WFO8 Dates - Official - new Rally Master

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I'm confused - Just ask my Wife.
FJR Supporter
Oct 16, 2005
Reaction score
Orange, CA
Yours Truly is the Rally Master for WFO8 - I've decided to step up and contribute to our 'family', and I realize I have some pretty big shoes to fill, now that TwoWheelNut is on deep recon.

So here's my first communication regarding our annual gathering. There will be many more to follow.



The web site for registration and payment of fees is scheduled to be turned up about Feb 7; just keep an eye on the forum for the posting.

This years WFO will be less expensive than most recent ones; effort was spent trying to find a location that could not only house a crowd, but would offer a killer deal on rooms without many of the pesky constraints that are normally part of an event contract. The WFO8 staffers would like to think we've been successful.

You're gonna like it. Word.

KaitsDad -

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This years WFO will be less expensive than most recent ones; effort was spent trying to find a location that could not only house a crowd, but would offer a killer deal on rooms without many of the pesky constraints that are normally part of an event contract. The WFO8 staffers would like to think we've been successful.

You're gonna like it. Word.
Fantastic. Thank you for the great location, ie: Idaho. Great for temperature and great for riding.

Also want to thank you for the "less expensive concept". Times are harder and cost may be much more relevant this year. Really looking forward to this event.

KUDOS to the organizing team. :fans:

Fabulous! A site I don't live in and don't have friends that would curse my name for not calling while I was in town visiting a bunch of manics riding FJRs.

Thanks for all the hard work you'll be/been putting in.

Sounds fantastic . I have the dates on my calender and plan on attending. Thanks to all who put in all the effort so the rest of us can play.


Wow thats CFR and WFO-8 both with-in striking distance, wow that's two to do!!!!!

Cool Hal, and you like old Triumphs too, awesome!

Boy the wife unit is really going to have to be stroked!

I am so bummed out!!!!!!!!!!! We have reservations to bring the kid to Disneyland from the 1st till the 10th. I wanted to go to WFO8 so bad, you don't even know.


I have to be in Montana August 2nd. I can maybe get a couple extra days off at the beginning of my vacation and leave a day early and hit at least some of it. Sounds promising. Northern Idaho or Southern Idaho? Rode some of Southern Idaho last year and it was pretty, but hope it is a little north... can't wait for details. Thanks to all.

Yours Truly is the Rally Master for WFO8 - I've decided to step up and contribute to our 'family', and I realize I have some pretty big shoes to fill, now that TwoWheelNut is on deep recon.

This years WFO will be less expensive than most recent ones; effort was spent trying to find a location that could not only house a crowd, but would offer a killer deal on rooms without many of the pesky constraints that are normally part of an event contract. The WFO8 staffers would like to think we've been successful.
Yep. We're gonna lose money on every sign-up....but make up for it on volume! ;) Truth is in these hard economic times we're gonna have our own WFO-8 stimulus package....we have a little reserve we can dip into if needed.

And I'm thanking Hal in advance for stepping up to the plate to play chaperon for this event. Lord knows this isn't a small's gonna be a good time!

...and YES there will be beer....with whiskey to chase it down.

Thanks Hal...I shoulda said it in the first post. Still owe you a beer as I missed you at NAFO.

And thanks for the cost considerations. Vacation planning begins! If I can arrange things, who do I talk to to volunteer to watch bikes or such. Need to give back something to the forum........

Glad to see it announced Hal - we will be there as we haven't missed one since we got our 2004 (just after WFO in 2003)!

Idaho will have some great riding that time of year. I wouldn't miss it. Thanks for everyone's hard work on this project.


Thanks K'sD for all the set up and work. I know all of us understand the time it takes to arrange something of this magnitude. You guys Rock!

Now can anybody tell me if your wife has more than one birthday per year...This one is gonna take some explaining. :eek:


One question - how long will it take for Beeroux to get his in-state SS1K lined up? :rolleyes: I'll be making a comeback attempt.

Thanks, Hal. You da man.
