Your OTHER First Bike

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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First street bike was a Honda '76 CB360. My only transportation for several years during college.

IT'S A SPORTY SPORT, SPORTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


First street bike was a new 73 Kaw H2 750 triple, the Widowmaker. Had ridden dirt for 4 or 5 years up to that point and a seriously judgement challenged decision led to this insane machine. However, I rode it for 2 years before trading to a 75 Kaw 900 Z1, which was like moving to a Mercedes from a dragster.


My machine was identical except I had stock pipes

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Wish I did have a photo. My first bikes were bicycles that had Tecumsah engines, sprag clutches, and belt drive. My Dad taught me to weld in mounts for the motors. Hit a frost-heave in the curve that was in front of the house one time and jammed up the steering stem - boy did I go down fast!

Honda Trail 90 after that, Suzi 125 enduro, Can-Am 175, Honda 350...

First bike I ever owned was at 14 years old and was a used '78 RM125. Got real good at putting clutches in it after trying to ride it in the woods.

First street bike was an '81 GS750E, the list goes on from there...

When we lived in St Croix my dad got a 90cc Honda, it was light blue, I don't remeber the model , I was only 10. He would take us on rides around the Island every week-end. About that time all my friends were getting minibikes. Most had a Tecumseh 2.5 hp motor in them.

Soon a trip by my mother back to TX, yielded a 5 hp Rupp minibike,candy apple red. My brother and I fought over it constantly. It would do 45mph, and at 10 that seemed scary fast.

I haven't seen a picture of the minibike in 40 years.


Since everyone started posting non-Yamaha photos into the "First Yamaha" thread, I figured it was time to start a thread for those photos.
1973 Suzuki 350 (and the anti-disco rider surrounded by late-70's "disco girls")


In your pic, hyde is on the scoot with fez face forward in the back and eric facing fez.....eric's sister is on the right. :unsure:

Why is it that all the pictures from the late sixtys and early seventies had that orange patina. Was the world really that color then? Too many herbs :D

Posted my second bike to the first Yamaha thread so my first bike goes here...


stripped down Honda CB100.

...and yes my mommy dressed me funny. :blink:

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I held off posting this, didn't want to create to many cases of the Wants, or The just gotta haves. So here ya go people.

My first bike


The infamous Allstate Mo-Ped from Sears.

My first bike was older than me.

1975 CB400 Supersport

I picked it up for $200 about 10 years ago, and people are listing them for around $2K now!

In fact, I boosted this pic from an ad since I don't have any of the one I owned.


I don't have any photos, but I found these:

First bike:


First bike I put any real miles on:


(mine was blue)

Kawasaki(s) after that. The FJR is my first Yamaha.

First bike was a 83' Honda Z50r


My father bought it for me when I was only 5 and surprised me with it. Being that I was always around when he was working on his bikes, I guess he figured he better get me started right away. I kept till I was 20. At which point I gave it to a friend of my fathers that had a son that desperatly wanted a dirt bike. I knew how much I loved it when I got it, so I could only imagine how this kid felt when his dad pulled up with it in the back of his truck.
