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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Silverbullet

    Most AE miles?

    I've got just over 21k on mine, but in all fairness, I lost the bike from mid July to early September last year due to a failure in the main wiring harness. I would certainly have made it over 25k if it hadn't been out of action for over a month and a half in the middle of the summer. But to...
  2. Silverbullet

    AE owners past and present

    I ordered my 03 FJR based on a small black and white picture and 2 paragraph blurb in MCN. When I got it, I thought it was the wisest "chance" I had ever taken. I sold my perfectly good '04 to a close friend of mine who had been drooling all over it since the day I got it in order to get my '06...
  3. Silverbullet

    Throttlemeister Owners

    Yeah, the heavy work a little better. I'd rather have the Vista cruise, but alas, no workie with factory heated grips.
  4. Silverbullet

    R.I.P. Jagermeister (Not FJR Board Member)

    Your guy lived a great life and was lucky to have you as his master. Jenny and I currently have 6 dogs, (combined households result in more than just double toasters and microwaves) and I've had dogs since I was old enough to remember. I've had to do the merciful thing a few times now, and hard...
  5. Silverbullet

    Why else would ya have a bike

    Hiya Mike, things are great with Jenny and I. We are working on the scheduling for this summer. We currently have a 2 week 6,000 mile trip planned that will have us in the Golden area a week before the meet. I'm working on changing that. Last year we were in Park City a week before the meet as...
  6. Silverbullet

    Why else would ya have a bike

    Jenny said it best for me once. She told me, "I've never felt so alive as I do when I'm on the bike"
  7. Silverbullet

    2007 Bag Liners

    Well, that certainly was fun. :) Sorry, but I jumped on the link before scrolling down and seeing Dales request to copy here. Even though I gave permission to use my "testimonial", I have a funny feeling they will decline to do so. :rolleyes:
  8. Silverbullet

    2007 Bag Liners

    I suppose you could ask the dealer to show you where they are invoiced for the liners seperately from the motorcycle, but my guess is you will just get more B.S. One thing for sure, I'd make sure he knows he is gonna get his moneys worth in "free" advertising for what you end up having to pay to...
  9. Silverbullet

    2007 Bag Liners

    I've owned 3 FJR's, all came with the bag liners as standard equiptment. In the old days it even said so on the web site. On my '04 the side cases came seperately several weeks behind the bike. Once again, liners included. You, as has been well pointed out here, are getting screwed. Twice...
  10. Silverbullet

    The Death of Andrew Knight

    I've been out of contact for the last week, and coming back and reading all of this has got to be one of the saddest things I've done in a very long time. As difficult a decision as it had to be to come forward with the information, I'm in agreement it is the right call. And if by chance it is...
  11. Silverbullet

    Burnt rubber on exhaust

    I've been using 0000 steel wool on the pipes for years. It works great. I would not however use it on the cans themselves. The steel wool on the pipes actually seems to remove the yellowing effect as well, and add a polished look which makes them more resemble the finish on the cans.
  12. Silverbullet

    FJR Sighting

    That would have been me. I was just finishing up a 3000 mile 6 day outting. I had just picked up the bike last Saturday from Prosser after an electrical failure ended my trip back in July and was giving the bike a "test run". I had made a run down to the south rim of the Grand Canyon, and...
  13. Silverbullet

    BT-021, Hungry for twisties? These tires are Yummy

    I put on a set of the 021's recently in preparation for a 4000 mile, two up trip I'm taking to the Southwest in a couple of weeks. I sure hope I'm not on the cords as I pull back into the driveway. I have about 500 miles on them and so far, I like how they feel, but would not be happy with...
  14. Silverbullet

    Better Grips for AE?

    Unfortunately, the BMW grips are not going to work on the AE, just like the Vista cruise doesn't. But for the non-AE bikes, the BMW grips are great stuff.
  15. Silverbullet

    AE shifting

    Paddle only. Finger for upshift, thumb for down. The horn issue was about the same as overcoming the high beam switch instead of windshield switch thing. My thumb is a fast learner, and after the first day, no more horn instead of downshifts. (I did use the foot shifter once or twice just to be...
  16. Silverbullet

    A or AE? That is the question.

    Interesting. I'd say he did you a favor. Run, don't walk to a different dealer. I'm curious, has anyone had a failure with any of the AE components yet? I've got 12,000 miles on mine, and not a single problem. In fact, on all three FJR's I've had, the only problem I've experienced was the tick...
  17. Silverbullet

    A or AE? That is the question.

    Flyguy, +2. (Minus the coasting stuff) I really love the AE in the turns, It's just tooooo much fun. While I am a 1/4 mile kinda guy, I've gotten over it for the AE. It just doesn't seem that there is a way to make the launch equal a standard clutch bike. However once over about 5mph, my AE runs...
  18. Silverbullet

    Anybody done this???

    Dental floss worked for me. It took a bit of it, that glue is good stuff, but they came off with no damage to paint.