2011 Hooterville 400

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Hey Wheetie, do you have a final head count??

Also, the "Respect the Harley" continues (had a near brawl/shoot out at Bixby last year)...But it is also "Respect the Victory Vision"...

Had a problem last weekend in Arkansas with a piece of rooster sh*t Victory Vision. What is the deal with these's rolling road blocks and these cruiser sh*t suckers??? I guess I will have to go back to my Harescramble day's.. Three corners, and I am forcing the pass... that is if your on a piece of shit cruiser type or "Vision" turd... If someone comes up behind me I move to the right and wave them by...In ten seconds, they are passed and on there way. Is there something written in the "Cruiser law of Ass holes" to why can't a person just let a faster rider by?? I was even two up with the wife and she didn't feel we was wrong or made a bad pass...

Wow, I feel better....

See everyone on Friday evening... Smitty

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Hey Wheetie, do you have a final head count??
Based on the posts so far...I have 20 riders confirmed and 4 maybes. Only the 20 have confirmed that they are coming...the 3 mysterious Arky riders/Scott's friends have not posted up that they are coming...so I don't know what their deal is. Rob I think is weather dependent since he is coming from up nort. Hope Rob can make it...

Riders so far

Smitty - (for real) on his Wing?

wheatonFJR - Mark

airboss - Karl

Gramps - Marc

0Face - Marty

builderwill - Will

griff - Carl

zzzzip - Skip

TripperMike - Mike

mehaffydr - Mike

rushes - Russ

petey - Peter

petey's friend Jack-maybe

rydtym - Gary

KSFJR - Chester

bankerjra - John

blrfjr - Bryan

ShowMeMo - Scott

E.T. - Eric

canyonman - Matt on his Yamaha Super Tenere

zzzzip's buddy K.C. - on a C10.

"In Pencil" - maybe

fjrob1300 - Robert the Canuckian

3 Arky Maniacs??? (Scott's friends)

Getting an early start for the trip down, will be leaving tomorrow afternoon to meet up with Marty. :D

See you guys Friday!!

:angry: Well Mark, the weather is going to be awesome :D . BUT, I had my weekends mixed up <_< . I thought the ride was n e x t weekend :eek: . Up here in Canuckistan it's Thanksgiving and trailer closing weekend. So, I'm sorry but I will not be attending the Hooterville 400. Please have fun without me.. And do what I do :blink: ... If I can't talk to you I'll talk about you :yahoo: .


:angry: Well Mark, the weather is going to be awesome :D . BUT, I had my weekends mixed up <_< . I thought the ride was n e x t weekend :eek: . Up here in Canuckistan it's Thanksgiving and trailer closing weekend. So, I'm sorry but I will not be attending the Hooterville 400. Please have fun without me.. And do what I do :blink: ... If I can't talk to you I'll talk about you :yahoo: .

Wow...sorry to hear about that Rob. I am just in pain for you because you have no idea what you are missing this weekend...plus the weather is supposed to be perfect.

Well, next time, less beer whilst reading the calendar upside down, eh?

Sorry man...but hey, at least there are the winter sports. Hope to ride with you next year... :clapping:

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And there dropping like flies!!!! You guy are going to miss a perrrrfect weeking in Hooterville.

Mark, I am working a trade at work, so I should be off all day Friday. Let me know when you get here, I will pre run Bixby with you...

Smitty :yahoo:

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And there dropping like flies!!!! You guy are going to miss a perrrrfect weeking in Hooterville.

Mark, I am working a trade at work, so I should be off all day Friday. Let me know when you get here, I will pre run Bixby with you...

Smitty :yahoo:
Sounds great! I'll give you a call or stop by when I get to Bonne Terre. It should be early in the afternoon...like 2pm or something like that.

...but do we really have to respect Harley?

'Cuz I don't effen want to. :lol:

I'm gonna use the new Smitty rule: 3 turns and ready or not I'm passing! :lol:

Pre run to Bixby sounds like a good Friday treat.

Woohoo! I'm leaving in a few minutes. Cutting out early to enjoy this awesome weather. Meeting Gramps up in WI, then we'll wander our way down.

Jack and I maybe in Farmington mid after noon, in time for the Bixby run.... :yahoo:

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Well, in the interest of safety and fun I am splitting the 20 or so riders into groups...here is a heads up regarding what I am thinking for groups.

I've done the best I can based on the little I know of each rider...which is next to nothing in most cases. I have also tried to put at least one riding buddy in each group so the rider will ride with at least one other person that they know.

I don't think that there is a "slow" group in this bunch. I've ridden with riders in each group and would feel comfortable riding in each of the groups...as long as I rode at my OWN pace....which is what I am asking EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU TO DO.

Get your breakfast beforehand and be ready to ride with your group 10 minutes before KSU.


I have set up the groups as follows:

Times are KSU- Leaving from the Super 8 parking lot GAS TANKS FULL.

Group A - leave at 7:45am





Group B - leave at 7:55am




petey's friend Jack


Group C - leave at 8:05 am




rydtym (2up)


Group D - leave at 8:15am






Group X

Smitty - with one of his buddies...leaving from his place.

