2009 Iron Butt Rally - Official Daily Reports

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Just a quick note about Skooter. He managed to loose his right glove somewhere on the road last night. I'm heading to his house in a bit to grab his old pair of gloves. When I got off the phone with is roomate his comment to me was "Good luck finding it! He's got a lot of shit piled up!!" This otta be fun...
Right Glove??? Hmmmm, perhaps Beemerdons can give us a hint of how he lost that?? (CLICKY)

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BTW, a few burners on the road and many more congregating around the perimiter ......so keep that in mind if your route takes you by Doobie Lane.
Because there are many Burners already in place, and more streaming toward the Playa, I will be avoiding the normally excellent HWY 447 on the way down this time, sadly enough.
that would have been an interesting bonii

Iggy is now in Wyoming, heading south. Suspect he is headed toward central Colorado.

Others that were down in Oklahoma and Kansas now appear to be turning west and heading to Colorado also.

Must be some juicy bonii there, I'm guessing... :)

Well he at least has his electric gloves with him, but I dont know if he has any others.

Dont worry about brining gloves folks. I'm going to his place and getting some. I'm just passing info on to riders. If I can't find his old gloves I'll let you guys know and you can bring him some. I honestly wish I could post his voicemail message because it cracked me up.

Well he at least has his electric gloves with him, but I dont know if he has any others.
Dont worry about brining gloves folks. I'm going to his place and getting some. I'm just passing info on to riders. If I can't find his old gloves I'll let you guys know and you can bring him some. I honestly wish I could post his voicemail message because it cracked me up.
Start typin! :yahoo:


Poor Barry...... his IBR is that of legends.... :unsure:

Barry Bertram is broken down in Kansas City. His clutch slack knob/wheel hasbroken. The dealer he is at advises they can't fix this until Wednesday.

Is there anyone in the area that could take him a clutch slack knob/wheel?

I'm unable to drive to KC tonight.

If he can't get assistance, then he's going to have his brother drive from

St. Louis with a trailer to bring the bike to me in Oklahoma to work on.

That'll cost him 10 hours to get here and most likely DNF his ride...


Michael Hickman

Broken Arrow, OK

Sent from the road on my iPhone
Alright, guys, I am out.... I gotta run to SoCal and score riders at the Santa Ana Checkpoint.

I will feed tcfjr all info I can pick up on the road, and he'll update you here. He's already helping Tom Austin put his reports out for him, I see... :p :lol:


See y'all on the road, or in Santa Ana.

Just a quick note about Skooter. He managed to loose his right glove somewhere on the road last night. I'm heading to his house in a bit to grab his old pair of gloves. When I got off the phone with is roomate his comment to me was "Good luck finding it! He's got a lot of shit piled up!!" This otta be fun...
Right Glove??? Hmmmm, perhaps Beemerdons can give us a hint of how he lost that?? (CLICKY)
I would guess it either slipped off because of all the vaseline or the sheep ate it.

Well I managed to find his old pair of gloves, and they are now stashed with the rest of his 'goodies' in my garage. I'll be westbound for Santa Ana early early Sunday morning to deliver his stash.

Alright, guys, I am out.... I gotta run to SoCal and score riders at the Santa Ana Checkpoint.
I will feed tcfjr all info I can pick up on the road, and he'll update you here. He's already helping Tom Austin put his reports out for him, I see... :p :lol:


See y'all on the road, or in Santa Ana.
I will see you in Santa Ana!

Potential Colorado Bonii

Just killing time, two events come to mind that could fit the theme of this year's rally.

1. A site involving Alferd Packer, the cannibal. Yes, spelled A L F E R D. The bonus site could be easy off I-25 in the People's Republic of Boulder at the Alferd Packer Grill on the University of Colorado campus. Or, it could be the court house in Lake City, CO, where Alferd stood trial. I'm betting on Lake City because I can't see why any adult rally crafter would send a perfectly serviceable motorcycle rider into Boulder, CO. IF it's Lake City, riders should be aware that the traffic control folk in those parts take a dim view of speeding and hooliganism on two wheels. I have friends who can testify.

