2009 2 million mile push !

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I was just looking we have 79 posts take away my updates equals 73 posts . Now comes the thing i dont understand we have over 1000 MEMBERS looking at the posts .What does it take to type 4 words and a # example Put me in for xyz you are allready in why not post your numbers up ? If 30 percent of the looking members posted at 9k miles per year it would give us a extra 270,000 miles this year . At this point our numbers are not that good at all . Thanks Zorkler .

ladies and Gentlemen from all over the world total for febuary 15 is not to good [SIZE=36pt] 4454 [/SIZE]Miles

New update for january 20,482. 2/10

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ladies and Gentlemen from all over the world total for febuary 15 is not to good [SIZE=36pt] 4454 [/SIZE]Miles

New update for january 20,482. 2/10

After being recruited by Mr. Zorkler, I will add my 2009 mileage, which includes the infamous Up-Chuck 1000 and a trip to Beatty, Nevada for White Stag.

I started the year with 70,834 and now have 73,158 for a total of 2,324 miles this year to date.

i am going to add Doug551 2,324 for febuary 15 the total is now 7.776

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Rode 230 miles the other day for a burger that was supposed to be famous.

It was not that great.

The ride, however, was fabulous.



From the barn to Carmel on Hwy 1, then back to the barn over Carmel Valley Rd. to G14 and other various bits= 296 miles

I popped into Switzerland in spite of the cold and back through the western shore of Lake Maggiore. My first ride this winter. That's 240 miles for y'all.


January up date total miles is [SIZE=36pt] 28,990.2 /10 [/SIZE] Thank you to Mr. Dcarvers 5k

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Oh Geezer i feel for you old boy .That snowblet can almost make you want to slit you wrists being a motorcycle rider . 59 today in N.C . ...................You know i lived in n.y for 46 years only be down here 17 mths. And put me in for 146 miles today

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I managed to rack up 332 whole miles in Feb. Crappy weather and work keep getting in the way of my fun. Of course Feburary is a short month .

One more January update [SIZE=36pt] 29,795 2/10 , 8 feet [/SIZE]

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