2 separate episodes of Road Rage at night

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Skyway: Congratulation on thinking and using what you have to get out of yourself out of trouble. That is one of the many such as the one you were in. I would not hesitate to twist that throttle to get away from any cager tring to take me out .

If you only could have one of those high powered lights to shine in that persons window that would have been a very good defense and for him to crash instead of you being taken out.

May be we should think about carring a spot light for such instances at night time for our safety from idiots like that..

glad ypu did not hang up your keys and decided to keep riding.

I'm posting this here, as this happened last night while heading home from the Napa ride. I'm not sure this is the right spot for the thread though? I still can't believe this all transpired in less than half an hour of one-another.
On the way home I had 2 encounters with road raging cagers, first some lady in a late model honda accord tried to take me out twice on I-5 heading south toward Stockton. First she tried to put my in the shoulder with a hard right swerve and I managed to out brake her, then she slowed down and slammed on in front of me in the fast lane and I avoided her again with a full grab of the brake lever. Finally the crazy bitch sped away and for the first time I felt completely vulnerable on 2 wheels. I have no idea what triggered her to do this? I've never struck a woman in my life and have very strong feelings about any man that does, but I would have kicked the shit out of her if I had the opportunity.

Then on Hwy4, not 20 minutes later I had another car (some large type US brand) come from within a group of cars behind me and just sit right on my fender and was all over the road behind me, I got the impression the driver was either high or drunk. I stayed calm for about 2 miles, then started getting nervous. There's nothing out on Hwy4, just 2 lanes of farmland darkness for about 30 miles. I tried slowing way down and just moved across the lane to allow the car to pass, but the car came right up real fast and slammed the brakes on right behind my fender and I heard the tires chirp. Scary shit for sure. So I did the only thing I could think of to get away from this nut job, I nailed it for around 20 miles, throwing caution to my license, I figured I'd take my chances this way vs. the alternative unknowns of pulling over. The driver was staying with me right around a ton, albeit not holding a good line, so you get an idea of what transpired. The road finally smoothed out heading up hill and I was relieved to finally see the car lights disappear as I poured it on.

I know the dog-piling may ensue for advertised high rates of speed, but this was the only way I felt I could take control of the situation and not have to deal with whoever was in that car and why they want to start shit like this?

I really have to evaluate how vulnerable and completely defenseless I felt against a hunk of steel and people who gave me the impression they want to take me out. If I had pulled over with car #2, which had at least 2 occupants, what would have I defended myself with, my tank-bag? I was in the middle of nowhere with no places of business etc to pull into. What would you guys do in this situation?

I haven't mentioned this to wifey and would appreciate nobody else doing so either, as this will cause her to worry big-time in the future when I'm out riding.

Stuff like this is enough to make me want to hang up the keys for 2 wheel enjoyment. Bastards!! :angry:

Sorry to hear about your close encounters with Road Rage after leaving MM and me at Fairfield. :dribble: I should have warned you all that a "little black cloud" has followed me all around all my life. I'm so used to it I take it for granted, but those I get close to are somehow surprised when unexpected, unpleasant events begin to transpire in their normally tranquil lives. It's OK, the effect is short-lived and should wear off shortly. Glad to see you escaped unscathed, except for your psyche. I think you made entirely proper decisions, :clapping: but then you know how my similar "fight or flight" decision turned out. :blink: However, I think your situations were much more clearly defined and your alternatives much more limited than mine. I will pay the price.. you will live to ride another day. Smart choice. I have learned and am altering my "survival tactics" in Metro CA riding conditions. Hopefully I will still be able to avoid the crazies and be able to avoid attracting the LEO's.

I'm looking forward to being able to retire soon to the wilds of Idaho, my native state, where most people are still sane and there aren't that many of them. I imagine you will want to stay up in the hills for a whle.

Stuff happens in 3's...be careful you have one more to come.


sounds like you did the right thing,twice!

are you going to come out with some defensive farkels ?

* rear facing goo shooter

* spinning tire slashers sim to James Bond

* exhaust igniter to shoot out flames from the mufflers

I too think you did the right thing in both situations.

As far as speeding away from the the tail gating asswhipes I think you would have had a good defense if in fact you had been pulled over.

In aviation "deviation from the regulations to the extent of the emergency" is allowed.

But then again "ball bearings"...........

I want royalties!

How about the "TWN inspired easy reach ball bearing dispenser" ?

Sounds like you did the best thing you could, given the available options, but how scary!!!

