OK folks, we're a week out. Weather forecast is good for Friday, probably OK for Saturday, maybe damp on Sunday and Monday. Of course, that can and likely will change as we get closer.
If everyone who expressed an interest or said they're coming shows up, we'll have about 18-20 attendees. A few of those even have some wrenching to do!
At the moment, Ray and Billy will be rolling in Friday afternoon to get set up, and FJRFarrier will be coming in that evening so her bike is ready for a valve check in the morning. Anyone else coming in Friday night? Saturday's activities usually get going around 9 or so, but we'll welcome you whatever time you get here...unless you show up at 5am, and then we'll probably throw full beer cans at your head...
Among other edibles, Laura's got a couple of usual favorites planned for Saturday, including Buffalo Chicken Wing dip and mini Beef-On-Weck sandwiches (look it up if you're not familiar with this WNY specialty). Hopefully we'll get the place tidied up before Friday. Where did the spring go???
Looking forward to hosting this event and seeing all you wonderful miscreants!!!