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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. D

    I love my FJR

    Nice pictures! Looks like you had a good time.
  2. D

    2008 clutch basket

    I don't know what happened with that last reply I had a long post and it all disappeared. Suffice it to say I really appreciate all your replys. The dealer soaked my plates last fall and my bike now shifts and disengages good now. The dealer told me last fall (after I got customer service...
  3. D

    2008 clutch basket

    ll those symptoms are gone now.
  4. D

    2008 clutch basket

    Hi, my dealer says the 2008 clutch basket has been revised to better oil the cluch than earlier models. I had my 2007 clutch plates soaked and its a lot better now but I'm afraid it will revert back. I would greatly appreciate it if anybody knows if the 2008 is better.
  5. D

    Transmission hard to shift

    I was going to sell my 2007 FJR because it shifted so hard. I could go down road and pull clutch in and it would be few seconds before clutch disengaged. I did search in the forums and found a customer service rep because dealer would not soak plates under warranty. When service rep told them to...