Wicked Vibration at Right Handgrip

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I'd been thinking about that but it just makes no sense. There is a harmonic at 4000 rpm and 1) I just never noticed it before, or B) the engine was not fully broken in and, well, see #1).
If the vibration had a wider rpm range I could see a throttle body synch or ignition issue but with such a consistent vibration at a specific rpm, it probably has to be a harmonic resonance. On the flip side, I definitely feel a difference between the stock spark plugs and the iridium plugs. Go ahead, shoot all the arrows you want.

I'll just drive it for a while and see what happens.

My Concours was fine at low rpm. When pushing the rpm up the sketchy connection would not allow the electrical load and would drop a cylinder. Felt like a balance issue with the engine. It took a while to figure this out because I don't generally run it up to 4000 rpm in the garage. In my case the wire popped off the plug but if the wire is pulled loose from the boot the same condition would occur.

There has been a couple instances on the forum where someone pulled the wire loose from the boot during a plug change.

If you worked on the bike just prior to this condition then you need to look at the items you worked on. In my experience when something like this occurs it is because of the last item worked on before the problem began.

If you didn't notice it before you worked on the bike, look at what you worked on.

Good advice. I will go in and take a look at the wires. Maybe I need to get a new set. Probably big $$. Seriously I was thinking that this was an electrical problem just like you describe but had convinced myself otherwise. Also, the problem didn't arise JUST after I did the plug change. It was a couple of weeks and a thousand miles later. Thus, I detached the two actions in my head.

I will take another look at the plug wires.

My 2008 has had this problem since day one. After a few K miles of frustration I started perusing the forums. I found many references to this problem in 2008. I finally got an cramp buster and a Throttlemeister with heavy end weights. The vibration is not gone but at least I can wake up my throttle hand while riding. The vibe also affects the left hand.

My 2008 has had this problem since day one. After a few K miles of frustration I started perusing the forums. I found many references to this problem in 2008. I finally got an cramp buster and a Throttlemeister with heavy end weights. The vibration is not gone but at least I can wake up my throttle hand while riding. The vibe also affects the left hand.
This is most disappointing to hear. I'm still not convinced that something didn't change to cause this but there are lots of posts like yours causing me to think otherwise. Jury still out. I'll continue to ride and see what happens.

So from all the comments I've heard, both Gen 1 and Gen 2 have vibration around 4500. It's simply a matter of how much vibration is normal. If you ride 400 miles with no mods, your rist is likely to hurt. Right hand more than left, because your holding the throttle. Tire vibration is noticably different than engine vibration. Pull in your clutch at speed and let the engine idle is ab obvious way to check. Also I find engine vibs are noticable in the feet more than front wheel vibs. The things I did to improve but not eliminate a sore rist and what I would say the percentage of difference each change made.

- Loosen up on the rist. (20%)

- Throttlemeister for me, provided both heavier bar ends plus allowed me to lock the turottle and rest my hand. (40%)

- Trottle Body Sync (5%, they were on spec anyway)

- Torque, strip, helicoil, re-torque frame sliders (40%, biggest noitcable change in my case)

- Drive faster, not as many vibs at 90.

Retorqued the engine mounting bolts to spec (except the top ones because I couldn't commit that kind of time) and it didn't make a damn bit of difference. Basically I'm getting used to it. Got a cramp buster and that helps...although it rotates WRT the throttle, have to figure that out, and yes, I used the little rubberband thingy that came with it.

There is a definite vibration at 2,500 RPM and 4,000 RPM. I'm fairly convinced at this pint that there is nothing "wrong" with the bike. Sadly this is a characteristic of the engine. I just thought it would be smoother.

One beny, I can feel it in my balls at certain RPMs. Very tingly.

That is the one thing I don't like about my bike.

Changes made:

- Heli risers

- G2 Throttle tube

- Skyway sliders replaced with OES, torqued to correct specs

- Heavy Throttlemeisters

- Crampbuster

- Throttle Rocker

I haven't done the TBS yet, but will, nor have I done the throttle spring unwind, and might not.

It kinda sucks.

