Mr. Christmas Pants
Couldn't find a pic of my first bike, but it was a 2001 Honda CBR600F4i. had it for three months before moving on to this:
A 2001 Honda CBR929RR. Loved this bike, but all my riding buddies switched to ATV's so I thought I should too. BAD MISTAKE!!! So then, I traded the ATV for this:
2006 Suzuki SV1000S. Put 9000 miles on her in a little over year and half, but just couldn't feel comfortable for more than 2-3 hours or 400 miles. And since I'm the size of a gorilla, I needed yet another, bigger bike. So now, we are here:
2006 FJR1300A. I WISH I would have bought this when I got the SV. Didn't know what I was missing out on!

A 2001 Honda CBR929RR. Loved this bike, but all my riding buddies switched to ATV's so I thought I should too. BAD MISTAKE!!! So then, I traded the ATV for this:

2006 Suzuki SV1000S. Put 9000 miles on her in a little over year and half, but just couldn't feel comfortable for more than 2-3 hours or 400 miles. And since I'm the size of a gorilla, I needed yet another, bigger bike. So now, we are here:

2006 FJR1300A. I WISH I would have bought this when I got the SV. Didn't know what I was missing out on!