I met a friend of one of those drivers on my way to work this week. It was 6am, I wasn't on the top of my game so decided that four wheels were safer that day. I'm tootling along at 60-65 on the far right of six freeway lanes. The cars in front are doing the same speed. Two lanes to my left are pretty much open.

Moron in minivan then gets up my backside, for no apparent reason. I let off the gas and he gets closer. Show a little red light but he gets closer. I'm not moving left, because the next off ramp is mine. He gets closer so I shift down and show more brake lights. Closer still and now the high beams. Shift down and now we're going real slow. Moron passes me ON THE SHOULDER. For a millisecond, it was tempting to show him that a Z3 can take off in second, faster than any minivan. Thankfully, common sense won and I let the moron go.

Later, I thought what a crappy day he's going to have, with that attitude. Will he complain to someone that an idiot in the right lane was driving at 60mph, along with a bunch of other idiots? That none of them would let him pass? What a crappy life he/she must have, with so much anger stewing. Betcha he doesn't even KNOW how to ride a bike.


Glad everything came out alright. I've had several of those situations- in 30 years- 2 in 20 minutes is definitely a bit much though. Sure sounds to me like you did everything right. Maybe that will be your quota of sh!t for awhile.

I actually used to carried a few .5" ballbearings around in my pocket for awhile- but then, in those days I did a lot of stupid things (how about reaching across a guy's windshield to flip him off in front of his face as I'm riding on his left after he had cut me off for the third time?)

Hopefully I'm a bit smarter now. It really is unfortunate that the ball bearings would probably just piss them off worse. However, if you're in city traffic (and a bit passive-aggressive) a small can of spray paint in your left hand as you ride up between the lanes at a light.....

Pretty exposed on a bike also hard to use a cell phone-lots of issues with packing but a man needs to be prepared to defend himself if it comes to that. I believe in being prepared. I carry a lot gear (truck and bike) I probably will never use but its there if needed

Get a CCW, and exercise your right to defend yourself. There's a time and place when it's called 'justifiable'.
You either don't have a CCW, just like giving very dangerous advice or both.

As a CCW holder, I can tell you that's a sure fire way to get in more trouble, given the circumstaces posted - in any state that I'm aware of, and certainly FL at the very least. All it would take is you being reported as brandishing a firearm - through whatever means of you being arrested - and you now have a felony conviction - and no more CCW.

That's not to say I don't agree with the intentions of your suggestion. If there were a *legal* way for me to do great bodily harm, or immobilize the offending vehicle - I'd be all over that shit!

Get a CCW, and exercise your right to defend yourself. There's a time and place when it's called 'justifiable'.
You either don't have a CCW, just like giving very dangerous advice or both.

As a CCW holder, I can tell you that's a sure fire way to get in more trouble, given the circumstaces posted - in any state that I'm aware of, and certainly FL at the very least. All it would take is you being reported as brandishing a firearm - through whatever means of you being arrested - and you now have a felony conviction - and no more CCW.

That's not to say I don't agree with the intentions of your suggestion. If there were a *legal* way for me to do great bodily harm, or immobilize the offending vehicle - I'd be all over that shit!

I have one, and I know the risks. I don't pull it unless I intend to use it! Period! If I feel like there NO other option, I will pull it.

I also know that braking someone's windshield with a rock or ball bearing is more likely to get you run over, out of the need for revenge. It won't do anything but piss off the other driver more then they already are!

Leaving the situation is always the best option, but if you can't do use what you have available.

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that's why i always carry a weapon on me. good to hear you made it out ok. i don't hink anyone would judge you for using what you had available (your right wrist) to avaoid a potentially deadly situation, even a cop.

Did you accidently leave those madly bright spotlights on and piss people off by blinding them ;-)

Maybe those lights made them think you were a cop and they got mad when you weren't :lol:

I gotta say, as I was lane sharing on 80, I was pleastly pleased how many people made room for me when they saw me coming. There was only one guy that seemed to try to squeeze me out on purpose. Of course, he was in a pickup.


I got a great idea!

Skyway makes a mod to his hydration system that actually holds cat urine, a button integrated into his CNC cruse control panel shoots cat piss out the back of your tail lights, and wha-la, the a-hole tailing you now has a car he can never sell.

Yep, I've been drinking.

But it is kind of a cool idea.

Warchild's new signature line could change to "Don't make me fling Skyway scat on your windshield".

Just an idea, talk amongst yourselves.........
