2006 Charging Output from Service Manual

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Just for fun and because I wanted to know what the relative cost of the components for the charging system is.

Real quick shopping list.

This assumes that they changed the rotor and stator and you need the upgraded rectifier but uses the same wiring harness

Uses current list prices from Sunnyside for an 2005

Rectifier $170.63

Rotor $439.58

Stator $234.22

Total $853.43

Any brave soul out there with their pretty '06 willing to take the cover off and take some really good pictures.

Better idea, isn't Yamaha bringing some '06s to WFO, we could do a tech session I'm sure they wouldn't mind if we opened up a couple :lol:

Any chance this is an unfortunate typo? Really hard to believe Yammy wouldn't have trumpeted this given how the community has beaten them about the head and shoulders on this issue in the past.

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I don't think so as they changed the rectifier as well.

Makes some sense with the AE and the servo'd clutch, stuck in a traffic jam that would be working overtime and at low rpms.

I would suspect that you would be or very close to draining the battery under those conditions with a 'stock' alternator.

Hey Guys...

Rather than reply to all the PM's asking me to burn them CD copies or e-mail 'em a 40 MB file, It will be a lot easier for me to reply here one time.

No, I can't make you a copy or e-mail it to you.


Because I would be violating a confidence and a request that I not give or sell a copy to anyone, and because I gave my word I wouldn't. And it would be breaking my word to an old and dear friend of over two decades, and that I want to keep as a friend, so I won't violate that trust.

I have tried to give a bit of useful information from it that I thought might make some folks happy.

I will say three things...

1.) It helps a lot to be an old, good friend of the dealer and his family.

2.) The manuals in print, on CD, or even online are not available through the *CONSUMER* channels yet... (there's ya' a clue)

3.) It doesn't hurt if you go into your local dealer and prepay to special order the printed manual when it becomes available... Trust me on this one. It helps with a legal issue...

Sorry to disappoint anybody, but that's the best I can do. If someone has some brief, specific questions about something in the manual I will try to answer those.

Thanks, and I hope you guys understand.


Concur with Groo. Typo. Of all the changes made to the '06's that have been published, they leave this bit of info buried in the shop manual? Unless they frown on electrical farkles or their consigliari got involved... Too, what is the source of the bootlegged manual? Them Chinese are notorious for faux pas-ing their copied shit. :D

Oooh! I can't wait to see skooter's post! :haha:

After seeing the good news on the more powerful alternator, I was hoping to see an excited crowd of 2006 owners. Do you folks feel that it's not true? If it is accurate, which farkles would you now be able to enjoy on your new FJR?

Have to be honest, twowheelnut...

I don't much like your implication regarding the source of the manual.

I'd say the source of the manual is pretty damn reliable... At least as reliable as you can get under the circumstances.


Because the source is YAMAHA in California.

Typo? Maybe, but I doubt it... Different model number on the stator from Denso... Completely different rectifier... Yeah, maybe you're right... The whole damn page is a typo.


(beginning to wonder if I ever should have posted the info in the first place...)

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Have to be honest, twowheelnut...
I don't much like your implication regarding the source of the manual.

I'd say the source of the manual is pretty damn reliable... At least as reliable as you can get under teh circumstances.


Because the source is YAMAHA in California.

Typo? Maybe, but I doubt it... Different model number on the stator from Denso... Completely different rectifier... Yeah, maybe you're right... The whole damn page is a typo.


(beginning to wonder if I ever should have posted the info in the first place...)

Oh, I forgot! Welcome! :D

Before you take your ball and go home, sport, read my sig line. ;)

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Dude, it is OUR JOB to be skeptical. Well, not really, we just are. But it REALLY is our job to give crap to the noobs. Well, not really, we just like it.

Don't take it so seriously. If it is true, you will be vindicated and we will forever be know as the arses we are.

Oh, don't worry...

I'm not going to pick up my ball and go anywhere. Not a chance. Just might not be so quick to share information in the future... rhubarbsauce or whatever, Sport.

And I have pretty good sources of information, too... And ones I know to be reliable because I have been dealing with them in and out of the motorcycle business since the 1970's, Sport. But hey, believe whatever you like. I got the manual.



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I'm willing to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. It seems the given hints are easy enough to check. Anyone with a really good dealer connection? Is there a dealer only site that dealers access via password ...... sounds like that would be the place to look.

Give ol' ock913 a big ol' Fuente Opus X cee-gar!

You got it, right down to the password. Just talk to one of the head service staff or a really, really sharp good parts guy at a dealership, and you're there.

Now whether they're willing to *help* you out is going to be entirely dependent on your relationship with 'em. If you have always been on good terms with your dealer, you've got a chance. If not, and maybe you have had some cross words or been a bit critical of his operations, well... I dunno'...

Good Luck, and Thanks ock913.


But hey, believe whatever you like. I got the manual.

Hey, me too! A lovely paper bound tome of fun facts and information, purchased from my dealer for a paltry 60 clams. Go figger!

And, you're welcome, but your not giving Groo any credit, Skippy. It wasn't, after all, my idea. I merely concurred with an esteemed colleague of the board. By the way, Junior, did you know that Yamaha Cypress regularly monitors this site? Hmmm, didn't think so. Have a nice day, kiddo. ;)


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Nah, TWN... You ain't got no 2006 paper manual, and we both know that, right.

And an even bigger *NAH* to you tryin' to hang Groo up in your wad of yarn, Ol' One Bullet. He suggested it might be typographical error, as did some others... But he never claimed it was a "bootlegged" fraudulent manual sourced from some "Chinese" shit vendor. Maybe you deal with those types, but I don't.

Skippy... Junior... Sport... Kiddo... Each used in a condescending turn. Yep, that's a way to welcome new members! Call 'em a con artist, and then a bit of condescension thrown in... That's the ticket!

There's one on every board... :lazy:

And man, oh man, Fifer... Ya' got's me just a shaking in my boots a so hard mine's heels is a clackety-clacking with that talk about Yamaha Cypress! Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-babeeeee, I'sa be's a soooooooooooooooo scared. Does that kind of crap work for you often?

Why would I care one nano-whit if Yamaha Cypress saw any one of my posts? Don't tell me... There gonna' send out the "Manual Police", right?

Geez... :drag:


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BTW, BugR asked about some pictures of the 2006 stator, etc.

I would be happy to take some, especially since I have to be pulling that cover anyway. Why, you may ask?

Because the alternator cover was one of the pieces that was "crate damaged" on my 2006, and I've got a new one sitting outside in the box (along with all the other new pieces to replace the damaged ones) with a fresh gasket. When I can find some time this next week to swap the parts I will shoot some pics of the stator, rotor, etc. and post 'em here as soon as I got 'em.

Hope it helps!


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