Wrecked the '15 already

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Well, it would seem that the temps were not the problem after all, but then neither were those "notoriously inferior tires". Which gives me (and many other new bike owners) a tad more confidence to go out and ride my '14 tomorrow, in the chilly fall temps, I suppose.

An oil, or some other automotive fluid spill, can happen pretty much anywhere or anytime to anyone, day or night, hot or cold, Ricky Racer or Stanley Saferider. It's just one of those (relatively small) risks we all choose to take when we are running around on our two skinny hoops. It sucks pretty badly that you would have hit such a scene the exact day of your virgin bikes first rides, but sometimes bad shit like this just happens to good people.

When they get your bike all fixed up under your full coverage insurance, other than the deductible, you'll be whole again. And (unlike many of the other clowns around here) considering the apparent reason for the dumping, I think you should be back in the proper mental state in no time at all.

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Fluid spills are bad news, especially if of a petroleum nature. And when it's dark, good luck spotting it. I saw a darkish fluid spray on the surface of a favorite piece of Idaho twisty (Hwy. 14 to Elk City) at the end of Sept. It went on for miles. I stopped, got off and rubbed it with my fingers to personally verify it wasn't moist or slick. A spill like the one that got Redfish is one of those rare factors that no amount of vigilance can overcome - kind of like a buck bolting out from roadside brush and broadsiding bike and rider - simply beyond our control, just plain old bad luck. The upside is that the bike can be repaired and Redfish will heal with only some agony. Let's all pray that he is sneeze-free for the next several weeks.

Doesn't matter to me about the WHY, only that it happened to a forum member on his freaking brand new bike.

Bummer, dude. Get better soon, and try not to laugh or sneeze until you do.

(And that "don't argue on my account" request? Some folks just like to argue.)

Really, you're riding your motorcycle to the Doctor while your ribs are broken and sore? Hmmmmm

I don't mean to judge, but I am not sure I would do that. I have had broken ribs, and I recall that any sudden jolt would make me cringe.

Get back on the horse from a position of power. Even though you're a bonafide gangster, riding hurt at this point is risk factor stacking. Too early. If something happens on the way to the doctor, and you're on the bike, sympathy, particularly on the home front, will be hard to find. Think long term. when you're healed and riding, I'll ride to you and buy you breakfast or lunch, if you'll allow. Just wait a bit. I'd expect the same advice from you. Dropping the mike....

Really, you're riding your motorcycle to the Doctor while your ribs are broken and sore? HmmmmmI don't mean to judge, but I am not sure I would do that. I have had broken ribs, and I recall that any sudden jolt would make me cringe.
My wife 100% agrees with you.

Here is why that happened:

1. It was either the Electronically Adjustable Suspension FJR or my truck. I know the suspension can be softened up on the FJR enough to make it very smushy. The Truck, on the other hand is a GMC 2500HD 4WD Duramax. There is nothing soft about the truck's suspension. It rides like a war wagon. I had already tried the truck and it was pure agony.

2. I was afraid that I might actually be Afraid To Ride. I figured there was almost no chance that I would have That Fear but I had to know. Turns out that I was okay with regards to fear.

3. The FJR had 26 miles on it. Just 26. I have a brand new, super awesome, high velocity, electronic suspension FJR and I have only ridden it in the dark and in the cold for 26 miles. I figured I could endure some pain for the privilege of riding it. Turns out it was much better than the truck.

Finally, just to prove how stupid I am, I rode the bike to work tonight. My bosses understand that I would rather be here than sitting at home collecting the same money. They also want me out here. So, I have been allowed to return to work and I was able to put over 50 miles on the FJR today. That is a bigger deal than you can imagine.

My dear, dear friends, Please Do NOT Argue on my account. Please.
The 2015 FJR just happens to have an ambient temp readout. It was reading 33. Is it accurate? Can ice form above 33F? It is a moot point anyway.

I just returned from the company doctor and I had him fooled until!!! He made me lie on my back on the exam table. I could not fake him out like that, lying down hurts bad. I could barely breathe. I passed every other aspect of his physical, including climbing but I could not lie on the damned table. He okayed me to go back to work anyway with minor restrictions. He was astonished when I told him I had ridden the motorcycle up there, he was thrilled to examine my Tourmaster jacket. He praised me for wearing good gear. Now, I am waiting on a phone call from my bosses, I am hoping to return to work tonight.

On my way home from the plant I did just as my friend hppants suggested. I stopped and looked over the intersection in bright sunlight. It appears as though something was leaking a trail of some type of petroleum product for almost a mile leading up to that intersection. It looks like hydraulic oil but I cannot say for sure. It covers a wide area at the exact spot where I know I lost traction, I have no doubt that was the culprit. As HRZ has stated, I would have gone down on the ST also. I would probably have been hurt worse because I would have been going faster.

