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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Anthony Martinez

    since I had the camera out today...

    My Starcom just came in today, and that's almost exactly where I was thinking about wiring my bulkheads. Still pondering though, still pondering.
  2. Anthony Martinez

    Son of $(*!*&

    Yeah, I was on my way home from The Ginger Man (I had one Duvel, 3hrs before I rode home) for a friend's birthday. There was wind on the way there, and all the way up to the Fry Rd. @ I-10. No warning, just BUCKETS of rain, and the FJR definitely got blown clear across a lane when I crossed...
  3. Anthony Martinez

    Son of $(*!*&

    LOL. Nice fixes. I will whack a different part of my bike with a sledgehammer at least once every 48 hours to make up for not riding it enough. Actually, I won't. I'm going to fix the scratch because it looks like shit. I have enough of my own scars and actual war stories for chicks to dig. My...
  4. Anthony Martinez

    Son of $(*!*&

    I have no problem with little scratches, but this is giant. I ride this thing more than 350mi a week, so it definitely gets used. Being used, does not mean it has to look like crap.
  5. Anthony Martinez

    Son of $(*!*&

    My best guess is that I scraped across one of the bricks on the corner of my house on my way home in a hurricane-like-freezing-cold-rain right before Christmas. I definitely did not feel it, as I did not even notice the scratch until several days later, but that's the only explanation I can come...
  6. Anthony Martinez

    I can haz farkles?

    I had SW-MOTECH quick-release mounts on my old SV and rode all over the country with them, so I figured I'd go with them again. Then I saw the plate, and realized it will look like my FJR is a Transformer when I take the Givi plate off and just ride around w/o the top case. The Canon G9 takes...
  7. Anthony Martinez

    The saga of the Vincent Black Lightning

    It's been a while since I rode 337. I got to enjoy the an abrupt change from asphalt to gravel due poorly posted road construction. Fortunately, I managed to keep the SV upright (and my Dad managed to keep the GL the same way). The parts that were not busted up for construction were great. Just...
  8. Anthony Martinez

    I can haz farkles?

    The install was so easy, using the SW-MOTECH Alu-Rack and their Givi Monokey adapter plate, that detailing the instructions really doesn't seem worth the time. Remove a few bolts, put spacers down, screw together. Finished. Here's what it looks like though: I commute on my FJR, and the...
  9. Anthony Martinez

    Getting this thing on the center stand is a _)*+(_*()*+)(U*!!!

    I'm decidedly made of fail when it comes to putting my '06 up on the center stand. I can pop my Dad's GL1800 up with ease even when the cases are full, but my failure rate at getting the FJR up is... embarrassing. One day I will just sit in the driveway and do it until I either herniate a disk...
  10. Anthony Martinez

    Best methods for transporting bike

    I moved my old SV back and forth between Houston and FBGA for my all-expenses-paid vacations to Iraq, and again when I ETSed. I do have a full size truck, so fitting the bike back there was no problem at all. Grab a Joe or three, bikes go up in the truck real easy. Same goes for taking it down...
  11. Anthony Martinez

    Whats up with cagers from Texas?

    I still consider China "developing" (at a ridiculous rate). I lived in Asia for a good bit. I'd rather ride my motorcycle in Bangkok than Atlanta.
  12. Anthony Martinez

    A Tragic End For A Marine That Was Close

    My condolences to you. I know the pain of losing brothers at arms all too well. I can't imagine losing a son, and then someone with whom that son served. For me, there's nothing more difficult than rendering that final salute. ::salute:: SGT Martinez, OIF3 & OIF5. 3/3ID.
  13. Anthony Martinez

    Whats up with cagers from Texas?

    DFW was mentioned, so I'll take the opportunity to remind everyone that while it's technically in Texas, you can't blame the rest of the state for it. I'm a native Texan, though I've never stayed put in one place for more than four years. As such, I've experienced horrid drivers all over the...