Blind guys GPS; Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

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Panama Canal Crosser
Mar 13, 2012
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
I've had easily well over 10 GPS's so far for my vehicles/boats, most are just not quite what I expect out of the maps and graphics. The guidance is Okay I guess (i.e. w Garmin) but let's face it, their maps are still lagging in quality.

Now to motorcycle specific...

As of last year, I've been using Android with Googlemaps on my Droid Razr. I like the quality of graphics compared to the rest BUT I find myself locking down too much on the small 4-1/4" screen to see things like my turn-by-turns, POI and such.

My brainstorm helped by a damsel...

So I was driving one of our CDL trucks yesterday, looking down into a car (easily) at an intersection and here's this woman with a big screen GPS running a very detailed gps map. She being in a small car in the left lane pulled way out and then swung in front of me pulling into a Burger King. I said wtf, I couldn't park next to here but waiting in line for a crap-hole burger.. there she was right in front of me. I break open conversation about me seeing her large GPS. She was very up on it surprisingly, and actually had pretty much the same past experiences w Garmin, Megellon and TT's that I've experienced.

So come to find out she was using a Samsung Galaxay 10.1 tab (10" android tablet) running 'Co-Pilot GPS software' (found out it's a free app in the android store but if you want 3D maps it's $9.99). Sounded great and I asked her after her lunch if I could "check-it out"... No problem!, we didn't eat together as I sat a couple tables away, didn't want her to think I was making the moves on her 50's something ass. I was impressed!! (no, not with her!). Awesome looking GPS and the size a blind guy could see 10ft away! Best part was all maps... US, Canada or whatever are predownloaded FREE and no Cel signal needed to operate GPS (only wifi signal to [pre-trip]download the map). The US map was 1.3gb, no problem for the upgraded16gb Galaxy Tab.

Back to possible bike-usage...

Now my brain is thinking, what about the smaller Galaxy Tab running that app for the bike?. They make waterproof cases or could maybe hobjob my own up? I don't usually rain-ride anyway? hmmm. OK, this 7" Tab would be way bigger than my Droid Razr and can still have googlemaps or maybe even her suggested "Co-Pilot" app. So last night, I did some research. I don't want another 3G/4G plan so it's got to be GPS radio equipped. Good news, both Galaxy tabs are, so I shopped and purchased the Galxay Tab 2 (7" screen) running the latest android 4.2 (jelly bean). Cost me $222.00 shipped for the upgraded model; 16gb internal. Far less than any other GPS that I have purchased so far and if it runs like my Droid Razr w GPS? It will be the best GPS I have owned (so far!) lol... this changes too quickly btw as we all know, well just like any electronics I guess


I will ram mount the Tab2 off the stem nut between the handlebars (my Droid is currently there). I will post up pics and my experience with this 7" Android "GPS". I'm not sure yet if I will run the "Co-Pilot GPS app" or the googlemaps GPS driven one that I'm use to. The Co-Pilot looks pretty nice however! and at only $9.99 for the full app in 3D w free maps I prob can't go wrong, time will tell I guess. To be continued....

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I recall Brodie working on a similar solution using an iPad.

Not sure of his progress..

So do keep us in the loop and keep posting with what you find out.

I recall Brodie working on a similar solution using an iPad.Not sure of his progress..

So do keep us in the loop and keep posting with what you find out.
Funny you mention this. Since I don't have the Tab2 yet, I do have the iPad2. This morning I downloaded her suggested "Co-Pilot" app (for iPad). It has motorcycle mode, tons of toggles and intensities for what type/kind of roads you favor or dislike, weather maps as well. Very Interesting app. The graphics however (being HUGE on my ipad) are not as good as the googlemaps android app. For $9.99 I think I may purchase the Pro 3D version and play with it... In my car/truck, too big (for me at least) for my bike. My "in-transit" 7inch Tab2 should be purrrfect for my bike and my size desired.

Anybody else w an iPad(2 or 3) n you wanna play (for free) with Co-Pilot?... you need to have a GPS radio in your iPad. This is not in the wi-fi only iPads, only the 3G or 4G models (seems the GPS chipset is located on the 3G/4G radio board, no activation however is required to make the GPS work!). For wi-fi only iPads, there are a few options out there, Bad Elf is just one of them.

I like playing with "gizmo's" :) :)

I'm very intrested in this, I have an IPad 4 wifi only and using a Lifeproof Nuud water proof case.

I'm very intrested in this, I have an IPad 4 wifi only and using a Lifeproof Nuud water proof case.
If you have the GPS radio, give it a whack? App is a easy search in app store under "Co Pilot GPS" and it's free. If you want the better 3D maps and voice guidance then they hit ya up, but only $10.

Downloaded the app to my Galaxy II...I'll have to check it out more when I get home.
Yeah let me know what your thoughts are on the Co-Pilot. I most likely will still use the Googlemaps GPS within Android but ya never know!

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Do you know if the app provides voice turn-by-turn?
Yes it does but not in the "free" version. The male/female voice (selectable) voice-guidance is only in the 3D Pro version, as mentioned it's only $10 for this upgrade.