2. The Sand Creek Massacre. Near Eads in southeastern Colorado. Getting to the memorial involves about 8 miles of "dirt and sand" roads. Yippee. There are two other potential Sand Creek Massacre-related sites where events led to the massacre. The first is a few miles east of Aurora, CO, where Indians defiled, dehumanized and deconstructed a family of settlers. Next, is Larimer Street in Denver where the above-mentioned settlers, women included, were propped up on display for the townspeople. To stoke up anti-Indian ire, of course.

This has been some good fun .....

I'm out to do a little riding -nothing compared to what these guys are doing -but meeting up with the FODS3(CLICKY) guyz and galz for some sierra nevada dual-sport fun.

I'll have limited connectivity but will be staying up-to date as much as possible ....but my real contribution will be creating a crime in Washington CA tonight that would be worthy of being a bonus on this rally :)

You can count on it.


Spy photo of Turbo Dave getting outside assistance...


... hope he's good tipper :p

Potential Colorado Bonii
Just killing time, two events come to mind that could fit the theme of this year's rally.

1. A site involving Alferd Packer, the cannibal. Yes, spelled A L F E R D. The bonus site could be easy off I-25 in the People's Republic of Boulder at the Alferd Packer Grill on the University of Colorado campus. Or, it could be the court house in Lake City, CO, where Alferd stood trial. I'm betting on Lake City because I can't see why any adult rally crafter would send a perfectly serviceable motorcycle rider into Boulder, CO. IF it's Lake City, riders should be aware that the traffic control folk in those parts take a dim view of speeding and hooliganism on two wheels. I have friends who can testify.

2. The Sand Creek Massacre. Near Eads in southeastern Colorado. Getting to the memorial involves about 8 miles of "dirt and sand" roads. Yippee. There are two other potential Sand Creek Massacre-related sites where events led to the massacre. The first is a few miles east of Aurora, CO, where Indians defiled, dehumanized and deconstructed a family of settlers. Next, is Larimer Street in Denver where the above-mentioned settlers, women included, were propped up on display for the townspeople. To stoke up anti-Indian ire, of course.
What about the frozen dead guy in nederland?

Potential Colorado Bonii
Just killing time, two events come to mind that could fit the theme of this year's rally.

1. A site involving Alferd Packer, the cannibal. Yes, spelled A L F E R D. The bonus site could be easy off I-25 in the People's Republic of Boulder at the Alferd Packer Grill on the University of Colorado campus. Or, it could be the court house in Lake City, CO, where Alferd stood trial. I'm betting on Lake City because I can't see why any adult rally crafter would send a perfectly serviceable motorcycle rider into Boulder, CO. IF it's Lake City, riders should be aware that the traffic control folk in those parts take a dim view of speeding and hooliganism on two wheels. I have friends who can testify.

2. The Sand Creek Massacre. Near Eads in southeastern Colorado. Getting to the memorial involves about 8 miles of "dirt and sand" roads. Yippee. There are two other potential Sand Creek Massacre-related sites where events led to the massacre. The first is a few miles east of Aurora, CO, where Indians defiled, dehumanized and deconstructed a family of settlers. Next, is Larimer Street in Denver where the above-mentioned settlers, women included, were propped up on display for the townspeople. To stoke up anti-Indian ire, of course.
What about the frozen dead guy in nederland?
He doesn't really qualify as a crime victim. Or perp. Grandpa's in the Tuff Shed, packed in dry ice, because his wackjob grandson, afflicted with Boulderoidianism (see above) decided to freeze the old dude rather than bury, burn or drown the corpse. By the way, the wackjob grandson was deported to some Scandinavian country, so the limp-brained stoners of Nederland see to grandpa's "chill" and have jolly celebration every year called, "Frozen Dead Guy Days."
