Why is the FJr being left out of tests?

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The FJR is made in Japan. We should keep in mind that anything made in Japan is pretty precious these days. The yen has been drifting down since the GEN2 was released, trading at around 80 to the dollar recently. At that rate, I don't know how they can afford to keep selling them in the US without a major price increase. Or, we could see a new model/redesign to cheapen it. In '07 the rate was about 125 yen to the dollar. No wonder they're hurting.

Still going? This thread is like the Energizer Bunnie..

Obviously the reason it ain't included is because Bike Magazine people read forums like this, and because people here continually bitch about piss ant issues and constantly whine about minor stuff, it's apparent this platform sucks..

Why spend time trying to promote a hunk of shit?

Well it doesn't have a 6th gear, so that's probably another reason. All the cool kids have 6 gears.

Something changed on the FJR since the '04?

Where the hell YOU been???
Glad to see you, too! That's a question without a very interesting answer...

In the spring and summer of 2009 I was job hunting, a statistic, one of 9.something% unemployed, 5 months on the bench. Meanwhile, the idiots who took over my old company and sacked me ran it into the ground in 18 months. Closed its doors about a year ago.

Meanwhile a lot of home re-modeling. Market's down, don't want to move. Might as well make the place what we want.

A lot of issues with my mom, who's getting a little light in the memory dept. OK, a lot light. That eats up time worse than caring for an infant.

Nothing dramatic, other than getting sacked. No tragedies, other than my father-in-law dying suddenly last fall. But he was 84 and it was very quick. My wife still loves me, the boys are fine, looking for colleges for the older one. No new motorcycles--still have the Fizz and the Feejer. Picked up a couple of dogs and a kitten who thinks he's a dog.

That's about it.

Something changed on the FJR since the '04?

Where the hell YOU been???
RadioHowie, if memory serves me (I'm getting senile!), didn't yanktar leave right after you posted the photo of me having my lunch on the beach? jes' sayin' and nuff' said!


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I didn't leave. I just forgot to post for 3 years...Not the same.

However, if it makes you feel better that picture is enough to make the fleas leave a dog, much less a member leave off posting! :yahoo: :lol:

RadioHowie, if memory serves me (I'm getting senile!), didn't yanktar leave right after you posted the photo of me having my lunch on the beach? jes' sayin' and nuff' said!
Hey Jackass....don't you know the rules about posting copyright materials???



RadioHowie, if memory serves me (I'm getting senile!), didn't yanktar leave right after you posted the photo of me having my lunch on the beach? jes' sayin' and nuff' said!
Hey Jackass....don't you know the rules about posting copyright materials???


RadioHowie, I am almost as rude as rushes! Not quite as rude as rushes, but I am working on it!

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RadioHowie, if memory serves me (I'm getting senile!), didn't yanktar leave right after you posted the photo of me having my lunch on the beach? jes' sayin' and nuff' said!
Hey Jackass....don't you know the rules about posting copyright materials???


RadioHowie, I am almost as rude as rushes! Not quite as rude as rushes, but I am working on it!
Oh, I didn't realize how much I missed this place!


The Yankee Tarheel if I remember correctly. I had been gone for a while myself. Also if I remember correctly you had a misshap with the Fizz some time ago. Everything, including the Fizz heal up o.k.?

Glad to see you back in the mix.

Keep tryin', hamsterdik......one day you'll be slightly less than useless with Photoshop!

Hamsterdik? :derisive: :haha:

If'n I was gettin' paid(or had a worthy subject) I'd do bedder.

Seems like all I do is edit lately.. Peeps don't seem to get it.. Time is money!

Kisses babycakes! :p

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The Yankee Tarheel if I remember correctly. I had been gone for a while myself. Also if I remember correctly you had a misshap with the Fizz some time ago. Everything, including the Fizz heal up o.k.?

Glad to see you back in the mix.
Good memory! I lived in NC for enough years to become a lifelong Tarheel fan. Yeah, I fell off the Fizzy 7 years ago. Dislocated right shoulder (not the kind the pops back in), messed up ankle. I was in P/T for 6 months. Got about 90% back and it aches from time to time. Meanwhile I fixed the FZ1 with "one hand tied behind my back", or nearly so. Did it all with my left hand. Bike's better than me! Luckily, no frame damage as the sliders did their job.

FJR is boring at this point. Seen the K1600? so has everyone that has bought any M/C magazine in the last two months. Old models are uninteresting except to the owners. :)