Also for turn by turn it has many selectable options like how soon (if at all) the map zooms in before your turns, warnings of such. One neat thing in the many setup toggles, I like the nearest city text balloon. When going by a nearby town it can show a nice little inverted text of the name of the town. You don't have to be going directly thru that town... kinda neat feature to know what towns are passing you by. Way more triggers/options that I can even go into. The 3D Pro version maps looks much better, but ya have to pay $10 to get them (along with the voice guidance you mentioned).

I still will probably use the android googlemaps however when I get the Galaxy Tab2. I just dig those hi-detail google map graphics, satellite views etc. hmmm, well maybe the Co-Pilot may get played with from time to time

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I've played with a lot of the software packages using the iPod touch first, then an iPhone, and my conclusions pretty much match the above but I'll add a few conclusions that I've made:

1) If you do not have network access when riding (meaning wi-fi only) none of the "free" packages will be of much use. Those packages generally rely on ongoing updates of the map and your position to tell you where you should be going based on where you are now (wifi-only gadgets will provide your location via GPS if soequipped but can't receive map updates).

2) If you want to have a full featured GPS/navigation function when out of network range (even if you're using an iPhone or Galaxy or whatever with data access) you still need a full-featured nav package (meaning $).

3) If you spend all of your time riding in areas with cell coverage, then a "free" package like Co-pilot or Motion-X Drive or Waze would likely be adequate as long as you have a gadget with cell network capability

I also use a Lifeproof case when I'm traveling long-range to be safe when it gets wet, but in the rain you have to make a call about battery life (maybe 2 hours on an iphone when running a GPS app) vs risk of having power plugged in (which is then not water-tight). A tablet would likely be better in that regard since they house much bigger batteries.

Bottom line - I have no intention of ever using a dedicated GPS unit on my M/C ever again. I can get music, phone, nav, GPRS and bike to bike comms with a combination of iPhone, radio link (SR-10) and bluetooth headset (SMH-10) from Sena - and no wires to my helmet. Admittedly I do need to manage a bunch of USB power cables to all these gadgets when riding for more than 2 hours but overall its very reliable and sounds great!

Of course YMMV

Here's a guy who was running with an iPad in the map cover of his tank bag and had issues with overheating. It seems to be a common problem.

Wonder how the Tab 2 will work in direct sunlight for extended periods?

An iPad Mini in a Lifeproof case would be a killer combination. Not that I'm a big Apple fan, but that case is the bomb. Too bad Lifeproof doesn't make cases for non apple devices.

**Mid-term Update**

Rec'd the Tab2 late last week, been running it in the cager with Co-Pilot 3D and in motorcycle mode. I will write up a full detail after I have more time with it. So far it is excellent, only discovered one big bad (so far)... I can't import .gpx files/overlays (yet). I contacted the dev and they said it is in the works but they are trying to go one better and have the overlay be voice guided as well, not just follow the line stuff.

So after playing a few days w the Co-Pilot GPS (no wi-fi needed) in combination w/ the Samsung Tab2 7.0


My first order of business was to make a lightweight alum cradle that will work off the stem mount. I also want to keep the Droid Razr mounted directly above for my phone functions and Radar Detector/digital speed display. Everything has to look semetrical and uniform, the cradles are No-Slip brand.


Back side view of the alum rails w/ Stem mount which will keep the 7" GPS just off the tank about 1/4" on the farthest turn of the H/Bs. In stacking, I had to keep it down low so the normal instrument cluster was still visible. I tested it out, the view clears by the skin of my nut sakk.


Total weight with SS hardware, alum rails and cradles as shown is 6.4 oz, lightweight objective met :)

Tonight when I get home, I will put it on the Feej and snap some more pics. Too cold here in NY however for a live "Bike" test.

<to be continued>

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Fantastic thread. You can pick up the Tab 7" for $159 refurbished at, $199 new. Add $40 or so for offline mapping and you're good to go.

Fantastic thread. You can pick up the Tab 7" for $159 refurbished at, $199 new. Add $40 or so for offline mapping and you're good to go.

I went the new route, probably didn't have to but I have enough headaches all with my employees/bs so I try to lesson my could be probs. Not sure what offline GPS app you have for 40 bucks? The Co-Pilot I'm playing with now was $10 and that was only b/c I wanted Voice guidance and 3D Mapping options otherwise it was free.

I really like it so far. Better than any other Gips I've owned. If we can get the .gpx import update with voice guidance on the overlay?.... I'm throwing out all my other Garmins and TomT's.

I took some pics of my new "stem cluster" with the Tab2 running Co-Pilot (no GPS fix in my garage however) and my Droid Razr running Radar Detector and digital speedo (and phone funct's via BT to helmet).




Last but not least, I need to clean-run the power cables to/thru the bottom side of glove box w/ rubber entry flange seal. Wanna keep the USB ends intact. So power will come from the cig lighter outlet to twin USB. Clean, simple and easiest to swap out or upgrade... which could be tomorrow, especially the way I like to tinker with electronics


<Co-Pilot App Review (or other offline GPS apps I may stumble upon); to be continued>
