2011 IBR - The Inside View

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Leg 1 - If you take HWY 20 across IA from Dubuque to I-35 you'll make better time than dropping along the route posted. It's 65mph along HWY20, versus 55mph and small towns (stop signs). I wouldn't imagine the miles would be the determining factor of a route. I could be wrong. It's 6,017 as posted, or 6,032 if they would have stayed on HWY 20.

jeebus that's a lot of miles :)

130 is on the NJ Turnpike heading North. It looks like my guess that he might be going to pickup New England before arriving at Checkpoint # 1 was a good one.
I don't get it. If those capitals aren't in play, there is no use going to those states especially if they are expecting to pick them up when they are in play during Leg 2. 130 seems to be going for the capital bonus points judging by how they were snatching up the high-point capitals, so I doubt they'd pick up states now when they can later during bonus hunting. I don't know which capitals are in play right now, but it doesn't seem like the New Englsnd state capitals would be since it makes more sense (to me at least) that they'd be during Leg 2.
And what if 130 is gambling that the point totals for the NE state Capitols will be low due to their proximity to the main route, is trying to get them out of the way before heading towards Key West? Could still head for Madawaska and find the best route south without having to worry about states or capitols in the NE at least.

So much fun to sit here and second guess. :)

Jeff Powell

2001 IBR

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Dale, without divulging too much, can you tell us how the alaska 3 are doing?
Well, no, not really... not much to tell; all should make it, theoretically.

The bigger question is: in what kind of shape are they going to be in upon arrival? And what does that mean for them during this next Leg? ;)

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With all of the second, back and triple guessing going on here, I cannot imagine what is going on in the rider's heads.

That's why this is the Olympics of Long Distance rallies.


Leg 1 - If you take HWY 20 across IA from Dubuque to I-35 you'll make better time than dropping along the route posted. It's 65mph along HWY20, versus 55mph and small towns (stop signs). I wouldn't imagine the miles would be the determining factor of a route. I could be wrong. It's 6,017 as posted, or 6,032 if they would have stayed on HWY 20.

jeebus that's a lot of miles :)
Yeah, there is alot of opportunity for tweaking. I left it as interstate only just for simplicity's sake. I would figure that would be maximum miles for the route.

You know, I have not seen anyone mention or consider another possibility. A 'Hyder' type bonus on legs 2 and 3. Everyone has just been going on what we know, which is all we really can do, but you have to consider other possibilities. Hyder is not a capital, yet was an extremely big point bonus requiring big miles to tempt/distract riders on leg 1. What's to say they won't do the same thing on legs 2 and 3?

For example, on leg two get a receipt from Wichita, Kansas for a whopping 7000 points!

Or on leg three, get a receipt from Sturgis, South Dakota, for 12000 points!

I mean they did it once on leg 1 - whose to say they won't do it again on the successive legs for even bigger points? Something like tht would surely throw the whole Hyder, and especially 4-corners, points out the window in terms of value.


There are a few out there that seem to be tempting fate in regards to making the first checkpoint on time. #184 REALLY needs to start expediting!

With the potential for legs 2 and 3 to also be very high mileage, I hope everyone has plans for new tires worked out. IN the past you could get by with one set, but I am thinking that isn't going to be the case for this years IBR.

OK, finally time to check in after the drive to IA. I think I saw 3 IBR riders - 2 BMW GS and the KLR, though hard to tell at closing speed of 140 on the interstate, since we're heading in opposite directions.

Did 130 make Madawaska?

Did 130 make Madawaska?
No sir. He took a long rest in Harrisburg and it looks like he is getting the NE states out of the way in case their capitols are not worth visiting.

I had really been hoping to 'watch' him make that blast yesterday but it seems the tank was dry.

Damn, some of them are at the checkpoint already. That doesn't make a lot of sense unless they have maintenance issues they need to get taken care of.

Looks like 130 is definitely NOT heading for Corner #2. He bagged ME and looks to be heading to NY.

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Damn, some of them are at the checkpoint already. That doesn't make a lot of sense unless they have maintenance issues they need to get taken care of.
Actually it does considering there are quite a few in this rally without multi day rally experience. I had no multi day rally experience prior to the IB5K so I played it safe and got to the checkpoint early and took a longer rest on leg one then the minimum required. I think staying rested early helped me make it through my last 24 hours as I was hurting from bad food on that last day of the IB5K.

Only a couple at the Checkpoint this morning... in addition to #184, these guys in southern Indiana need to pick it up some.....


Only a couple at the Checkpoint this morning... in addition to #184, these guys in southern Indiana need to pick it up some.....

Anyone here watching Iggy in the 1088? He seems to be closer to Buffalo than #184. Go Igg Monster!

You know, I have not seen anyone mention or consider another possibility. A 'Hyder' type bonus on legs 2 and 3. Everyone has just been going on what we know, which is all we really can do, but you have to consider other possibilities. Hyder is not a capital, yet was an extremely big point bonus requiring big miles to tempt/distract riders on leg 1. What's to say they won't do the same thing on legs 2 and 3?

For example, on leg two get a receipt from Wichita, Kansas for a whopping 7000 points!

Or on leg three, get a receipt from Sturgis, South Dakota, for 12000 points!

I mean they did it once on leg 1 - whose to say they won't do it again on the successive legs for even bigger points? Something like tht would surely throw the whole Hyder, and especially 4-corners, points out the window in terms of value.

How about a little side trip to Goose Bay?? That would be old school.

Is 151 sleeping at his house? He/she is in the middle of a subdivision for some time now. I thought that was a no-no, since once you are in your own bed it is too easy to stay there.

I got a question for you rally guys...on the GPS do you follow at route with multiple points or do you have the GPS take you to each point independently. Hence once you make point A load up the GPS take me to Point b, then C etc etc.

I know when I travel I have a bunch of points I want to hit and generally have a route (GPS) that I follow, but also have an index card with all the Waypoints in order in case I decide to go off route. The route allows me to figure out my arrival time for the end of day point. The index card permits on the route planning.

With multiple GPS's you got the best of both worlds. Basic routing and what if i did this routing.

Just a curiousity thing.


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