Why is the FJr being left out of tests?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Keep tryin', hamsterdik......one day you'll be slightly less than useless with Photoshop!

Hamsterdik? :derisive: :haha:

If'n I was gettin' paid(or had a worthy subject) I'd do bedder.

Seems like all I do is edit lately.. Peeps don't seem to get it.. Time is money!

Kisses babycakes! :p
So Babycakes, you Manatee Molester! How do you like this Photoshop, you FL hamsterdik:


So Babycakes, you Manatee Molester! How do you like this Photoshop, you FL hamsterdik:

Damn, Don, that's pretty good. I'll give you an A-. You coulda had an A+ if you had scaled down the size of my head to match the body. About a 10-12% downsize woulda been just bout right.


edit to add:....I have more hair than that, too. Not MUCH more, but more.

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