Ride the Devil's Highway with Skooterg & BeemerDonS

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Certifiable Old Fart
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
Chandler, Arizona
https://www.motorcycleroads.us/roads/az_us191.html Attention vectervp1, BadCat, FJRobert, Rondo, Joe and the rest of the AZ Arizona FJR Forum hooligans: It's time again for our annual ride up El Camino de Diablo-Evil Old Highway '666'. MUERTE!

Sir CrashALot and Chuy Medina will be your tour guides for this twelve hour and 500 mile day ride with 94 miles of twisties.

Early departure with sidestands up and clutches out promptly at 0700 hours. Leaving from Goldfield Chevron, 3265 South Goldfield Road, Apache Junction, Arizona 85219; top off your tanks! Additional fuel & food stops will be determined enroute.

For additional ride information, please call Senor Gordo "El Burrito Ballerina" at 602-722-0427 or GregM at 1-80S-HIT-HEAD.

Not to sidetrack your thread, but is there gonna be a chase van to pick up parts falling off Greg's bike or is everybody gonna have to provide room on their bikes for that purpose.


Not. :)

Have a great time guys. :clapping:

Greetings wheatonFJR: I will have to double check the duty roster, but I think that Sergeant Robert Ashby is the designated baby sitter for SkooterG on that particular day. Actually, since "Our Prodigal Son" has returned to we Zonies - everyone has given him a thorough lecture on his miscreant ways. Last night, we were all at "Long Way Down" movie in Scottsdale together-it was Melanie and Brian Boles giving him a lecture on motorcycle safety/proper motorcycle maintenance practice.

I'm headed for CO Aug 9th for 7 to 10 days & back in time for GC. This will be an EXCELLENT ride and looking forward to it. Going to LOE rally Oct 5th so this will be a nice warmup . . . . Thanks Don for getting this going !

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FJRobert: Fantastic that you can get to Colorado for a week's worth of FJR riding. CO is America's Switzerland for passes!

Oh by the way, I checked the duty roster and it is your rotation to serve as SkooterG's babysitter on Devil's Highway ride.

https://www.azbeemers.org/forum/index.php?topic=969.0 Say Robert, I could not remember if you had a dual sport bike in addition to your FJR. Many on this Forum do! This Sunday ten of us are riding Valentine Ridge Road and Forest Route 404.

Oh by the way, I checked the duty roster and it is your rotation to serve as SkooterG's babysitter on Devil's Highway ride.
I'll have remember to bring my drag net . . . Or maybe one of those dog training collars for a jolt at the right time.... :diablo:

No dual sport at this time , but sure would be fun. :triggerhappysmiley:

Thanks for the offer, Don. My ridin' bud likes to just wing it, we don't make plans other than to leave on time. I would like to borrow the book and take my time readin' (after the trip).

I won't be able to make it.

Wife has 40th class reunion that weekend.


Joe: Understandable, you cannot miss that function! Keep your eyes on "Southwest" here; Dave, Fairlaner and I are putting a FJR Ride to Laughlin Weekend together for both SOCAL FJR and AZ FJR Forum over the weekend of November 7, 8 & 9th.

Arizonans would depart at 3 PM that Friday from the McDonald's Restaurant in Wickenburg; next to Hassayampa River Bridge.

I was planning that ride (from TX) on Monday, the 22 (always travel -bike- on weekdays to avoid traffic/cops/etc), but could make an exception to meet some members :) .

I'll be a heavy 2-day ride for me (did it once already) due to the seat time (about 900 miles round trip), but Gila is as intense as 191, so it's almost twisty overload when I'm done, but love it. I'll spend the night at either Alpine or Eagar. Guess I can meet you at the junction of 78 and 191, since I'd be coming from 180, but I find it almost impossible to show up there at the same time, so maybe lunch/dinner would be a safer bet.

