Why do people make (and post) lame ass ride videos?

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Good intentions mean nothing.

I guess to rebut the "don't post lame stuff" statement....

#1 - Many of us enjoy RRs and experience more of this world from other's adventures...whether one person thinks they are lame or not.

#2 - Some of us are just learning how to do RRs or videos...you learn by doing...sometimes you get it right, and sometimes you don't.

#3 - Everybody does a RR or video differently...what you may hate or think is poor...I may get enjoyment out of.

#4 - I get the most enjoyment on this site by meeting riders from all over and experiencing the world through their eyes or words.

It would be incredibly sad to me if someone saw this thread and were discouraged from doing a RR or posting a video on this site.....because they were afraid of not "measuring up".
Yep...well said, Mark!

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I keep thinking of this thread as I burn three perfectly good weeks of vacation working on my house.

I often wish I had a GoPro mounted on my baseball cap.

Home ownership blows.

Like anything there are good and bad examples of ride videos. I used to make them all the time, got bored of it. They all begin to look alike after while.

I am not near a skilled enough rider to make an exciting ride video, and those are the ones that I tend

to enjoy watching now.

Give me a well written ride report, with awesome pictures. Or a well edited video of a moto trip somewhere and I'm happy.

For a video to be compelling, there must be conflict.

...OR, since we're talking motorbike riding,

there should be some sort of road rash friction ....

WTF?? Damn, that looks painful. And exactly what were the search parameters you used to find that clip, OM? Lame ASS VIDEOS?

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I'll bite: I post lame-ass videos because.... Well, let me take a different slant: When I used to make videos, I tried to create a visual experience that helped the viewer share what it feels like to ride a motorcycle. But I have to agree, a lot of motorcycle videos are just too many minutes of a fairly redundant image. That's why I try to choreograph mine to cool music and create transitions. But I don't waste my time making those anymore. No feel-good payoff for all the effort invested.

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This is getting depressing...so I bought that GoPro for nothing...I'm just going to shut it down in a couple years...cyclebabble, JB...

For a video to be compelling, there must be conflict.

...OR, since we're talking motorbike riding,

there should be some sort of road rash friction ....

Joyce of the Kachina Lodge is being a real buzzkill, Inn Management said we can't do that at this year's SW-FOG. She said the German tourists were complaining, though I didn't hear any gripes from Petey!
