wiped out today.

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@evil - glad you injuries are relatively minor - heal well, and heal soon

Total suckage man, very sorry to hear. Back "in the day" Sharp, Roamer and I could hardly go a weekend without someone wiping out, in fact, it was so bad we were called the "Wrecking crew" on the Euro board. I always thought that the only upshot was that we always were upright and talking about it right afterwards. Same thing applies here. Here is to a swift repair and return to the road.
Hey, those were the days - the original wrecking crew :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Gave us much to post about :rolleyes:


Sorry about your getoff. :(

I'm adding my name to the list of those who haven't quite figured out how you went down.

Get well soon and let us know if there's anything this community can do for you.


it was about 38 degree's w/ the sun shining brightly and a few cirrus clouds wisping in the delicate blue. As I coming up to one of our lovely speed bumps I decided to go sround it to the left which is not uncommon. I was going about 18mph, speed limit is 20, and as I hit the edge of the speed bump my neurological center suddenly goes" why are we speeding up?"
I'm in a rush and have not read the rest of the thread, but...

Have you addressed the initial throttle tip-in issues that have been a recurring question about the '06's?

Ed,glad to hear that there are no broken bones. I am sure the card is in the mail.

Sometimes shit happens that has very little explanation. I got my card last fall when I did a left turn going to lunch at 15mph, the turn that I have been doing twice daily for the last 9 years. Before I was able to say F&%k I was on my side. Broken left tibia in 2 places and ankle broke off as well, WTF I was wearing my SIDI's. That 15 mph totaled FZ. The only thing that made sense is there was a piece of plastic that I guess front tire got on it and washed out.

On the bright side. Tuesday night took a ride in the city. We were hanging out at the Sturbucks on Rush and it was 73 at 10pm. Now it is only 31 back into the cage.

Damn.... Sorry mang, but I feel your pain. No really, I sprained my ankle too in my getoff a few weeks ago, so I feel that pain. The real bitch is the pain of looking at the bike after.

OOh! I know, now we can start a constest as to who spends the most money fixing their FJR!!! :)

BTW, I bought some lottery tickets, the powerball is 182 million tomorrow, if I win, NEW FJRs FOR BOTH OF US!!!!!!! (yes you can hold me to that legally!)

You do have collision though? That will make things a lot easier. I like the idea someone else had about using the insurance check for a down payment on the new bike and fix the fjr as you go.

University motorsports is the way to go for parts, do it yourself and save mucho dinero.

Good luck, feel better...

Sorry to hear about dinging the ankle and your plasticizing the street.

You and the recent thread about pants got me digging mine out of the closet.



Tough break........bout dropped mine on the way to work this a.m. From a stopped position I started a left turn on a protected arrow. Got about 1/2 way through the turn and went to shift into 2nd and missed, made it as far as neutral, of course expecting to get some joo joo to the rear wheel and receiving 0 kinda caused a bit of a blance issue there for a second. Fortunate to recover in a very busy intersection w/way too many witnesses about to give them something to talk about.

Good for you Ed on the cig's my father recently died from lung cancer, he smoked for over 40 years, he quit 9 years ago, but the cig's got him in the end anyway. The sooner you stop the better your chances. I have been a smokless tobacco user for many years. In honor of my fathers death due to tobacco use I decided to quit the Cope. As I write this I chew gum........................over the past few weeks that have passed since his death, the nic. withdrawals have gotten much easier.

Hope you and the feejer both heal up better than ever!

REALLY sorry to hear about you going down!

I know the bike injuries hurt you the most, but we are all happiest that you are okay.

Stay with the quit smoking thing and save that money for the Feej.

Speedy recovery my forum friend.


Glad to hear you are OK...sorry about the bike.

I think I'll stay inside today.....looks like there is a new moon coming in the next few days. I'm going to let it pass and then see what is going on :glare:

It will take some time to fix your bike, but YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Take care :D

hmm. Get better soon eh?

Me thinks the FjrForum theme song should be the one by Queen; 'Another one bites the dust'! :unsure:

I'm glad to hear you'll ride again... if your wife lets you.

A little troubling that so many folks here are having get-offs. :unsure:

Sorry to hear about your crash and glad that you are not more seriously injured.

Regarding the cause, is it possible that you inadvertently cranked the throttle? This happens to me when turning left out of the parking lot at work. There are some bumps in the road and I am usually in first gear, almost ready to shift into second, and leaning over when I hit the rough pavement. It is difficult to hold the throttle steady at that point.

Sorry for all the confusion about the get off guys. I'm pretty sure the sudden feeling of acceleration was the front tire washing out on either some gravel or a kids plastic toy(it looked like a plastic ant). I thought long and hard about whether i might have blipped the throttle inadvertantly but I remember setting in the clutch just before that. The bike is doable by myself, I just have to write down the million part #'s! Thanks alot for the get wells, the foot is slowly feeling better, I stil can't put it on the ground w/o falling over from the pain, it should be good in a week or so.

Here are the piccies as promised.

This is the frame that holds the instrument panel and headlights, luckily it's a bolt on piece








The pants show absolutely no damage, not even a torn seam, unlike the alter ego, but that really took the hits for me! i KNOW i KNOW WHERE ARE THE FRAME SLIDERS? In this case I don't think they would've been much help unless they would've stopped the bike from sliding under the suv. But, there will be a set upcoming once she is up and screaming again.

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What is that first picture of?
The picture is of a nastyfuglybad broken box frame. Look at the square box tube, just to the left of the weld.

Sorry about the get-off Evil(Kenevil)medic! Better it was the bike that got stuffed under the SUV than you. Glad your personal body damages weren't too bad, even low speed tip-overs can do serious damage. I don't see how you could have done much more motorcycle body damage than what happened :(

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