won't start - am i missing something?

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Keep the tech tips coming. I for one have learned so much from them. Don't let one thing/person stop you.


Hey Rad,

I am an infrequent poster but a daily reader....(there are few of us....)

I look forward to all your posts - techie or otherwise ;)

As has been stated previously - the tech tips gleaned from this forum has given me a lot of confidence to wrench safely on this bike.

Know what you ride, ride what you know....

Looking forward to learning more from your many years of sage experience...

I don't know why my last message in this thread hacked Radman off, but I don't care. I rode today and that's what matters to me. Thanks to FZ1FJR1300 from the board that shall not be mentioned and Mr Vrrooomm. You too Radman.

Nah, leave the gas in there.  He said he added Stabil. 
Countersteer: I think this is the part that did the "hacking off" but could be wrong...

Rad: please continue to be a vocal experienced wrench (or is that wench? :eek: ) I am yet another of many to have learned from your posts and hopefully will again


Nah, leave the gas in there.  He said he added Stabil. 
Countersteer: I think this is the part that did the "hacking off" but could be wrong...
Rad, you should just get over yourself. Seriously. It sounds like you may have some other demons you're trying to deal with.

And as far as the rest of you guys kissing his ass? Grow your own set.

I've met Rad, he helped me at his house with a steering bearing re-torque. Dave's a good guy. But dude, you really need to open up your mind a bit. There is always more than one way to skin the proverbial cat.

Nah, leave the gas in there.  He said he added Stabil. 
Countersteer: I think this is the part that did the "hacking off" but could be wrong...
Rad, you should just get over yourself. Seriously. It sounds like you may have some other demons you're trying to deal with.

And as far as the rest of you guys kissing his ass? Grow your own set.
I happen to have my own routinely shaved "set" thank you very much...

As to "kissing his ass"...

Okay, that is enough of a response to you about that.

Could be my memory is off a bit but I do have a tendency to look for the "fishing smilie" in a lot of your posts...

Agree, many times different ways to the same ends and as usual, when I read these threads I learned something from this one too regarding hard starts for my two wheeled baby, for that I thank you all, including you

(kissy kissy can you hear the sound of lips on ass?) :rolf: :rolf: :rolf:

Could be my memory is off a bit but I do have a tendency to look for the "fishing smilie" in a lot of your posts...
I generally don't mess around with silly emoticons. It's a wasted motion. In this case I'll make an exception.


Yeah, that's me. Some creative person over on the Wisconsin Motorcycling made that up. I guess it must be 'cause I ride a scooter also.

Sorry, kids, but rad is a lot funnier when he is pissed off.....and I haven't even met the dude. Come on, twn...piss him off....somehow....cure the boredom. :rolleyes:

When you wave good-bye to me it's perfectly okay to use ALL your fingers, not just that one in the middle.

:p (Sorry just had to waste a motion for you, and by the way, thank you for making an exception on my account --- makes me feel special )

Radman has takin his ball and gone home....hopefully he will get lonely and come back and play with us again soon.

Keep this in mind. You never see a motorcycle parked in a psychiatrist office parking lot. --- Radman, go for a ride dude.

I'll bet rad is a fair weather poster. He only posts when it's snowing outside. Otherwise, he's probably out going through avons and snickering at you sniveling snides for wasting your time on a computer/confuzzler/confuser. :lol:

welp..... shit, damn, hell! Radman helped me out on several things, hope he changes his mind and comes back.

Radman has takin his ball and gone home....hopefully he will get lonely and come back and play with us again soon. Keep this in mind. You never see a motorcycle parked in a psychiatrist office parking lot. --- Radman, go for a ride dude.
The weather here in MN has been spectacular for the past week or so. Perhaps he's actually RIDING his bike. I'm sure he'll back.

Well I like the RadMan but if he is going to get his his pantys all in a bunch just because a member took someone else's advice instead of his then ... :****:
