2009 2 million mile push !

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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210 miles Jan 1 2009

249 miles Jan 3 2009

364 miles Jan 11 2009, :dribble: It was F'ing cold, mans game Bitch!

174 miless Jan 17 2009

997 total miles this year so far! :yahoo:

I will be the first crazy canuck to post........... :ph34r:

0.3 km today in the sunshine (4 houses down the road and back)

temp......... -18 C :angry2: :angry2:

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Total for the first month of the new year is [SIZE=36pt] 10,727 , 2/10 [/SIZE] It would be nice if more of the forum people from the left coast would join in and posted up . We have 11 more months to go everyone have a great time . I will post the milage on the 15th and the last day of every month . Thanks to everyone who posted up . Zorkler

Mark me down for 361 miles in January. Trying to squeeze in a few local miles as the weather allows. Jan. and Feb. usually suck in east TN. Lokking forward to spring!

New total for the first month of the year is [SIZE=36pt] 11,088.2/10 [/SIZE] That total includes 24 members posting up. Well we have over 6000 members maybe when the weather warms up in the east we will see alot more posting up .

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OK, I'll play, and post more often...

per the ride log for January

Jan 1 - 310

Jan 3 - 136

Jan 6 - 562

Jan 11 - 140

Jan 13 - 271

Jan 14- 227

Jan 16,17,18 - 467 [odometer ticked 80k]

Jan 20 - 14

Jan 21,22 - 427

Jan 25 - 117


Jan total 2671

I am in 175 miles some in the b.r.pkwy but i had to cut it short to get home for the super bowl party at 4:30

499 mi for January for me on the FJR

41 mi in January for me on my (new to me) XRL.

540 mi total for Jan.

Been out of town too much to ride regularly.
