

Sold my '04 because I didn't think I would do enough touring to justify the bike, and the wife didn't want to go on long distance rides.

After 2 weeks of looking at her with her lower lip stuck out so far a bird could roost on it because she couldn't ride with me (I had a FZ6), I old the FZ6 and went out and bought an '06 FJR JUST TO KEEP HER HAPPY.

Now I take her on 200 miles max (1 lunch, 2 ice cream stops) and ride the p*** out of "her" bike when I'm not on MY FZ1.

The things I do to keep the wife happy. I'm a hell of a guy.


Sold my last bike 'cos of health issues, needed electric clutch for arthritic finger; will only sell this one when either I am physically unable to ride it safely, or my SO stops supporting my riding.

PO of mine sold it after, sitting on it in the showroom was just tall enough to touch the floor, but in the real world with pot holes, oil, gravel, etc, was just too short. He was no stranger to riding and was mature enough to know this would be dangerous in the long run. 2000 miles and YES for a song. I could afford the bike and a few toys and unless there is some significant technological break through, I'll probably have to hang on to it until maintainence keeps me from riding as much as I want.


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