My 04 had a strong vibration at 4000rpm that I just accepted as normal. When I finally got around to the Barbarian jumper mod & increased the co settings by 7 it really smoothed things out. Idle is now very stable & engine is amoother at all RPM's.

Yesterday while riding home from work, the bike started vibrating noticeably and about 10 miles in at 70 mph my right hand was about numb. Since the ride in was smooth I was a bit baffled.
Same vibration on the way in today. I was thinking tires as the vibration seemed to be speed related but my tires are fine. A friend suggested the suspension and I think that is the problem. The left clicker on top of the shock no longer stops at the prescribed number of clicks. The right side stops. My theory is that the valve on the left is stuck closed while I had backed both sides from "hard" to get the ride I was looking for. With the left valve closed and the right one 6 clicks out, the right side was vibrating like crazy from small undulations whilst the left was not moving?

Sound reasonable? What will it take to fix this? It's under warranty but just wondering how long I'll be without the ride.

Welcome to the club... 3rd gear 40 mph in traffic, or 4th gear 50mph-55mph, 5th gear at 65-70mph... right hand vibrates like a mo fo. It's weird, but at 80mph, the bike becomes so smooth and quiet, you wonder if the engine is still on. Try this, it might help...

Your front end might be too low, effecting the geometry of the bike, forcing more of your bodyweight forward and onto the front grips/handlebars. Basically, you could have the grip of death going on, and because you're gripping tighter around the throttle, you feel more vibration. check your sag, and try adding a full 360 degree turn of preload in the front. ride at the same speed, same road, see if it goes away. If it's better, try 2 turns, see what happens. You can always go back to the original preload setting.

As someone who's played drums for 32 years, if I had carpel tunnel issues they would have come to light well before now.
Playing drums for 32 will CAUSE carpal tunnel, ya dink!

Sheesh...have to explain this stuff to n00bs!

Since everyone else here is offering anecdotal evidence of "hand numbing" I'll throw in my 2 cents.

Back in the mid 60s, my right hand would go numb working the throttle on my Sears Allstate scooter.

My right hand would go numb on my Honda 350 scrambler.

My right hand would go numb on my Kaw H1.

My right hand would go numb on my Kaw H2.

My right hand would go numb on my Kaw Z900.

My right hand would go numb on my Kaw Z1R-TC.

My right hand would go numb on my Kaw GPZ900R.

My right hand would go numb on my Kaw KZ1300.

My right hand goes numb on my Kaw ZRX1200R.

My right hand goes numb on my FJR 1300.

My right hand goes numb on my Honda Del Sol.

My right hand goes numb on my Honda Civic.

My right hand goes numb on the company's F250 vans.

Singles, two cylinders, triples, I-4s, straight sixes, V-8s and V-10s. ALL make my right hand go numb.

Goddamnit, why can't ANYONE build something that won't make my right hand go numb!

Maybe I should just buy a car...
Or just buy a new cartridge for your pissin-and-moanin filter. :p
That is f in hilarious!

So after riding and riding all summer, I have more to say about this vibration. First, it has gotten better. Could be that I'm getting used to it or maybe it was a break-in issue. I have almost 10k now and the motor seems to have really settled down.

Having said that, I have noticed that the vibration is MUCH worse when the ambient temperature is above 95 degrees. This week has been very nice in the mornings when I go to work. It's been in the 70's. The bike feels awesome. On the way home however, it's 95 to 100 and the vibration is very noticeable. Not quite sure what to make of that but it's just one more reason I can't wait for cooler weather.

So after riding and riding all summer, I have more to say about this vibration. First, it has gotten better. Could be that I'm getting used to it or maybe it was a break-in issue. I have almost 10k now and the motor seems to have really settled down.
Having said that, I have noticed that the vibration is MUCH worse when the ambient temperature is above 95 degrees. This week has been very nice in the mornings when I go to work. It's been in the 70's. The bike feels awesome. On the way home however, it's 95 to 100 and the vibration is very noticeable. Not quite sure what to make of that but it's just one more reason I can't wait for cooler weather.
Here's an interesting thought, based on your mentioning temperature differences and the level of vibrations: Perhaps on of your two radiator fans has a bent or out-of-balance blade, or loose mounting bolts, and when the fan comes on, here comes the vibes.