I will not lie, I am having confidence issues while leaning. I also spun the rear tire while passing a slow truck on my way home. It broke loose as I went over the yellow lines for a very brief moment. I did not experience anything that felt like traction control either. That ticked me off.

Again, please don't argue over this guys. I feel badly enough without that. Now I just have to heal up and get my bike fixed.
My TC works very well, try spinning the rear wheel on sand in a parking lot, amazing how smoothly it kicks in and out, heal well..........ff

Really, you're riding your motorcycle to the Doctor while your ribs are broken and sore? HmmmmmI don't mean to judge, but I am not sure I would do that. I have had broken ribs, and I recall that any sudden jolt would make me cringe.
Really, you're riding your motorcycle to the Doctor while your ribs are broken and sore? HmmmmmI don't mean to judge, but I am not sure I would do that. I have had broken ribs, and I recall that any sudden jolt would make me cringe.
True story: I fell on an MX bike when I was around 20. I wrapped some duct tape around my ribs and rode the rest of the afternoon. Then I went home and indulged in some legal and and less legal substances. The next day I found about the cracked rib. And the day after that and the day after that...... for about 8 weeks. Oops.

Easy big boy, time to go here....


Thought of you when I was back east this fall. Sorry for the thread hijack.

RH, you have some big ones.
Hey is that in East Tennessee?

Really, you're riding your motorcycle to the Doctor while your ribs are broken and sore? HmmmmmI don't mean to judge, but I am not sure I would do that. I have had broken ribs, and I recall that any sudden jolt would make me cringe.
Really, you're riding your motorcycle to the Doctor while your ribs are broken and sore? HmmmmmI don't mean to judge, but I am not sure I would do that. I have had broken ribs, and I recall that any sudden jolt would make me cringe.
True story: I fell on an MX bike when I was around 20. I wrapped some duct tape around my ribs and rode the rest of the afternoon. Then I went home and indulged in some legal and and less legal substances. The next day I found about the cracked rib. And the day after that and the day after that...... for about 8 weeks. Oops.

Easy big boy, time to go here....


Thought of you when I was back east this fall. Sorry for the thread hijack.

RH, you have some big ones.
Hey is that in East Tennessee?
Snagged the pic in Western Va. on east bound on I-81 while on my ride to EOM. Made me think of our Howie right away, had a good chuckle and been waiting to use it.

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Redfish Hunter, you are THE MAN. I'll look for the "smushy" setting on my amazingly complicated trigger thingy ... and I'm leaving it on "Tour" mode for another month in your honor, sir.

Oil of some sort on the road makes sense. That really sucks, sorry again RFH.

I've seen a few times going through the mountains where each curve has a nice stripe of some liquid, but not on the straight sections. Makes me think that a trucker forgot to put the cap on one of his fuel tanks and it sloshes out in the turns. Completely ruins the road for me. Makes me want to find that guy and explain what a hazard diesel spills are to us two-wheeled travelers. Then again, I'm sure the driver wouldn't be too happy with himself considering how expensive fuel is these days.

Anyway, nice job getting right back on the horse.

My wife 100% agrees with you.

Here is why that happened:

1. It was either the Electronically Adjustable Suspension FJR or my truck. I know the suspension can be softened up on the FJR enough to make it very smushy. The Truck, on the other hand is a GMC 2500HD 4WD Duramax. There is nothing soft about the truck's suspension. It rides like a war wagon. I had already tried the truck and it was pure agony.
I call BS!! :nono:

You just wanted to ride your brand new bike come hell or high water.

Ain't nothin' wrong with that. I think many of us would have done the same thing. :thumbsup:

Who hasn't cracked a few ribs sometime throughout their years? Yeah it hurts like hell, but it still does that sittin' on the sofa, especially if you sneeze or someone makes you you laugh. I busted mine playing backyard volleyball, diving into the kids' sandbox for a dig, and landing my ribcage on one of the sides. Yes, there was some amount of adult beverage involved. ;)

Got one better: last time I busted 2 ribs was a Friday. Laid around with alkyhall and hydrocodone Saturday. Played 18 holes of golf Sunday. At the dr's office bright and early Monday morn she asked, "didn't it hurt?". I said, "DuhHuh! There were a few times I wanted to scream like a girl...."

True story. RFH, take my word for it, don't golf for a few days. After that it's tolerable.

I own the exact same pickup truck w the Duramax, albeit mine has the Chevy tag vs the GMC one.... Rides quite well actually for a 2500. I think Andrew just wanted to ride the new bike and who can really blame him?

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