Can you tell me your plans for lunch/dinner? And also approx what time you'd be swinging by 191/78? If I remember correctly, it takes me about 6 hours to get there after grabbing a quick bite in Silver City, which would put me there around 2pm. We might not be able to coincide at all if you need to complete a 500-mile ride too, since you'll be getting there a lot sooner than me. But it's worth a try. Otherwise I'd leave on Monday or Tuesday, as previously planned. Take care.


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ELP_JC: With the size of this group, the twelve hours and the 500 miles: It is going to be almost impossible to coordinate a designated meet point & time with you. Brunch & supper will be on the run, so it's unknown as to the where and the when!

Please keep my cell phone number of 602-722-0427 in your tank bag and do please attempt to call me at 0645 on Sunday.

I will ask SkooterG - Greg Marbach, vectervp1 - Art Montoya, FJRobert - Robert Ashby to P.M. their cell phone #'s to you.

If Rondo & BadCat Burk can make it, I'll ask the same of them. If we can get cell service, the phones are our only linkup!

With the size of this group, the twelve hours and the 500 miles: It is going to be almost impossible to coordinate a designated meet point & time with you.
I figured that. And that's why I asked what time you estimate to be at that 191/78 junction. If we're 3 hours apart, we'll never meet indeed. If 1 hr, I ride pretty aggressively by myself, and could possibly catch up with the group before my final destination at Eagar (but would certainly not ride any faster that I normally do just for that purpose). I never been on 191 before the 78 junction, so have no idea how long it approximately takes from Phoenix to get there. I can always leave earlier than normal as well. You must have an idea where to have lunch, no? First place after 191/78 would be Alpine, and second Eagar. I can definitely survive on protein bars for a late lunch. Will do my best to try to meet the group for a meal together.

By the way, I saw no info of your intended loop, other than you'll travel the section of 191 shown on the first link (a Google map). Thank you very much for your reply, and for your cell number. But before bothering the other members, let's see if it's even possible to meet. The soonest I could hit that junction is around 1pm, and the max time I could make up (depending on your slowest rider) is probably 1/2 hour, so if you're going to be there before 12:30pm, I'll miss you this time. Take care.


https://www.mapquest.com/maps?1c=Apache+Jun...e+Way&2s=AZ Unfortunately, we are definitely going to be at least three hours off in timing to meet at 191 and 78. Actually; Alpine, AZ is not the first place for food and fuel after the junction.

We'll be at 191/78 at 1000 hours, 1100 only if we stop for breakfast. We will have lunch in Hannagan Meadow at the Lodge, 23 miles south of Alpine. https://www.hannaganmeadow.com/ Our Forum loop will run from Apache Junction through 191/78.

ELP_JC: Where are you stopping in Eagar? We could wait an hour at your Eagar stay to meet you and get photos of us and bikes.

HIGHLANDER: No guaranties for SkooterG on that; due to the 406 miles without tight hairpins, being high speed sweepers!!!

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HIGHLANDER: I just remembered something! I was on the phone to vectervp1 on Wednesday night. Arte and his brothers are visiting his family in Palomas, Chihuahua, Mexico and he'd asked me about the Columbus, New Mexico border crossing.

Conversation turned to Sir CrashALot, like it usually does, and he related an incident where the "Dirty Old Whore" fell into a number of other FJR's at a previous WFO Rendezvous. Senor Montoya said "madmike2" knew all of the details on that one.

Absolutely "NO GUARANTIES" are provided. We'll be parking our FJR's in a pack at many various locations during the day.

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With the size of this group, the twelve hours and the 500 miles: It is going to be almost impossible to coordinate a designated meet point & time with you.
I figured that. ... But before bothering the other members, let's see if it's even possible to meet. The soonest I could hit that junction is around 1pm, and the max time I could make up (depending on your slowest rider) is probably 1/2 hour, so if you're going to be there before 12:30pm
Remember.... there's an hour difference between TX/NM and AZ clocks (except on some REZs) (due to adoption, or not, of Daylight Savings Time).
