El Toro Joe
Changed my vote to Wytheville.
Me too.Changed my vote to Wytheville.
Me too.Changed my vote to Wytheville.
^ This is all that really matters. Thanks Wayne.The date will be 22 25 September 2016
I know folks that go there every year and have nothing but good things to say.I am not an owner but plan to buy a 2016 when available. I have been lurking here for about a year now. I am a BoD member of the MTF and a couple times we held our annual Founders Feast at The Ironhorse Motorcycle Lodge in Stecoah NC.
I suggest you look at https://ironhorsenc.com/]Ironhorse[/url] The accommodations are exactly what you describe, the food is great and John and Charlene Powell are class people who give back. It doesn't hurt that they are also riders.
Iron Horse is excellent but they're way short on rooms for a group our size. Excluding the casinos I don't think there's anything in NC west of Maggie Valley that is large enough.I suggest you look at Ironhorse The accommodations are exactly what you describe, the food is great and John and Charlene Powell are class people who give back. It doesn't hurt that they are also riders.
Take 623 across to 42. Trust me.
Okay. But only if it's been raining for a few days prior.Take 623 across to 42. Trust me. :evil:Works for me...https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Wytheville,+VA+24382/34.984101,-82.417691/@36.0774369,-82.4408707,8.75z/data=!4m59!4m58!1m55!1m1!1s0x8851e036ed078515:0xa66a3b265ddc58d!2m2!1d-81.084811!2d36.9484528!3m4!1m2!1d-81.3076352!2d37.096059!3s0x884e25aff7259f69:0x2f47763efa6f85df!3m4!1m2!1d-81.5190008!2d37.0511091!3s0x884e2b2d50f9df83:0xad6f88798eba4323!3m4!1m2!1d-81.4623984!2d36.6173583!3s0x8851b5a59c6bdf2b:0xcd814e25263234c3!3m4!1m2!1d-81.8830892!2d36.5594974!3s0x885069c61cabc71b:0xbf0ec35adef644c2!3m4!1m2!1d-82.0302882!2d36.5605344!3s0x88506e2d68c7dd6b:0x388f5245eec9035a!3m4!1m2!1d-81.8866672!2d36.4505571!3s0x8850676d29aa7bdd:0xdd6784f98be7d155!3m4!1m2!1d-82.0958781!2d36.0858362!3s0x885099632131b207:0x73d58f4690040095!3m4!1m2!1d-82.1844773!2d35.9611685!3s0x8850a0f7a5109edd:0xd8b7aaa768f7d897!3m4!1m2!1d-82.2019021!2d35.780118!3s0x8850a9cfb4646bd1:0xcc1af94ca22a7ed0!3m4!1m2!1d-82.2627415!2d35.5107628!3s0x8859fcdef56b277f:0xfb933eb2fecc818f!1m0!3e0?hl=en
Jab you are always welcome at EOM getting a room is your responsibility. I suggest you book a room and make note of the cancellation requirements of the hotel and that will be your determining factor for a time period.I've never been to one of these events. Sounds like fun! For new guy info. When is the latest that one can go before committing. I have a couple things that are still up in the air which may or may not interfere. Thanks!
I am not an owner but plan to buy a 2016 when available. I have been lurking here for about a year now. I am a BoD member of the MTF and a couple times we held our annual Founders Feast at The Ironhorse Motorcycle Lodge in Stecoah NC.
I suggest you look at Ironhorse The accommodations are exactly what you describe, the food is great and John and Charlene Powell are class people who give back. It doesn't hurt that they are also riders.
Wytheville looks to be a close second and I think if you went that direction, folks wouldn't be disappointed... especially if they are more welcoming with room rates, etc. We trust you... do what's best and we'll be there.I would like to lock down the location this week, before New Year's. Right now, the voting points to Lewisburg, and they are happy to have us back.
I'm not pleased with the room rate the quoted us, especially with the number of rooms we book, and the lack of any comp room nights to raffle off.
I intend to request this thread / poll be closed in the next day or so and I will book the venue to lock down dates / rates and get the EOM website updated with info.