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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Stacey

    4000 mile solo trip from Lousiana to Utah + Colorado

    This is a link to a write up on my side hydration kegs: DIY Hydration system w/ manual in-line pump;#entry497251 Once I started using the system these are some things I learned: 1) It is nice to always have water to clean your helmet visor and...
  2. Stacey

    DIY Hydration system w/ manual in-line pump

    Once I started using the system these are some things I learned: 1) It is nice to always have water to clean your helmet visor and windshield off with regardless of where you stop. 2) When camping it is nice to fill up one with 2 can cokes and then pack with ice so that you will have a caffene...
  3. Stacey

    DIY Hydration system w/ manual in-line pump

    This is the easiest way to appreciate this mod.
  4. Stacey

    4000 mile solo trip from Lousiana to Utah + Colorado

    The total mileage for the trip was 4000 miles and I camped about half the time and done hotels the other half. These are some of the things that I learned from the trip. 1. Don't expect to get cell phone coverage at those great remote camping sites. If you've got to make a check in call at...
  5. Stacey

    4000 mile solo trip from Lousiana to Utah + Colorado

    Hi Everybody, This is a short trip report of my second annual trip up to Colorado and Utah. This year was the first time on my 2008 FJR, last year I had a GSXR 1000 which was not nearly as comfortable. The trip was great with no problems and great weather the entire way. The following are some...
  6. Stacey

    DIY Hydration system w/ manual in-line pump

    The benefit with my setup is that you can still stop and take a few swigs and also shoot some water inside your jacket vents or down the back of your collar at stops without having to open up your cooler. Stacey
  7. Stacey

    DIY Hydration system w/ manual in-line pump

    Heidi, I do have stainless steel hose clamps connecting almost all of the hose connections. I just covered them up with tape to keep from scratching up the gas tank. Stacey
  8. Stacey

    DIY Hydration system w/ manual in-line pump

    Hi Everybody, Here are some pics of my hydration system. It is very similiar to every other hydration system posted with the exception of a manual in-line bulb pump in the hose. I added it because I wanted some way to get water squirted into my jacket during those +98deg days that we have in...
  9. Stacey

    Hi Viz Opinions

    I also made my decision to go with the high-viz option during a heavy thunderstorm while playing hide and seek with a bunch of 18 wheelers on 1-40 in North AR. I went with the Olympia Phantom 1 piece suit and have really loved it. I talked with several owners and also looked at all of the...
  10. Stacey

    Audiovox Cruise Control-Problem Solved?

    Smitty done an install for me on an 08 just a few weeks ago and it went great. I had pursued him to do the install and told him that I would pay him to do it regardless if it worked or not. My logic was that if it didn't work then I could troubleshoot it until I could get it to work. I have an...
  11. Stacey

    Does it get any easier?

    Funny gas tank story: I just had my tank off yesterday doing a little work and didn't get the fuel line plugged in all the way. I started the bike up and made it 2 miles down the road before it started missing. When I stopped the engine was still running and I quickly got a 2 foot wide puddle...
  12. Stacey

    RAM Mount

    Looks great. I've been looking at doing the same thing. Thanks
  13. Stacey

    Audiovox Cruise on 08 does work great

    Hi John, That was one of the reasons that I had done the 20 hours of research trying to figure out if it would work. The general concensus is that 20 - 30 % of the GenII installs have problems. Even Smitty himself has had 3 or 4 GenII bikes that he could not get to work within the 3 - 6 hr...
  14. Stacey

    Headlight modulator

    I just got one of the Comagination modulators and set mine for high beam modulation. It works great and I use mine to 1) Help stop people from pulling out in front of me from side roads. 2) To get people out of the passing lane on the interstate. 3) To help visibility during heavy rain...
  15. Stacey

    Audiovox Cruise on 08 does work great

    Hi Everybody, Just wanted to give anybody thats looking to do an Audiovox install some feedback. After 20 hrs of research and 5 hrs of getting all of the parts and 5 hrs spent trying to install my audiovox myself I made the call to Smitty on Friday night. I had gotten the 5/32 hole into the...
  16. Stacey

    Audiovox Cruise Control

    Gary, Smitty just installed my audiovox on my 08 and it works great. I highly recommend him. Good luck
  17. Stacey

    Audiovox Cruise Control

    Gary, You may want to contact Smitty. My understanding is that there is some unidentifed bug about installing one on a GEN II bike. Roughly 70% work great but 30% have issues that just can't be resolved. I have an 08 and I'm also looking at getting Smitty to add it to my bike. If you do some...
  18. Stacey

    SFO 2008 Returned Home Safely--Check In

    Made it home safely and had a great time. Thanks goes to Michelle and everybody that helped with the event.
  19. Stacey

    Pics from Friday morning Ferry ride

    These are a few pics of the Friday morning Ferry ride across Bull Schoals Lake just East of Eureka Springs. I didn't catch every body's forum names so if your in these pics shoot me a pm. I had to leave early and return back to Lousiana due to my wife and daughter getting sick. I enjoyed...
  20. Stacey

    SFO GPS routes

    Hi Michelle, Could I also get a copy of the routes. I've got a Garmin if it is format specific. Thanks for every thing. Stacey