2009 Iron Butt Rally - Official Daily Reports

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I love Tom's reports and look forward to reading them every day. However, I feel he is a bit nonchalant regarding those outside the top 10. My personal opinion is that anyone that starts the rally and shows up 11 days later having ridden the entire time deserves a hell of a lot of credit. Even more so those that receive sufficient points to be an official Finisher.

I love Tom's reports and look forward to reading them every day. However, I feel he is a bit nonchalant regarding those outside the top 10. My personal opinion is that anyone that starts the rally and shows up 11 days later having ridden the entire time deserves a hell of a lot of credit. Even more so those that receive sufficient points to be an official Finisher.
damn straight!

Skooter sent me a text message sayin he made it with 2 minutes to spare! I told him it was wasted time and he should have gotten one more bonus!

some bad news I'm afraid...just saw this posted over on the MTF (obviously can't vouch for reliability -- just passing it on):

" 37936.15 in reply to 37936.14

Am new to your forum but there has been a problem with Davo, I just got a message from Wil, Davo's wife message reads as:

"Mick Just had a call form idaho emergency dept. David hit a deer . Has a head injury. going into surgery. Please pass this on"


FarRiders Admin"

all kinds of good thoughts, positive vibes, and prayers sent your way Davo!

Oh man this is NOT good news. I hope Davo is OK and everything goes as smoothly as possible for him.

Excellent news on TurboDave and Iggy! C'mon Scooter!

I'm just hoping my cohorts in the ISP and WSP are down a bit in manpower at the moment, gearing up for the max push for the upcoming three day holiday weekend. Last thing any of these riders need is a "Performance Award" this close to the finish.

What an excellent saga this has been. Thanks to Warchild and Tom of the IBA for the excellent updates during the ride.

My utmost respect to all the participants in this year's rally. You folks are exceptional!


Edit: Ooops, my Bad!... forgot to hit F5 to update before posting. Scooter in safe and sound from reports! Excellent.

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some bad news I'm afraid...just saw this posted over on the MTF (obviously can't vouch for reliability -- just passing it on):

" 37936.15 in reply to 37936.14

Am new to your forum but there has been a problem with Davo, I just got a message from Wil, Davo's wife message reads as:

"Mick Just had a call form idaho emergency dept. David hit a deer . Has a head injury. going into surgery. Please pass this on"


FarRiders Admin"

all kinds of good thoughts, positive vibes, and prayers sent your way Davo!
That's bad news. Considering the gear that the typical IBR rider is wearing, it must have been a pretty hard hit to cause head injury requiring surgery. Wishing the best to Davo.

I just got off the phone with someone at the finish line. The word going around there was that Davo hit a deer between the bonus in Sand Point ID and the finish line. It was serious enough that they had to close the road down in both directions. Davo is in serious condition, but no one really knows exactly what is going on at this point.

My prayers are with Davo, his family and his friends.

Dan Schutter and I were kicking tire in the parking lot of the Red Lion when who shows up...TurboDave! He made it in at about 11 pm looking pretty tired but not having lost his sense of humor. He's convince he doesn't have enough points to be consider and official finisher, but I have to say I'm pretty damned impressed he's here at all after how hard the heat hit him before CP 2. He's grabbing some zzzzs before scoring at 4 am.
GREAT news about Turbo!Congrats Dave, well done!

I think they ought to give him an "Honorary" finishers award....kinda like universities give Honerary degrees....same for the guy in the sidecar rig....I think they earned it either way!


both of them still did better than I ever would!!

Well, the guy on the side car is Bob Mutchler and he has not only done the IBR before but has finished it. He also has Polio and can probably outride most of us (including me! )

I was hoping Turbo would be able to be a 'finisher' but at least he got to run it and experience it. Maybe next time he'll improve and kick some IBR ass!

Davo was Life-Flighted to Spokane, because that is the closest Trauma Center.

Yes, his condition is serious.

All other riders in or accounted for... Alan Barbic has just a few minutes to get her, or he will be time-barred.

Davo was Life-Flighted to Spokane, because that is the closest Trauma Center.
Yes, his condition is serious.

All other riders in or accounted for... Alan Barbic has just a few minutes to get her, or he will be time-barred.

Thanks for the update Dale. I'm glad all riders are in or accounted for.

If you can, please keep us updated on Davo's status.

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Well, the guy on the side car is Bob Mutchler and he has not only done the IBR before but has finished it. He also has Polio and can probably outride most of us (including me! ) snip

Bob can indeed ride. In the '01 IBR, Terry Pipes, Al Willis, and I we were leaving the bonus at Pat Widder's place in Ojai, heading to CP#2. Bob came up and asked if we knew the best way to get to the CP. I told him that I thought I had the best way plotted on the GPS. He wanted to ride along with us, so we said OK. Terry pulled me aside and suggested that we needed to drop the pace we had been running in the LA traffic so Bob would be able to keep up with the sidecar. I said no problem, since we should have enough time to get to the CP. Well after a few miles of working our way through the LA traffic and checking my mirrors to see if Bob and the sidecar were still there, he apparently got tired of my slowed down pace and wicked it up. He started slicing and dicing the LA traffic, flying that sidecar, and making holes where there were no holes. It was a bit of work to stay close enough to him to slide into the holes he was making before they were closed up by the agressive drivers. We quickly found out that there had been no need to drop our pace for Bob. We had an absolute blast on the remainder of that run into the CP. The man can definitely ride.

Sure hope Davo is OK.

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Frickin' deer. Prayers for Davo.
Absolutely. Good vibes and juju sent. This sucks.

Glad the other riders are in the barn and safe. Skooter must have been flying to get in with 2 minutes to spare. His wife must be frantic -- is she in Australia? I can only assume Davo was flying as well. So sad to hear. Updates will be appreciated on his condition Dale and others.

I think they ought to give him and "Honorary" finishers award....kinda like universities give Honerary degrees....same for the guy in the sidecar rig....I think they earned it either way! both of them still did better than I ever would!!
+1 A better man than I
if it were easy it wouldn't be so special. kudos to everyone who gave it their best. but a Fisher is based on Finishing under the current set of rules.

Prayers going out for Davo

Rick Miller is in but into the penalty window.

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Since we're all just hanging out waiting, thought I'd re-post some faces to personalize this thread. Sometimes we spectators tend to forget these are real folks riding real motobikes in a very unreal event. Note - all these pix from CP2, not the finish line. Come on you folks hanging out in Spokane, get to posting!

Any news on ChrisW?


Or Mike Collins?


Bob StGeorge?




Bob the Harley guy had a deer strike, bike is totaled.




I've heard SkooterG made it ok!


Wendy Crockett (BionicPelvis) and, IIRC, Bob?


And of course TurboDave! This man, at CP2 in Santa Anna, CA said he was 'So proud just to have participated with these fine folks.'