You can confirm or deny this by putting your bike into the diagnostic mode through the instrument cluster,

Cycle the display up to #51 and turn the the Main Switch by the throttle to "ON". The fan should come on and cycle on and off 5 times every 5 seconds.

If there is a balance problem with one of the fans, it will show up and you can track the problem further.

Good luck with the problem.

So after riding and riding all summer, I have more to say about this vibration. First, it has gotten better. Could be that I'm getting used to it or maybe it was a break-in issue. I have almost 10k now and the motor seems to have really settled down.
Having said that, I have noticed that the vibration is MUCH worse when the ambient temperature is above 95 degrees. This week has been very nice in the mornings when I go to work. It's been in the 70's. The bike feels awesome. On the way home however, it's 95 to 100 and the vibration is very noticeable. Not quite sure what to make of that but it's just one more reason I can't wait for cooler weather.
Here's an interesting thought, based on your mentioning temperature differences and the level of vibrations: Perhaps on of your two radiator fans has a bent or out-of-balance blade, or loose mounting bolts, and when the fan comes on, here comes the vibes.

You can confirm or deny this by putting your bike into the diagnostic mode through the instrument cluster,

Cycle the display up to #51 and turn the the Main Switch by the throttle to "ON". The fan should come on and cycle on and off 5 times every 5 seconds.

If there is a balance problem with one of the fans, it will show up and you can track the problem further.

Good luck with the problem.
I probably should have clarified...it really is no longer a "problem". I would characterize it as an annoyance now. My hand no longer gets numb like when I first experienced this. And when it's cooler, almost no vibration is felt (perceived?). Bottom line is it has gotten a LOT better.

As for a cooling fan being the culprit, I kind of doubt it because the maximum vibration is always at the same 4,000 RPM range. I don't feel any vibration when stopped at a light with the fans blasting. But who knows, may be worth taking a look at.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Yesterday while riding home from work, the bike started vibrating noticeably and about 10 miles in at 70 mph my right hand was about numb. Since the ride in was smooth I was a bit baffled.
Same vibration on the way in today. I was thinking tires as the vibration seemed to be speed related but my tires are fine. A friend suggested the suspension and I think that is the problem. The left clicker on top of the shock no longer stops at the prescribed number of clicks. The right side stops. My theory is that the valve on the left is stuck closed while I had backed both sides from "hard" to get the ride I was looking for. With the left valve closed and the right one 6 clicks out, the right side was vibrating like crazy from small undulations whilst the left was not moving?

Sound reasonable? What will it take to fix this? It's under warranty but just wondering how long I'll be without the ride.
I get this tingly feeling on my 07, but I always thought this was a good thing.


I get this tingly feeling on my 07, but I always thought this was a good thing.


Oh I definitely get that too!

I have also noticed that the engine vibration does increase when the bike is heavily heat soaked, such as at the end of a long hot day. It is more of an observation, or a quirk, than a "problem", IME.

I think the main reason that some people have right hand only issues is they are gripping the throttle too tightly. The people that have problems on both sides probably have a death grip on both sides. As they become used to the bike, and more comfortable, they loosen up and the bike magically has less vibration. ;)

There was always a definite difference in Franks smoothness between ambient cold and hot. Horsiepower difference too. I think once again the FJR's Commodore 64 based fuel management system is to blame.

There was always a definite difference in Franks smoothness between ambient cold and hot. Horsiepower difference too. I think once again the FJR's Commodore 64 based fuel management system is to blame.
Are you sure it's not a TRS 80 based system? :yahoo:

After reading this thread, I think I'll check engine mounts, etc. My '05 puts my hands to sleep, particularly my right hand. A throttle lock helps a lot, just taking my hand off the throttle for a minute or so really helps. I bought Grip Puppies hoping that would help, but it really didn't make much difference. It's refreshing to know many people have similar problems.
