2007 FJR

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Goddamn... No wonder yamaha pays no attention to online forums:

For 2005 and 2006, all I heard on this board was: "I want a red one!" "I'm holding out for a red one!" :dribble:

They come up with a red one.

Now all I hear is: "NOT THAT RED ONE!" :angry:

Who would make a multimillion dollar decision on that kind of input?!

Or: "Waaaaah! Now it's just a big scooter! It's not sporty....." :(

As soon as you get one: "The seat's too hard; I'm too bent over; it's too jerky; it hurts my pussy..." :eek:

one diffrence...the tail section paint is silver, not painted with the new color...this at least looks better IMHO...
I like the color so much that I am tempted and as noted, the silver to tail sets it off very well. The silver wheels are another favorite of mine. It is a winner in my view.


Hi Ho Silver

Oakley, CA

I like it. Nothin wrong with that.

New color almost makes me want to trade in my '06.

Nope, on second thought, wouldn't want to give that bike up for nothin.

Blue is a far more superior color.

That's why the sky and sea are blue.

To reflect the colors off my Yammi...

1st post,
Just put $200 down on a 07 got it for msrp, otd. Before I did I checked out a yami in front of the door outside and it just happened to have a one of those gay yamaha colored motorcycle's parked outside. course It wasnt a FJR but supposed to be the same color. Black cherry. It was really cool in the sun and in the shadow it was almost black. Nothin like the internet pic. Think some of you guys have been looking at silver and blue to long.. I love that silver color though on that AE, I got to sit on one for awhile in the dealership . I have learned alot from you guys reading all the threads in here and I have to admit that the term farkle took some time to get used to, Even though I bought my first farkle the other day. Anyway's please to meet you.
Good job. Coolest. Color. Ever.

Hey man if anybody would like to up date there silver by adding a little black cherry let me know!! I think the bottom half on my fairing would look awesome in silver!! Now were talking SHIT!! rock on!! :yahoo: :yahoo:

THe first few pics on the US site didn't impress me very much. I'm much more interested now that we have the photos from the Euro site. It's actually looks really cool minus the stripes. Hell, add the stripes, coudn't cost much to add mylar ones. I think it looks pretty sweet.

I'm surprised at how little mention there is about Yam dropping hte PDP. :yahoo: That's the biggest news item ( well, the only NEWS item) in this announcement next to color. Anyone care to speculate on why?


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Do you guys think that with the PDP gone there will be less very slightly used 07's compared to the 06's?

Tony, I think I seen a thread saying you sold Kawasaki's and Yamahas. If that is the case when the new Concours 14's come out I will be interested in buying one from you.

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Tony is right about the color - it was more popular than the midnight on the Venture last year - looks great in the sun. I personally was hoping for the Shift Red but Oh well. I looked at that new Concours - don't like it at all - single exhaust? Fugly driveshaft set-up - those nekid pics looks like it would be extremely top heavy - kind of like sitting behind the motor - just doesn't look nearly as refined as the FJR but that's just my opinion. I've looked at the Kaws and Suzuki's before and they don't hold a candle to the fit and finish of the Yammies and Hondas - at least on their cruiser line - to each his own though - be interesting to see what kind of price they want for one based on the price of the ZX14

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Tony, I think I seen a thread saying you sold Kawasaki's and Yamahas. If that is the case when the new Concours 14's come out I will be interested in buying one from you.

I only carry Yamaha.


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Tony, I think I seen a thread saying you sold Kawasaki's and Yamahas. If that is the case when the new Concours 14's come out I will be interested in buying one from you.
I only carry Yamaha.

Try D&H. If they carry Kawasaki, there'd be no such place as too far away in North America to ride one home from there. Then you could give us all a good report. :D
I'm not impressed with the color choices at all on the '07. I'm very happy with my Blue '05, just wish it was not so 'soft'. I wonder if the new paint jobs will be more durable? Were the '06s better in that regard than the '05s?

I'm not impressed with the color choices at all on the '07. I'm very happy with my Blue '05, just wish it was not so 'soft'. I wonder if the new paint jobs will be more durable? Were the '06s better in that regard than the '05s?
No difference. Paint and windshield are very soft on the 06....PM. <>< :glare:

I'm not impressed with the color choices at all on the '07.
Uh, what choices?
The only choice is A or AE, and you get one color in each. If that's anybody's idea of a choice, they should pull their heads out of the sand and look around at other vehicle manufaturers. I guess Yamaha figures the FJR is going to get enough market share that they don't have to compete for customers' dollars.

I like (and own 3) Toyotas, but I couldn't conscienciously talk my mom into anything but a new Honda Accord after we drove the Camry.

My next bike will be whatever I think is the sweetest supersport tourer out there, whether it's my ol' '04 or anything else, regardless of badges. Color will definitely be a consideration. Black Cherry won't be.

It's no wonder few people here like the black cherry. We all like silver or blue.

When the first 07 A owner shows up, it'll be interesting to see what kind of personality traits he/she has.

BTW Color was not a consideration when I selected the FJR over Honda, BMW and Aprillia. It might have been if the bike was puke green or pink, but I doubt the red would have chased me away from this awesome bike either.

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Looks like the Euros get three colors again.and stripes!! Bastids!! :D




New slider design for 07??? Notice it does not bolt to the frame but to a bracket.


OZ gets no cherry, but a choice of desert Metalic :D


New slider design for 07??? Notice it does not bolt to the frame but to a bracket.

Been around for the Yer-peans since the 06 debuted and has been discussed several times.

Where ya been at?

Mmmmmm........desert metallic. Me likey.

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Damn... all three of those bikes... Look SO FREAKIN HOT..... I love those stripes... Awesome

I would buy any one of them in a second, would even be willing to take the red one, its starting to grow on me...

And Im not sorry to say, No matter what the color... ya gotta love this bike..

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Anyone remember the 1988 1100 Katana.

They had a cool new color, a dark cherry purple.

Man, this color is so retro everyone forgot the original.

OK, Serman set the "Way-Back machine" for 20 years!

Aside from that, it'll work.
