2009 Iron Butt Rally - Official Daily Reports

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Where's Davo (Aussie Dave) Tom?
I don't have any information on Davo.

The Torter's have been delayed at the border by at least 40 minutes right now. The next rider I know that should be at the border is Maura, who should be there now, or very shortly. After that it should be George, Jim and Jeff, all at about the same time. Skooter and Iggy should be about 50 minutes behind them. If this turns into a lengthy delay, (How could a dozen or so bleary eyed, dirty, smelly motorcyclists arriving at a remote border crossing in the middle of the night arouse suspicion?) it could turn the rally upside down in the last few hours.

Heh! There's a bunch of us, sitting up late/early, staring at a screen and hitting refresh every 30 seconds... but nobody is saying a thing! :D

Well then, I will add this (even though they are not on FJRs...) :huh:

Jennyfer and Jacques rode right past Spokane yesterday (must have been tough...) and did an extra loop down into Oregon and are now heading for the barn...they are about an hour away... :yahoo:

After CP2 they were just out of "finisher" status...I hope they made up the difference on leg 3...


Kevin Craft


Rendez-vous rally

P.S. Thanks to all those who sent me pictures of Jennyfer and Jacques...greatly appreciated...

yeh, I'm definitely hooked! and, knowing that it's going to take hours to get any real meaningful info and results doesn't seem to deter me from doing exactly as you've said. I sure hope my employer doesn't expect to get much work out of me today.

Continuing my "guestimate" of Davo's whereabouts... if all is going to plan he should be nearing Coeur d'Alene about now.

Anyone have anything?



Removed original link info, not rider being looked for.

Prayers for Davo


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yeh, I'm definitely hooked! and, knowing that it's going to take hours to get any real meaningful info and results doesn't seem to deter me from doing exactly as you've said. I sure hope my employer doesn't expect to get much work out of me today.
For me, it is Saturday tomorrow (in about half an hour from now) so my employer ain't gonna worry :D (self employed)

Because I live 10 minutes north of the Vermont border, border crossings are something I do regularly (50+ times a year).

It all comes down to two (2) variables: 1) how you present yourself and 2) the mood of the border guard...the first you can control (but maybe not as well after spending 11 days on a bike) and the second you have no control over...

I have also noticed in the last couple of months that the "suspicion" level has gone up considerably at US border crossings...it rarely goes as easily as it used to...many more questions, sometimes trying to trick you by asking the same question three times using different language (a mental test that I am not sure the riders would do well at or appreciate...).

I wish everyone a rubber-gloveless passage :unsure: and a safe ride back to the barn...


Kevin Craft


Rendez-vous rally

QUOTE (Allan B @ Sep 4 2009, 07:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For me, it is Saturday tomorrow (in about half an hour from now) so my employer ain't gonna worry :D (self employed)
sooo... no sleep for you tonight!
Not for a while, at least. I do have things to do unfortunately but I will be hangin' about here for another couple of hours. :)

You guys are up early and I find that a little harder to deal with :(

I've found that crossing the US border is made a lot simpler if you have a Nexus card. For crossing between the US and Canada or arriving by air into either country (apparently there's a similar program for US/Mexico) you can use the card instead of a passport

The Nexus card is a preclearance, defining you s a 'trusted traveler'. At major road crossings there are special, dedicated lanes for card holders, so you can bypass the lines of cars waiting . . . at airports they have special machines that scan your retina to confirm your identity.

You are still subject to the usual questions and to spot inspections, but the officers tend to be friendlier.

$50 covers for 5 years

It's probably a good investment for IBR participants.

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Cal24Master seemed to have the hot stuff earlier on but he ain't here on the board at the moment... Booo! :)

That Nexus card sounds pretty neat, is that just for US citizens or can they be applied for by other nationalities?

Sorry to be just generating noise folks.

Alex Harper is stopping frequently to add oil to his third bike in this rally, a BMW GS. The bike has a serious oil leak that is soaking Alex’s left leg.-
Now....I know I've got a warped sense of humor but.....if I were Alex I'd be on the phone to my wife telling her to pick up a bicycle somewhere...preferably a girls bike with a basket and flowers on the front....then park the BMW around the corner from the checkpoint where they couldn't see it and come riding in on the bicycle in full gear. Would make for a BIG, memorable laugh for everyone.


ok...now back to work.....for a little bit anyway.....

oh....and to TurboDave.....from a guy who is a few years behind you and coming up fast (turned 53 this year...sometimes feels like 70) no matter if you have enough points to finish or not...YOU'RE MY HERO!! I wanna be like you when I grow up!!


Wondering what I used to do with all the spare time I used to have, before getting addicted to news of this rally? Will there be some kind of program to help us with the withdrawals, when it's all over?
yes. There are many 24 hour rallies running each year. Sing up and ride some of them.
How can I find these?

QUOTE (Allan B @ Sep 4 2009, 07:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Cal24Master seemed to have the hot stuff earlier on but he ain't here on the board at the moment... Booo! :)
That Nexus card sounds pretty neat, is that just for US citizens or can they be applied for by other nationalities?

Sorry to be just generating noise folks.
While I thought my comment about the Nexus card was appropos (though I suppose it ought to be sent to the IBA for consideration as a formal recommendation), I figured it would be of general interest - and this thread is by far the most popular one on the board.

Nexus cards may be applied for by Canadian and US citizens.

The Homeland Defense people in the US will validate the applicant's identity and the applicant has to go to an interview center (located in major airports and major border crossings) and have his/her retinas scanned and fingerprints taken (I can hear the Big Brother comments now).

Since a Canadian was recently incarcerated in Kenya because the Canadian Government refused to verify her identity (she is suing for $2.5 million as a result - good luck to her. She was only inconvenienced for 9 days - for that money I'll take her place, thanks) having fingerprints and retinal scans available is a good thing, unless you are prone to committing crimes.

We now return you to our regular coverage of the 2009 IBA Rally.

If you want to know more, PM me.

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