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When will the Leg Two bonii be posted like you did for Leg One?

From Here: Day 3 update


The bonus listing for Leg 2 gets distributed at the 4:00 a.m. riders meeting on Thursday morning. Tomorrow’s report will provide a summary of the options available.

Tom Austin

August 26, 2009

Copyright © 2009, Iron Butt Rally, Inc., Chicago, IL

Well, two clear directions have made themselves known, as I sorta alluded to above.... there is a large stream of riders heading west/northwest on I-90 towards Rockville. Ignacio is among this group.

The other is a group going west/southwest heading towards Davenport on I-88,.... this is a heavy stream of riders going this way. Jerry White and SkooterG are among this group.

Heard from the Iggy-meister.....

He is looking at bonii in northern Iowa, central Kansas, then off to Colorado, then New Mexico, then Arizona before he points his FJR toward Santa Ana and the next checkpoint.

Current 20th Place rider Chris McGaffin is actually riding a fellow FJRForum member's FJR1300.... Rick Miller (qkslver) from Pontiac, Michigan
Rick Martin
D'OH! Yes, Rick Martin. Rick Miller is on a GL1800.... too many riders.... :rolleyes:
OK Dale, we know what old age brings. <G> Just to set the record straight, Rick Martin--Pontiac, IL.

This would be a good place to post some X rated photos that mysteriously got in someones camera. :unsure:

Current 20th Place rider Chris McGaffin is actually riding a fellow FJRForum member's FJR1300.... Rick Miller (qkslver) from Pontiac, Michigan

uuah! That would be Rick Martin from Pontiac, IL. This is the bike's 3rd IBR.

I was looking at the photos of the St Charles check point that Paul & Voni Glaves posted on LD Riders Forum and noticed one of Turbo Dave holding up his hand with bruses on it. Does anyone know what it is from.

I will say that he is smiling, so it can't be to serious.

If Iggy is going to Northern Iowa, I bet he is planning on taking US-20 out via Galena. If that is the case I REALLY hope he doesn't blow past the detuor for the ramp on to US-20, since the main ramp has been under construction for almost a year. If he misses the detour he is going to have a nice tour of Rockford, and if he really listens to the GPS he might end up on the West side of Rockford, which is not a good place to be.

Dunno where you got Skoot was going south, but he called and left me a message sayin he was heading towards Iowa. Lots of traffic and bad weather is what he reported.

Dunno where you got Skoot was going south, but he called and left me a message sayin he was heading towards Iowa. Lots of traffic and bad weather is what he reported.
When I looked in on him, he was heading straight south, but that was only to link up with I-88, apparently.

Here are a few blurbs about miscellaneous riders that I heard about from Checkpoint 2:

- A number of folks ran pretty late, and actually slept through the Rider's Meeting for Leg Two. Catfish was one of these.

- Joel Rappoport, riding the highest mileage bike in the event, is having the time of his life, he is in fantastic shape and ready to rock on that half-million mile R60/6 of his.

- Barry Bertram, the rider of the defunct RE-5, is struggling with basic rally mechanics. He sorta kinda failed to write minimal information down at the bonuses he tried to get during Leg One, like: odometer, time, date, location, etc.

- Lots of folks expected Ken Meese to be way up there in the standings, but some of his routing choices were not optimal for Leg One, so he is in the mid-pack.

- George Barnes took a heavy penalty at the Scoring Table for some hiccup, not sure what it was. He's bumming a little bit, but he is a good sport and is soldiering on like the hard-core rally veteran that he is.

- Sidecar Bob Multchler is fried-meet-on-a-stick. He lost a LOT of time getting his GPS repaired out of Atlanta, and had to push that sidecar hack with a vengeance to make the Checkpoint in time. It takes a lot of energy to ride a hack in the IBR, and it can take its toll.

- Jim Owen is doing well as expected, though he looked a pinch tired at the Score Table - as most riders do:


All for now....

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I'm not surprised about Ken, the scale is so different from smaller rallies. It will be interesting to see how he rebounds.

I hope Bob M. can recover and doesn't have any more problems. He's an excellent rider, but fatigue can beat down the best of us and is the hardest monkey to beat during an endurance rally.

You said Bob Lyskowski was back on the road again with the Harley. I see he is in the middle of the first leg finishers at 46. What difficulity did he run into?

You said Bob Lyskowski was back on the road again with the Harley. I see he is in the middle of the first leg finishers at 46. What difficulity did he run into?
His motor developed a condition he called "sticking valves", but was apparently able to get them "unstuck", and is rolling again.

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