*group leader

Notice I did not give group B a ride leader...they are gonna have to figure that one on their own. ;)

BTW, I am not a great ride leader. I put myself as ride leader only because I feel an obligation to help on a ride that I posted up. I find that I am a better hound than a rabbit. I tend to ride more slowly as a ride leader...if I am going to slowly and someone wants to pass me, I have no problem with that at all...just ride your own pace.

(I have mentioned before regarding my expectations regarding riding in groups. Read up. We all may have a little jackass in us, I know I do, but if someone in the groups is acting repeatedly like an over the top jackass...and I hear about it...they are done for the day and will ride separately from this Hooterville ride. I don't think we'll have an issue...haven't had to do that yet. Each ride leader will have the authority to call someone out on that as they are my set of eyes/ears during this ride. )

We wait at all the turns...so no one gets left behind. It has been my experience that the wait is really minimal, so don't worry about holding anyone up. Ever.

The only way you can really hold someone up for a long time is to ride over your head on roads you don't know and end up crashing. That kind of wait really sucks...because who knows what condition you are in and how long the emergency services will take to get to you. I'd prefer the very minimal wait than the other kind.

I may be talking too much about safety...but when you are the person organizing one of these things, you think more about everybody getting home safely...not just the fun showing up and riding the route.

That all being said...if anybody has a problem with what group I put them in, feel free to talk to me on Friday after I've had my Catfish dinner. I may or may not switch you.

Feel free to ride in your "own group" 10 mins after the last group leaves...or go in the opposite direction of the route loop at any time of your choosing. Let me know Friday night if this is what you wish to do, so I can readjust the groups.

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Jack and I maybe in Farmington mid after noon, in time for the Bixby run.... :yahoo:
I'll be coming from the north and may stop in Smitty's place in Bonne Terre before heading out on 47 west. :yahoo:

PM me your phone number petey...and I will give you a call when I get to Bonne Terre. Maybe we can meet up in Potosi at the gas station. Or maybe Smitty will give you a call.

Friday can't get here quick enough! Looking forward to good roads, good weather and meeting more great people. Of course, been trapped in a room all week reviewing plant drawings with a bunch of process engineers so a sharp stick in the eye sounds good at this point (my apologies to any process guys out there).

Just a heads up to the guys following me - I've been known to detour onto gravel roads on occasion, but I promise to be on my best behavior otherwise!

Friday can't get here quick enough! Looking forward to good roads, good weather and meeting more great people. Of course, been trapped in a room all week reviewing plant drawings with a bunch of process engineers so a sharp stick in the eye sounds good at this point (my apologies to any process guys out there).

Just a heads up to the guys following me - I've been known to detour onto gravel roads on occasion, but I promise to be on my best behavior otherwise!
Will, thanks for helping me out by leading a group. I added a new waypoint this year in the gps file so the route couldn't get detoured through that material service quarry. :D (I presume you have this year's file.)

It can't possibly happen again can it? :lol:

It should be a fantastic ride...Smitty will go over the route and hand out maps on Friday night. :yahoo:

Hey Wheetie, do you have a final head count??
Based on the posts so far...I have 20 riders confirmed and 4 maybes. Only the 20 have confirmed that they are coming...the 3 mysterious Arky riders/Scott's friends have not posted up that they are coming...so I don't know what their deal is. Rob I think is weather dependent since he is coming from up nort. Hope Rob can make it...

Riders so far

Smitty - (for real) on his Wing?

wheatonFJR - Mark

airboss - Karl

Gramps - Marc

0Face - Marty

builderwill - Will

griff - Carl

zzzzip - Skip

TripperMike - Mike

mehaffydr - Mike

rushes - Russ

petey - Peter

petey's friend Jack-maybe

rydtym - Gary

KSFJR - Chester

bankerjra - John

blrfjr - Bryan

ShowMeMo - Scott

E.T. - Eric

canyonman - Matt on his Yamaha Super Tenere

zzzzip's buddy K.C. - on a C10.

"In Pencil" - maybe

fjrob1300 - Robert the Canuckian

3 Arky Maniacs??? (Scott's friends)
Myself and phillip are just gonna zip around in AR based out of my place. You guys have a good getogether and a great ride. Not sure who the 3rd Arkansas Maniac might be???

Ride safe,


Hey Wheetie, do you have a final head count??

Also, the "Respect the Harley" continues (had a near brawl/shoot out at Bixby last year)...But it is also "Respect the Victory Vision"...

Had a problem last weekend in Arkansas with a piece of rooster sh*t Victory Vision. What is the deal with these's rolling road blocks and these cruiser sh*t suckers??? I guess I will have to go back to my Harescramble day's.. Three corners, and I am forcing the pass... that is if your on a piece of shit cruiser type or "Vision" turd... If someone comes up behind me I move to the right and wave them by...In ten seconds, they are passed and on there way. Is there something written in the "Cruiser law of Ass holes" to why can't a person just let a faster rider by?? I was even two up with the wife and she didn't feel we was wrong or made a bad pass...

Wow, I feel better....

See everyone on Friday evening... Smitty
Well go ahead smitty get it out of your system, LOL
